The Immortal Spiritual Picture

Chapter 149 Earthworm

Many bombs had been placed on the open space around the town.

Gunpowder was placed on the open space, waiting to be ignited after the monsters approached. Anyway, low-level monsters were not smart enough to distinguish them.

Gu Changhuan looked at the figures of the monsters in the distance and said:

"Changcheng and Changyue, wait until the monsters approach, then cast spells to ignite the bombs, and everyone else uses fire or earth attribute spells to attack the monsters.

Remember that our primary goal is not to kill all these monsters, but to protect the mortals, and then try to reduce the strength of the monsters."

"Don't worry, brother, we understand!" Everyone answered in unison. Behind them were blood relatives and even parents and relatives, so of course they would not be reckless.

However, if they can eliminate most of the first-level monsters and some second-level monsters, the pressure on Bifeng Mountain will be reduced a lot.

Although the first towns to come into contact with the monster tide were mortal towns, the monsters generally would not stay too long in places without spiritual energy. If they could not break through the mortal towns for a long time, the third-level monsters would give up attacking the human towns and turn to attack the spiritual veins, that is, the Bifeng Mountain.

And when attacking the spiritual veins, these monsters would be close to madness.

By then, they, the foundation-building cultivators, would also flexibly travel back and forth between the mortal towns and the Bifeng Mountain to kill the monsters.

As the monster tide approached, Gu Changhuan noticed that the number of monsters seemed to be much less than before. He frowned and then relaxed. It seemed that the monster tide had been diverted under the command of the third-level monsters.

This was good news, because in this way, their pressure would be much less, and other towns had already made preparations, so they would not be caught off guard by the monsters.


After Gu Changhuan finished speaking, he flew into the air, pinched his hands, and a fire rain technique with a range of about ten feet around him gradually formed.

The Fire Rain Spell is a second-level spell, and its power is far beyond that of those explosives and ordinary talismans. Under the Fire Rain Spell, the second-level low-grade monsters are either dead or injured.

The other children of the Gu family were too nervous to speak, and they made hand gestures, ready to detonate bombs or spells at any time.

Seeing that the range of Gu Changhuan's spells was so large, they were all shocked.

Is it so powerful when a foundation-building cultivator casts spells?

When the monster entered the attack range, Gu Changhuan shouted


After the order was given, the fire rain formed by the Fire Rain Spell shot towards the monster, followed by the Fireball Spell and the Earth Cone Spell.

The gunpowder was detonated, and many monsters fell to the ground.

The fire rain fell on the monster, and it could burn a charred hole in an instant. The sporadic fire rain fell on the ground, and even the soil was crystallized.

Even the second-level monsters were not spared. A second-level monster with a thin skin dodged the gunpowder but was hit on the head by the rain of fire and fell to the ground in less than half a breath.

After a round of attacks, more than half of the monsters were injured.

The third-level monster that drove the more than 200 monsters was a ground dragon earthworm, which was hiding underground at the moment. It was not very intelligent, and when it saw that many of its brothers were killed and injured, it got angry and frantically ordered the monster group to advance and attack.

The first-level monsters were very stupid. They rushed forward desperately under the drive of the third-level monsters, and the result was that they were blown to the ground by shells and spells.

The second-level monsters were somewhat intelligent. After being hit, they began to dodge the attacks and gradually dispersed, getting closer and closer to Yuqing Town.

The monsters were too scattered to be hunted, so Gu Changhuan withdrew his spell and landed.

"Open the formation."

The khaki formation started to work instantly, and a huge khaki light curtain could be seen from afar, like a golden bowl, firmly covering the entire Yuqing Town.

The thick-skinned wild boar monsters and pangolins kept hitting the formation, and some monsters hiding underground also showed their heads and tried to attack the formation from different angles.

Fortunately, the formation of Yuqing Town is a third-level lower-grade earth attribute formation. Although there is only one means of attack, the defense ability is very strong.

These low-level monsters can't even use a spell, they are just faster and thicker, and there is no need to be afraid of them because there are not many of them.

It just consumes some spirit stones.

Pile after pile of spirit stones were poured into the formation device, and it didn't take long for the spiritual power in it to be exhausted, and then another pile of spirit stones was added.

In less than a quarter of an hour, hundreds of spirit stones had been consumed.

However, resisting the tide of monsters is a war of attrition. The cultivators rely on formations to deal with a large number of monsters. Whoever can hold on and drag it out longer will win.

The third-level earth dragon earthworm underground saw that his brothers couldn't even break a cover. On one hand, he ordered them to continue to attack with all their strength, and on the other hand, he also hit the formation!

For a while, hundreds of monsters hit the formation like moths to a flame, and the desperate energy shocked Gu Changhuan.

This is only nearly a hundred monsters. If there are five or six hundred, or even thousands, can this formation stop it?

He thought to himself.

When the earth dragon earthworm hit the formation, the light curtain of the formation flickered, and Gu Changhuan was refreshed: ordinary second-level monsters don't have such strength to shake the third-level formation. It must be a third-level monster!

Gu Changhuan looked down at the remaining nearly a hundred monsters, trying to find the traces of the third-level monsters. But after searching for a long time, he didn't find it.

Could it be that the third-level monster is underground?

He looked inside the Immortal Map and saw the mark of a third-level middle-grade monster on the edge.

Sure enough!

There are nearly a hundred remaining monsters, with first-level monsters and second-level monsters accounting for half and half, but they are all thick-skinned monsters, and they don't gather together, so they are really difficult to deal with.

In this case, if you want to injure the monsters again, you can only use the formation.

The formation arranged in Yuqing Town is called "Kunfang Jiling Formation". The only means of attack of the formation is to catalyze the powerful earth cone. Although it is not known whether it can kill the third-level monster, it is no problem to hurt it.

Gu Changhuan made up his mind and ordered the use of the formation attack. Because the formation attack consumes more spiritual energy, another five or six hundred spiritual stones were added.

The earthworm was still hitting the formation. Suddenly, it felt that something around it seemed to have undergone some subtle changes, and then several huge earth cones instantly appeared and rushed upwards.

The earthworm was unable to dodge and was pierced by a soil cone at the end of its body. If ordinary monsters were injured like this, they would most likely die. However, the earthworm was a monster with average fighting ability and no advantage in intelligence, but it was very good at saving its life.

It was seen that the light around it was shining, and the tail that was pierced by the soil cone actually fell off by itself!

The severely injured earthworm dared not attack the formation again, and fled in a hurry, not even caring about its own brothers.

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