The Immortal Spiritual Picture

Chapter 349 Wanbao Taoist

It wasn't long before they arrived at the Zhige Terrace.

At this time, Zhou Ming was already standing on the stage. A lot of people had gathered around the Zhige Terrace. Although most of them were low-level cultivators, there were also a few purple mansion cultivators.

Gu Changhuan glanced at the purple mansion cultivators without leaving a trace and found that there were two familiar faces among them.

One of them was the owner of a large-scale store under the name of Haoran Sect. His Taoist name was Wanbao Daoren. He had met Gu Changhuan several times. Because Gu Changhuan was a guest elder of Haoran Sect, he was very kind to him. He praised Xianyuan Pill and Ningxiang Pill again and again when they met several times;

Yes, Haoran Sect had developed a pill similar to Ningxiang Pill and started selling it in various stores under its name. Tianlai Novel Network

The Ningxiang Pill developed by Haoran Sect has a fresher fragrance, and the fragrance is not as sweet as that developed by Gu Changhuan, but each has its own taste, and it is also very popular.

In fact, because Haoran Sect has a wide range of sales channels, in just over two months, Ningxiang Pills have been promoted to some stores in Hengzhou and Lanzhou.

Haoran Sect made a lot of money.

As for the spiritual objects such as Xianyuan Pills that can assist cultivators in advancing, not many have spread to Hengzhou and Lanzhou. Most of the Xianyuan Pills have flowed into the various markets in Qingzhou, and many Qi training stage casual cultivators have benefited from advancing to the foundation building stage;

Therefore, Gu Changhuan has received a lot of sect contribution points from Haoran Sect.

However, I heard that Shaoyang Sect and Lanzhou Yan Family have already started to develop Xianyuan Pills and Ningxiang Pills. With samples, I believe that in at most 40 to 50 years, there will be a large number of Xianyuan Pills in the entire East Wasteland.

By then, the number of foundation building cultivators in the East Wasteland will definitely be much greater.

The other person, from the Chen family, was called Chen Duojin. He was stationed in the family business of Haoran Market for many years. He was an alchemist. He had once had an "alchemy duel" with Gu Changhuan. Although he was an experienced third-level middle-grade alchemist, he still lost to Gu Changhuan without surprise.

Gu Changhuan looked at Chen Duojin with suspicion. This person's shop was a distance away from the Zhigetai and the place where the incident happened, but he came to see his excitement. Could it be that the person behind Zhou Ming was this Chen Duojin?

At this time, Wanbao Taoist also found Gu Changhuan and walked over with a smile.

Not far away from him, Chen Duojin hesitated for a moment and walked over.

Seeing the two people coming over, Gu Changhuan restrained his mood and smiled.

"Daoist Wanbao, Daoist Chen, long time no see."


Brother Gu, we haven't seen each other for a while

But, what's going on?

I was checking accounts today, and I heard that you were going to duel with someone, but I was scared, so I rushed over."

Daoist Wanbao first greeted Gu Changhuan with a smile, and then asked with great concern.

Chen Duojin also bowed and greeted Gu Changhuan.

Gu Changhuan smiled, and a hint of coldness flashed in his eyes:

"It's just a little thing.

Daoist Wanbao must also know that this person is afraid of fame like a pig is afraid of being fat."

At this time, Zhou Ming on the stage also noticed Gu Changhuan's arrival. He sneered and looked at the sun.

At this time, there was still a little time before the agreed duel, so Zhou Ming simply closed his eyes and rested.

Taoist Wanbao didn't know what he was thinking of, but he actually showed a look of deep agreement. He nodded and said:

"Brother Gu's talent in alchemy is indeed amazing;

But the person on the stage, not only is his identity a mystery, but his cultivation is also not shallow. Brother Gu must be careful when fighting with him."

Chen Duojin nodded, "Indeed."

Gu Changhuan naturally felt the kindness in Taoist Wanbao's words, so he smiled at Taoist Wanbao and Chen Duojin and said:

"I appreciate your kindness;

Please rest assured, although I am not sure of winning, it is not difficult to fight a draw with that ungrateful person, and I also have several ways to save my life."

Gu Changhuan said while observing Chen Duojin's expression, but Chen Duojin did not show any strangeness after listening to Gu Changhuan's confident words.

Could it be that he guessed wrong?

This Zhou Ming has nothing to do with Chen Duojin?

Gu Changhuan thought to himself, but if it wasn't Chen Duojin, who else could it be?

As he thought, he was being polite to Taoist Wanbao and Chen Duojin.

As the three of them were talking, a little more time had passed.

Seeing that the time was up, Gu Changhuan bowed to the two of them and said:

"The time has come, both of you, I'll be back soon."

Taoist Wanbao and Chen Duojin also bowed and said together:

"Then I wish you a successful start."

Gu Changhuan smiled slightly and walked towards the Zhigetai.

However, at this moment, he suddenly received a message from Wanbao Taoist.

"During the fight, Brother Gu, try your best. Although the original intention of Zhigetai is to resolve conflicts between monks peacefully without bloodshed, it is common to accidentally kill someone during a fight.

Senior Brother Wen, who is hosting this fight, will also try his best to take care of Brother Gu."

Hearing this, Gu Changhuan couldn't help but laugh in his heart:

Although the monks of Haoran Sect he met also abided by the rules of Haoran Sect, they were also very flexible and always managed to avoid offending or being partial within the rules.

However, as the one who was favored, Gu Changhuan still benefited a lot.

So, Gu Changhuan replied

"In that case, I would like to thank Brother Wanbao for his kindness."

After saying that, Gu Changhuan jumped onto the platform to stop the war.

After Gu Changhuan jumped onto the platform, Zhou Ming opened his eyes and said:

"Boy, you have some talent and courage;

You fell into my hands today, you can't blame others, you can only blame yourself for being too popular and arrogant, but you are just a cultivator of the second level of the Purple Mansion, but you dare to challenge me, you really don't know how high the sky is, how deep the earth is, and what fear is;

But don't worry, I have no grudge against you, so as long as I can kill you smoothly, it's fine."

Facing Zhou Ming's provocation, Gu Changhuan looked indifferent,

"To be honest, I was really scared before.

I was afraid that you would choose the Red Lotus Hell, and then I wouldn't be able to kill you with my own hands."

His indifferent tone was full of murderous intent.

Zhou Ming laughed out loud after hearing what he said:

"What an arrogant boy!

I just wonder if your fighting skills are as good as your eloquence!"

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