The Immortal Spiritual Picture

Chapter 172 The Disaster of the Demonic Bird

Not to mention how angry Gu Changyue was, here, Gu Changcheng rushed to Gu's house and saw Gu Changhuan.

Gu Changhuan didn't expect Gu Changcheng to arrive very quickly. Seeing him in a hurry, Gu Changhuan said with a smile:

"Why are you here in such a hurry? Sit down first and drink some tea to catch your breath."

With that said, he poured half a cup of tea for Gu Changcheng.

Gu Changcheng drank it in one gulp and took a breath.

It's impossible to be tired after such a short journey, but he hasn't had a drink of spiritual spring water in a few days, and Brother Seventeen has so many good things here!

"Why did Brother Seventeen call me here? But is there anything you need my help with?"

"I don't need your help, I just have something for you."

Gu Changhuan handed him the Foundation Establishment Pill that he had prepared long ago.

Gu Changcheng thought it was just an ordinary pill at first, but after taking it, he scanned it with his consciousness and discovered that it was actually a foundation-building pill!

Although he has never taken the Foundation Establishment Pill, the appearance of the Foundation Establishment Pill has been known to him in family studies. Not only he knows it, but every immortal cultivator in the Gu family knows the appearance of the Foundation Establishment Pill.

"Brother Seventeen, this is too valuable, I can't accept it."

Gu Changcheng returned the Foundation Establishment Pill to Gu Changhuan.

Gu Changhuan did not answer, but said:

"Although you have dual spiritual roots, the chance of success in foundation building is not small, but to be on the safe side, you should accept this foundation building pill. The family will need you to break through the Zi Mansion in the future, and you can't give up on foundation building."

After Gu Changcheng hesitated for a while, he didn't know what he thought of, gritted his teeth, and accepted it.

Then the two of them chatted for a long time, mainly Gu Changhuan answered some questions about cultivation to Gu Changcheng, as well as some precautions for foundation building.

Gu Changcheng listened very seriously, and Gu Changhuan's few words could always easily break through his confusion and make him feel enlightened.

Gu Changcheng left Gu's house with the Foundation Establishment Pill. His mind was in a mess along the way. He thought a lot:

Foundation-building pills are expensive. Why does Brother Seventeen have a foundation-building pill?

Where did this Foundation Establishment Pill come from?

There are many people in the family who need the Foundation Establishment Pill more than him, and he can still afford to wait. Why would Brother Seventeen give this Foundation Establishment Pill to him instead of to others, just because he has dual spiritual roots?

Thinking of this, Gu Changcheng suddenly remembered that before the monster wave broke out, when the family sent various teams of monks to garrison the mortal towns, they found that there were many more foundation-building monks in the family. Many clan members had said in private Or this matter has been discussed, and there are many speculations about this matter:

Some people guessed that the family discovered the ancient repair cave and obtained a large amount of property and foundation-building pills; others guessed that Gu Wanhao had broken through to a third-level alchemy master and could refine foundation-building pills; others guessed that the four families in the Jiuqi Mountains and the Haoran Sect were involved After completing the transaction, he bought a large number of foundation-building pills and so on from Haoran Sect.

Every theory seems reasonable, but after careful consideration, it seems impossible. Anyway, this is also a good thing for the family. The stronger the family is, the stronger the backing of these monks in the Qi training period will be; the more foundation-building monks there are, the stronger the family will be. , there were far fewer monks who were qualified to compete with them for the Foundation Establishment Pill. Everyone was happy to see the success, and gradually they didn’t mention it much.

But actually I am curious at heart.

However, the Foundation Building Pill that Brother Seventeen gave him today made him feel vaguely close to the truth.

Gu Changcheng was walking and suddenly stopped.

No matter how this Foundation Establishment Pill got into Brother Seventeen's hands, he would never reveal any information about it!

Unless Brother Seventeen tells this matter one day, he will never say anything to avoid causing trouble to Brother Seventeen.

As for whether he should take the Foundation Building Pill to build the Foundation...

Gu Changcheng unconsciously touched the storage bag on his waist. He still wanted to try building the foundation on his own. If things didn't go well, it wouldn't be too late to take the foundation building pill... Tianlai Novel Network

As for when to build the foundation, it is definitely not now, at least after the wave of monsters. After he has polished the spiritual power in his body, it will not be too late to prepare to build the foundation at that time.

The left and right families are now in the early stage of foundation building.

And after returning to Bifeng Mountain, he still had to visit his great-grandfather again to carefully inquire about the details of building a foundation by himself.

Secretly, Gu Changcheng still hoped to save this foundation-building pill.

As for the reason...well, let's not mention it for now...

On the other side, in Gu's house, Gu Changhuan tapped his fingers lightly on the table, leaving shallow marks one after another on the red sandalwood table wood.

Although his move was for Gu Changcheng, it was somewhat of a test.

Gu Changcheng has some magnanimity, but if he wants to join the Zifu in the future and support the Gu family with him, in addition to magnanimity, he should also be someone who can keep secrets and have some foresight.

As he was thinking about it, he suddenly thought of the trap the clan leader and his grandfather had set up for him before. He paused slightly in his hand movements and couldn't help but laugh.

This is really...

He sighed, picked up the tea cup, lowered his head and saw the marks he had accidentally knocked out, and nodded with satisfaction.

It seems that the Bone Tempering Pill still has some skills.

He has been eating it for several years, and his strength has increased a lot, and his skin and flesh have become a lot thicker. Now ordinary first-level low-grade magic weapons are only suitable for scratching his itch.

This wave of monster beasts has obtained a lot of third-level monster corpses. The monster bones cannot be used to refine weapons, so it is just right to refine a batch of bone-tempering pills.

At this moment, a ray of golden light came through the sky and hit Gu Changhuan directly. Gu Changhuan raised his hand and touched the golden light with his fingertips. The golden light dissipated and it was revealed to be a communication talisman.

Gu Changhuan frowned. Could it be that the fifth wave of monsters is coming?

He had just returned from patrol today. How come the monsters appeared as soon as he returned?

This speed is a bit too fast.

He carefully read the content on the communication talisman, and his brows gradually tightened.

"Yong'an Town was attacked by more than 400 monster birds. The leading monster bird is a third-level middle-grade red-feathered long-necked eagle. The formation has been activated for protection. Please help quickly!"

The monster tide is coming, but they are all monster birds?

This is bad!

No wonder he didn't see any monsters when he was patrolling before. The monster birds are fast, and gunpowder has no effect. Most of the monster birds can dodge the spells of the Qi training period monks. Even the protective formation has been activated. It seems that the situation is not good!

However, it is just right to use these monster birds to try out his newly acquired Jin Hongkun Spirit Sword!

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