The Immortal Spiritual Picture

Chapter 1473 The Sea Tribe's Shocking Change

Regardless of how much impact Yan Wuyan's advancement to Mahayana will have on the human race outside the Land of Spiritual Destruction, and how many turmoils it has caused overtly and covertly, the war on the other side has reignited in the Land of Spiritual Destruction.

War is not necessarily beneficial to immortal cultivators; but as long as they are not involved in it, many people are still happy to watch the show.

But now, an opportunity to watch a show is presented to the Gu family.

In the meeting hall of the Gu family's main peak, Gu Qingyan was sitting at the head, with Gu Qingshou on his left, and the rest were all the Gu family's peak leaders or deputy peak leaders.

But Gu Qingchen was nowhere to be seen. She must have been in retreat or traveling. Otherwise, as the deputy patriarch of the Gu family, she should be present at such an occasion.

"Everyone has already seen the jade slips.

The senior officials of the Blue Elephant Clan were useless and failed to protect the secret that Qi Duo Gun's body was being rebuilt after his death. The Haiduo Clan, their mortal enemies, found out about it and designed to kill Qi Duo Gun, who was being rebuilt. Afterwards, the Hai Duo Clan used it to annihilate the clan. attack the blue elephant tribe;

Now it has been more than half a month since the Haiduo tribe launched an attack rashly. Because the opponent's fusion monks took action, the Blue Elephant tribe has lost seventeen cities in a row.

Therefore, the Blue Elephant Clan asked my Gu family for help yesterday, hoping that our Gu family could help resist the attack of the Haiduo Clan.

Now the people asking for help are waiting for a reply from our Gu family on Guyuan Mountain. "

After Gu Qingyan finished speaking, the corners of his lips could not help but raise slightly. He looked at the clansmen present who were preparing to go and asked:

"So, what do you think?"

Probably because they are very close to each other and there is not much difference in seniority between them, the atmosphere is not so serious when the heads of the Gu family hold meetings, and they can speak more freely.

I saw Gu Haodai, who was dressed in colorful brocade and had an extraordinary appearance, sitting on a chair at the back, but her aura was not weak at all.

“It’s like someone brought me a pillow right after I dozed off.

Since the Blue Elephant Clan has given this opportunity to us, our Gu family cannot miss it!

Of course we have to fight!

Let those little people behind the scenes see the sharpness of my Gu family! "

She said, slamming the table.

Although Gu Haodai has an attractive appearance, she is not a flower vase. Not only is she a strong fighter, she is also a music practitioner who is best at one versus many;

Although the underwater battlefield is not very suitable for her, she will not be timid about it.

What's more, she still remembered the accusation of "enemies" that Deixumen had made against the Gu family in order to deal with the Gu family. If she didn't take the opportunity to take off the hat and give Deixumen a hard slap in the face, she would be very angry.

The other peak masters, deputy peak masters, etc. all nodded in agreement, obviously agreeing to support the Blue Elephant Clan against the Haiduo Clan.

Gu Qingyun, who had a lot of black water in his stomach, even smiled.

"If we go into battle, my Gu family will be somewhat damaged and consumed, right?

Isn't this a way to make a fortune from the Blue Elephant Tribe?

The most important thing is to tell the Blue Elephant Clan that other forces can only earn this war wealth, but they cannot earn it by destroying the Xu Sect. "Tianlai Novel Network

Gu Hao smiled when he heard this, rolled his eyes, and added:

"If my uncle doesn't plan to take action, he can also tell the Haiduo clan that as long as they don't buy the spiritual objects that destroy the Xu Sect, my Gu family will not send out fusion monks to deal with them."

Anyway, the Haiduo tribe doesn't have any fusion monks. With the Gu family's current strength, it's more than enough to deal with the Haiduo tribe even if Gu Changhuan doesn't take action.

After listening to what Gu Qingyun and Gu Haoxiao said, Gu Qingyan nodded slightly and couldn't help but give a thumbs up in his heart.

There is a successor to the family!

Gu Qingye added fuel to the fire:

“We can also delay the Blue Elephant clan and provide more material support first;

First try to consume these two clans as much as possible, and then wait until the time is almost up before ending. By then, regardless of interests, the pressure on my Gu family monks will be less.

Just don't drag it too hard, otherwise it would be bad if it breaks down. "

Gu Qingshou, who was sitting next to Gu Qingyan, held a jade slip in his hand to record everyone's words.

Looking around, these clan brothers and nephews have already been trained, and there is no need for him to add anything. He simply keeps it as a record of the meeting, so that he can check for any omissions and fill in the gaps later to make a plan.

After seeing that the entire tone of the battle was roughly set, Gu Qingyun couldn't help but sigh:

"I didn't expect that my uncle's arrangement would come into use so quickly."

Gu Haoxiao and others couldn't help but nod. Those who had just become the deputy peak masters were still a little confused, so they heard Gu Qingyan ask from the leader's seat:

"Speaking of this, how many Yuehua mortals and monks are there in the family now?"

Although it was Gu Qingchen who was on duty when Gu Changhuan ordered people to handle this matter, as Gu Qingyan and Gu Qingshou are the chief and deputy heads of the family, they naturally have to explain such important matters clearly during the handover.

When the clan leader asked the question, the elder who was responsible for managing and calculating the population of mortals and immortal cultivators in the Gu family immediately replied:

“After more than seventy years of development, the overall number of introduced Yuehua people has been doubling every year after marrying our Gu family members;

According to last year’s statistics, there are already 7.35 million Yuehua people in my Gu family;

There are already 3,519 monks with Yuehua bloodline.

However, we monks, after Zifu, can live and fight equally in water or on land.

Therefore, it will not delay the Gu family's participation in the war. "

The monks present couldn't help but sigh after hearing this! Ordinary people are really capable of giving birth!

However, the ordinary people of the Gu family basically have no pressure to survive. With good living conditions, it is not difficult to have children. If a child with spiritual roots is born, the status of everyone in the entire family will rise accordingly. .

There are basically no risks, there are so many benefits, and you can even enjoy the process, so naturally there will be people who continue to do it.

It's not just the clan members who have just become deputy clan chiefs or those who have been in charge of affairs for a short time. Gu Changqing and Chi Jin, who have been in seclusion for a long time and have only been out of seclusion for more than ten years, can't understand it either.

It is also rare for these two people to appear in the family council.

After all, these people have long since stopped caring about family affairs, and they don't like to inquire into other people's affairs, so it's normal not to know.

Fortunately, the one sitting next to them was Gu Haoxiao. This kid had a very eye-catching look. When he saw Gu Changqing and Chi Jin, they were a little confused. He spontaneously tilted his head slightly and explained to them in a low voice.

Here, Gu Changqing and Chi Jin listened to Gu Haoxiao's explanation and sighed with Gu Changhuan's thoughts and plans. Gu Changqing and Chi Jin whispered a few words. Gu Changqing looked at Gu Qingyan in the main seat and asked:

"This is the Blue Elephant Clan's request for help. I wonder what the news came back from our own people in the Gu family?

Is there any more detailed information? "

When Gu Qingyan heard his question, he couldn't help but sigh that the old man is still hotter, and replied:

"According to the news from our Gu family shop and secret informants, the Blue Elephant Clan has indeed lost a lot of cities;

But it's not that miserable.

I think they may want to protect themselves as much as possible, and my Gu family has been very friendly during these years of transactions, so that's why they are like this. "

"In this case, everyone at Zhanfeng will cooperate with the clan to fight against the Hai clan."

As Gu Changqing spoke, he couldn't help itching his hands.

It's been a while since he had a life-or-death fight with other monks with real swords and real spears.

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