The Immortal Spiritual Picture

Chapter 318 Selecting a Kung Fu

Looking at Fei Jin who was absorbing spiritual energy, Gu Xuanzhan was worried and couldn't help but sigh at the remarkable effect of the Spirit Ascension Pill.

After Gu Changhuan delivered the Spirit-raising Pill, Gu Xuanzhan couldn't wait to take it.

Fei Jin was originally a second-level high-grade spiritual beast, only one step away from the third level. Not long after taking the Spirit Ascension Pill, he fell into a deep sleep.

When a monster is sleeping, it usually means that it is necessary to accumulate real energy to prepare for advancement. Gu Xuanzhan is naturally happy.

It has been more than ten years since he advanced to the Purple Mansion stage, and his cultivation is stable. Even in three or four years, it will not be difficult to advance to the middle Purple Mansion stage.

At this time, if there could be an additional third-level spiritual beast with a cultivation level equivalent to that of a monk at the Zifu stage to help, he would naturally be happy to see it happen.

Moreover, Fei Jin's spiritual intelligence is not low to begin with. Wait until it reaches the third level and then teach it well.

It is not difficult to let Fei Jin be responsible for garrisoning Bifeng Mountain.

Or in the future, the Gu family monks can rely on Fei Jin's power when traveling around.

Fei Jin's process of absorbing spiritual energy lasted for nearly two quarters of an hour. After absorbing a large amount of spiritual energy, the aura around Fei Jin finally reached the third level.

After Fei Jin advanced to the third level, some subtle changes occurred in his appearance: for example, the antlers grew a bit longer, and there were a few more scales on the neck.

Seeing that Fei Jin successfully advanced to the third level, Gu Xuanzhan was overjoyed and quickly communicated with it.

Although a third-level spirit beast cannot speak human words, its intelligence is already extraordinary compared to that of lower-level monsters. What's more, Fei Jin still has a trace of Kirin blood, which is naturally even more extraordinary.

Fei Jin used to be able to have some simple communication with Gu Xuanzhan when he was at the second level. Now that he has advanced to the third level, his thoughts and thinking are naturally more fluent.

After Gu Xuanzhan asked Fei Jin what new gods had passed through, Fei Jin stood up energetically, and then, Fei Jin's antlers instantly bloomed with a ball of five-color glow.

This five-color ray of light gives people the feeling of being extremely pure and peaceful. Under the light, even worries can fade away.

However, as Fei Jin is of the Qilin bloodline, this five-color glow should not only be magical, it should be more than that.

After some communication with Fei Jin, Gu Xuanzhan realized that the main magical power of Fei Jin's five-color glow was to dispel evil spirits and purify ghosts. It had no restraining effect on ordinary five-element magic.

Unfortunately, there are no evil and ghostly places in the entire Qingzhou. Fei Jin's magical power may not be of use for a while.

Thinking of this, Gu Xuanzhan was a little disappointed.

However, even if this magical power is temporarily useless, Fei Jin is of Qilin bloodline after all. After advancing to the third level, ordinary third-level low-grade monsters or monks in the early stages of Zifu may not be its opponents.

Fei Jin's advancement caused quite a stir, and many people in the city noticed this.

Suddenly, many monks gathered outside Gu Xuanzhan's residence to watch the fun.

Everyone is speculating on what happened to cause such strong fluctuations and loss of spiritual energy.

Some people speculate that Gu Xuanzhan is practicing some kind of powerful secret technique, others speculate that Gu Xuanzhan is taking a further step in his cultivation, and others...

Of course, when most people see this, they just enjoy it for a while. Within half a month, they will talk about it and forget about it.

Naturally, the only people who would really take this matter to heart are the other three families in the Jiuqi Mountains.

In less than half a day, people from the three families reported the strange phenomena that occurred in Jiuqifang City back to their families;

However, after the news reached the Fang family, when the elder Fang went to the head of the Fang family with the news, he found that the head of the Fang family had already activated all the cave formations.

He sent a message to the cave, but there was no response.

Is the patriarch actually practicing in seclusion?

This is really rare.

The elder of the Fang family wandered around twice in front of the cave of the head of the Fang family, and decided to go to other elders to discuss the matter.

Gu Shining, the head of the Gu family, also knew about this at this time.

Although I don't know the reason, in any case, this is not a bad thing for the Gu family.

He was currently outside the cave where the Gu family was building the foundation, protecting Gu Changming.

Gu Shiyou had successfully built the foundation a few days ago, and Gu Changming had just returned to Bifeng Mountain two days ago.

Gu Changming has been in the advanced stage of Qi training for some time. When he was running a shop, he made a lot of profits for his family, so he naturally accumulated a lot of contribution points, which are enough to exchange for a Foundation Establishment Pill.

This time when he returned to Bifeng Mountain after his mission, he naturally wanted to see Gu Shining first.

After seeing Gu Changming, Gu Shining thought:

Although the list of people to go to Haoranfang City has been drawn up, no one among these people has experience in running a store. Chang Ming has been running a store for a period of time, with good profits. He is young but also smart, so there is no problem in being a shopkeeper.

So, he asked:

"It has been a few years since you advanced to the ninth level of Qi training. I wonder if you have saved enough family contribution points to redeem the Foundation Establishment Pill?"

Gu Changming was stunned for a moment, and then he quickly responded. He nodded repeatedly and said:

"I've saved enough! Of course I've saved enough!"

Then Gu Shining stood up with a smile and patted his shoulder, saying:

"In that case, then go back and get ready!

The day after tomorrow, I went to the family retreat cave to prepare for foundation building. "

Gu Changming was so excited that after deducting the family contribution points, he ran away.

Today is just the second day of Gu Changming's retreat.

It will probably take another two or three days to know the results.

Thinking of this, Gu Shining closed his eyes again.

Over the years, there have been more and more family matters that need to be handled by the clan leader, and the clan leader's training time has gradually become less and less. This has led to Gu Shining now learning to take time off from the busy work and find opportunities to practice.

Compared with Gu Shining, Gu Changhuan's life is simply not too leisurely.

After Gu Qingzhong and Gu Qingqing detected their spiritual roots, Gu Changhuan personally selected the exercises for them.

After some careful selection, Gu Changhuan chose a gold and water dual attribute technique called "Xunjin Holy Book" for Gu Qingzhong. This technique can be practiced to the late stage of integration. After practicing this technique, the sea of ​​consciousness will be But slowly a wordless heavenly book is condensed out, and the cultivator may be able to understand the secret method of the unworldly by studying the sea of ​​inner knowledge and understanding the heavenly book;

And after practicing the "Hyunjin Holy Book" to a small degree, the magical powers can be used to switch between the two attributes of gold and water at will, which is strange and changeable, making it difficult for people to guard against; Tianlai Novel Network

The technique he chose for Gu Qingqing is called "The True Canon of All Souls' Silence". This technique is also a dual-attribute technique of fire and wood, and can be practiced up to the Mahayana stage.

This technique is quite similar to the "Green Lotus Tribulation Sutra", that is, it can heal all kinds of injuries in an instant after practicing to the advanced stage. However, what is different is that the "All Souls Withered Sutra" kills people first. When it comes to saving people, its healing power comes from depriving others of their vitality, not from itself.

Even after mastering this skill, it can burn the enemy's lifespan, which can be said to be extremely terrifying.

However, judging from the introduction of the jade slips, this method seems to be limited and cannot be used casually.

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