The Immortal Spiritual Picture

Chapter 1477: The thoughts of the Lianxu

Gu Qingshou took over the conversation. A look of surprise flashed through Lan Tuo's eyes, and then he quickly reacted. He glanced at Dian Die and laughed after seeing that there was no objection on his face.

"From what this fellow Daoist Gu said, our clan naturally trusts the nobles very much;

As this battle plan is still being formulated, we still need to ask fellow Taoists to come to my Coral Gables Villa tomorrow to discuss the plan. "

Hearing this, Gu Qingshou raised his glass

"Definitely coming as promised."

To be honest, Gu Qingshou is not that concerned about the Blue Elephant Clan's counterattack plan. He just needs to ensure that the Gu family monks will not be used as cannon fodder, and he also has some interests to discuss with the Blue Elephant Clan's senior leaders, so he proposed it. Watch them make plans.

After the banquet, the Gu family and other Void Refining monks did not live in the Coral Villa in Lantuo, but lived in the Gu family's own manor with many Gu family monks.

As a combined force that does business with the Blue Elephant Clan, the Gu family has industrial shops and manors in many of the Blue Elephant Clan's big cities. Although the manor cannot accommodate all the Gu family members, there are still some who can live with these Void Refining monks. Gu Qingshou and others are more than enough.

Coincidentally, the residences arranged by the Blue Elephant Clan for many Gu family members are not far from the Gu family's own property, just one street away.

After returning to the Gu family's own manor, many of the Gu family's void-refining monks gathered together to discuss the current situation of the Sea Clan and how the Gu family would deal with various things in the future.

"Now it seems that things are similar to what we guessed before, and the news from the clan's informants is not false. The background of the Haiduo clan is indeed not comparable to that of the Blue Elephant clan; Tianlai Novel Network

In the past, they were able to fight against each other because the Blue Elephant Clan had the fusion monk Qi Duo Gun. Now that his soul has been wiped out, the Haiduo Clan no longer has any scruples to attack with all their strength. If the Blue Elephant Clan has no other means and trump cards, it is hard to say that they will still be able to fight. There is a real risk of genocide. "

Gu Qingshou was a little emotional.

Gu Xuanzhan held the sea map in his hand, looked at the current distribution map of the two clans' power cities in the sea, and said:

"Now it's almost like annihilation. Almost half of the main cities of the Blue Elephant Clan have been lost. What's more, their territory is not as big as the Haiduo Clan."

Gu Wanhua, on the other hand, knew more about the Haiduo tribe.

"It is said that the Haiduo tribe is one of the big tribes in the sea, and the Blue Elephant tribe is more like a small and marginal tribe. It is no wonder that their background is not as good as others.

But even with the support of the 50,000 monks from our Gu family, it may not be able to reverse the disadvantage of the Blue Elephant Clan, right? "

Gu Qingshou had already planned this, so he smiled and said:

"Of course fifty thousand monks are not enough, and we don't want to turn things upside down immediately. We just need to alleviate the decline of the Blue Elephant clan first and prevent it from being exterminated;

The main thing is to hone my martial arts fighting skills as a monk of the Gu family, and to gain more territory benefits in this battle of the sea clan. "

There were many Void Refining cultivators present who heard the plans of Gu Qingshou and others for the first time, and could not help but be slightly surprised when they heard the words.

Qin Yiwen asked in confusion:

"Mortals are the foundation for my career as an immortal cultivator, but I, the mortals of the human race, cannot live in the water. Even if we have a territory in the water, as long as we do not exterminate the alien races in the water, don't we have to be wary of the alien race coming back day and night?"

Hearing this, the other Void Refining monks, Elder Keqing, etc. all nodded and looked at Gu Qingshou, waiting for him to give a feasible and reasonable answer.

But they saw Gu Changqing, Gu Changde, Chi Jin, Yan Qingwan and others laughing and saying nothing.

Looking at the puzzled looks of the elders and elders, Gu Qingshou straightened his back and recounted Gu Changhuan's previous orders and arrangements.

For a moment, everyone present was surprised.

Gu Wanhao slapped his thigh directly,

“Yuehua Human Race!

I once heard Chang Huan talk about it, but I didn’t expect that the Yuehua race existed in the spiritual world;

By the way, the Yuehua Realm is just a small interface like my Yuyang Realm. It is normal for some people to ascend to the spirit world. As long as one of the people who ascended in the past marries a wife and has children, then tens of millions of years later there will be a large number of Yuehua Human Race !

What a wonderful move! "

Gu Wanhao praised Gu Changhuan's thoughts and arrangements without hesitation.

Gu Wanchang on the side laughed and said to Gu Wanhua:

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, look at this old guy looking so proud."

Gu Wanhua covered his lips and smiled,

"With Sun like this, this is how it should be.

If one day I have children and grandchildren who can achieve even half of Chang Huan's achievements, I'm afraid I will be even more proud. "

Qin Yiwen couldn't help nodding her head after hearing this.

Unfortunately, it is not easy for high-level immortal cultivators to have children, unless they borrow external forces, such as birth pills or similar spiritual objects. The main reason is that he and Gu Wanhua have been busy cultivating since ascending to the spiritual world, and high-level cultivators often go into seclusion. Over the past hundred years, the two of them didn't get to see each other face to face very often. The remaining time was spent on intimacy and cultivation. If they had another child in such a tight schedule, it would be extremely difficult.

Gu Wanchang couldn't help nodding and laughing after hearing this, but what he said was true.

Several elderly people from the Gu family laughed a few words, while Xuan Lin's beautiful eyes flashed slightly with a look of surprise, obviously he didn't expect such an operation.

Wu Ling and Shi Po also looked at each other.

The two of them didn't know much about the affairs of the Yuehua people. After all, it was a matter for mortals. The two of them were from serious immortal cultivating forces and had very little interaction with mortals. In addition, thousands of years had passed, and they had long since Nine out of ten past mundane experiences are forgotten.

However, what shocked them was not the Yuehua people's affairs, but the heart of the Gu family and Gu Changhuan's intentions and arrangements.

It seems that Gu Changhuan and the Gu family are not satisfied with the current situation, and the pioneering and enterprising spirit has long been deeply rooted.

In this case, for these guest elders, it is really mixed.

But for now, the Gu family has many high-level spiritual objects and a deep foundation. There are no messy party disputes. If the guest elders choose to live in one force, the Gu family is undoubtedly the best choice.

However, if the Gu family intends to continue to expand its territory, these guest elders who joined later are likely to face long-term wars. In some extreme cases, it is not impossible to be used as cannon fodder.

But at present, the family style of the Gu family is trustworthy.

The most important thing is that the salary given to the guest elders by the Gu family is really not low, and they can't eat the salary for nothing.

Let's take a look first!

Let's see how the Gu family will be a hundred years later.

Gu Qingshou looked at the different facial expressions of the people present and smiled.

With the current and future development momentum of the Gu family, it is certain that they will continue to absorb guest elders, but the Gu family does not want all the good and bad ones. In addition to qualifications and temperament, whether the Gu family can be trusted is also a major point;

Qin Yiwen, Yan Qingwan and others are all relatives of the Gu family. Their ancestors have no foundation in the spiritual world. Now they have no better choice than the Gu family to ascend to the spiritual world. They are also tied to their Taoist partners. Naturally, they can be trusted without much worry;

As for Xuan Lin and others, their lives are in the hands of Gu Changhuan. They have no choice but to rely on the Gu family;

However, the relationship between these guest elders such as Wu Ling and the Gu family is not so unbreakable. If they are out of interests or seeking stability, they may choose to leave the Gu family under the condition of frequent battles of the Gu family.

Of course, even if they choose to do so, the Gu family will respect their choice, but if these people want to join the Gu family in the future, it will be impossible.

So to some extent, this sea clan expedition is not only an assessment and test for many members of the Gu family, but also an observation and test for these guest elders.

Let's see how they choose!

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