The Immortal Spiritual Picture

Chapter 336: Spiritual Pet Advancement

Gu Changhuan thought for a moment and said:

"It's just so-so."

After all, Chi Jin is also the senior brother of these two children, so he always has to give Chi Jin some face.

"Okay, you all performed very well today, go practice!

If you want to go out after practice, remember to tell me."

Gu Changhuan changed the subject.

You can't fight in the market, and these two children also have protective magic tools on them. Generally speaking, they are very safe.

But even so, Gu Changhuan will not let the two children go out by themselves, and always find an adult to take care of them.

The two children heard that they could go out to play after practicing today, and they were very happy and hurried to practice.

At this time, Gu Changhuan suddenly had an idea, set up a ban, and flashed into the Xuantian Tower.

When Gu's Xianyuan Grocery Store opened before, Gu Changhuan only kept the Mi Linzhi and Lingshou Dan for his own use. He didn't keep any other elixirs or refining materials.

Now, with sufficient supply of elixirs and spiritual objects, the two spirit beasts Qing Tu and Mo Lin finally showed signs of advancement.

I don’t know what new abilities these two spirit beasts will awaken after they advance to the third level.

Gu Changhuan thought excitedly.

After he entered the Xuantian Tower, he immediately came to Qing Tu and Mo Lin. He saw that one of them had just begun to shed its skin, and the other had turned into a dazzling ball of light, which made people dare not look directly at it.

He sat cross-legged beside the two spirit beasts, always paying attention to the progress of their advancement.

Mo Lin’s advancement was still very stable, but he kept rolling and rubbing, trying to shed his old skin; and Qing Tu’s advancement was not smooth last time, but I don’t know how it will be this time.

However, seeing the spiritual light around Qing Tu at this time, it should not be a problem for him to advance smoothly.

Although the emotions transmitted by the two spirit beasts were also nervous and excited, there was not much panic and anxiety.

In the Xuantian Tower over the years, they have eaten a lot of spiritual medicines and elixirs, and their foundation is very solid. Now it is a natural thing to advance, and there is not much risk of failure.

After a cup of tea, the light ball suddenly dissipated, and Qingtu with three tails appeared in Gu Changhuan's sight. It seems that Qingtu was the first to complete the advancement.

Mo Lin, who was shedding his skin, turned his dark head and looked at Qingtu. After seeing Qingtu successfully advance, he curled up and stretched, and continued to be busy with his own molting. At this time, more than half of his old skin had been shed.

The moment Qingtu advanced, a huge spiritual vortex rolled up with it as the center, and the spiritual energy in the Xuantian Tower poured into its body, but Gu Changhuan noticed that the speed at which Qingtu's three tails absorbed spiritual energy was much faster than its torso.

After Qingtu advanced, not only did he have one more tail, but his body also became bigger. At this time, he looked like he was two-thirds the size of an adult fox.

Gu Changhuan quietly watched Qing Tu absorb the spiritual energy. The spiritual energy level in the Xuantian Tower had already reached the fifth level. The spiritual energy was extremely rich. It was nothing to bear the spiritual energy required for a third-level spiritual beast to advance.

After a quarter of an hour, Qing Tu's speed of absorbing spiritual energy slowly slowed down, but he still absorbed spiritual energy like a sponge absorbing water.

At this time, Mo Lin completed his molting after spending some effort.

After Mo Lin completed his molting, he seemed to be tired. He put his snake head on himself, lay on the stone, and began to absorb spiritual energy.

In the years in the Xuantian Tower, Mo Lin has grown a lot. After this molting, the whole snake is nearly two meters long. Even if it is coiled into a ball, it is still a big ball.

The two spiritual beasts are like two small tornadoes, scrambling to absorb the spiritual energy in the Xuantian Tower. The wind brought by the spiritual energy blows the leaves of the spiritual medicine. Gu Changhuan looked at the two spiritual beasts and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Due to the grade restriction, the Green Feather Bird and the Black Tailed Spirit Bee did not make any further progress after taking many spiritual objects. Fortunately, the bloodline qualifications of Qing Tu and Mo Lin are both good. With sufficient spiritual objects, it should be no problem for them to advance to the fourth and fifth levels in the future.

Great Grandfather's Fei Jin has also advanced, but I don't know how Grandpa and the three turtles of the family are doing. Although those spiritual turtles have not mutated, they are the descendants of the third-level spiritual turtles after all, so it should be no problem for them to advance to the third level in the future.

Grandpa and Ninth Grandpa have advanced to the late stage of foundation building for several years. It would be great if they could advance to the Purple Mansion quickly.

So many days have passed, and the family must have known some news about Haoran Market. The Gu family must be famous with him this time, so don't let anyone have any thoughts that they shouldn't have...

Thinking about it, Gu Changhuan's thoughts wandered a little.

At this moment, Qing Tu finished absorbing the spiritual power, and shook his three tails energetically, then hit Gu Changhuan's arms like a small cannonball, and cried "嘘嘤" twice in great excitement.

Gu Changhuan caught Qing Tu as a conditioned reflex and touched Qing Tu's tail.


Gu Changhuan said to it.

Qing Tu was very proud, and it raised its little head and shook its three tails to show off.

"Well, I saw it, and another tail has grown."

Gu Changhuan continued to praise.

After Qing Tu cried twice, his emotions gradually calmed down.

The magical power it awakened this time was the magical power of breaking illusions. As long as the caster's grade is not too high than Qing Tu, it is sure to break any illusion.

After knowing this, Gu Changhuan could not help but look forward to Qing Tu's magical power in the future.

Unfortunately, although Qing Tu's magical power of breaking illusions is amazing, it is still rare for cultivators in the Purple Mansion realm to use illusions as their main means of attack.

Gu Changhuan has read so many classics, and the number of cultivators in the entire Eastern Wilderness who are famous for practicing illusions can be counted on one hand.

Among them, the most famous is Lan Ling, the ancestor of Lanzhou.

When Lan Ling was in the Jindan stage, he became famous for his illusions. It is even said that Lan Ling has been practicing Taoism for nearly a thousand years and has never lost.

However, Lanzhou's Yuanying ancestor is still a little far away from Gu Changhuan, a Purple Mansion cultivator in Qingzhou, and Qing Tu and Mo Lin are the two little guys that Gu Changhuan is concerned about now.

After Gu Changhuan finished communicating with Qing Tu, he held Qing Tu and waited for Mo Lin to complete his advancement.

Qing Tu lay on Gu Changhuan's lap, with his two paws under his little head, and Gu Changhuan stroked his fur, so comfortable that his ears fell down.

Qing Tu looked at Mo Lin who was absorbing spiritual energy, and his two front paws opened and contracted, stepping on him.

Feeling the strange feeling on his knees, Gu Changhuan looked down at Qing Tu and was very surprised:

Can foxes step on milk?

Aren't foxes canines?

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