The Immortal Spiritual Picture

Chapter 502 Domination

She just didn't expect the black energy to be so difficult to deal with. She and her husband tried their best to find a way out, so they had to find Qi Zhi to see if he, the Nascent Soul, could use any means to get rid of the black energy in the future.

Qi Zhi naturally had a way, but he had used a secret technique to remove the black energy from Feng Yidao a few days ago. He was very tired and was unwilling to take action himself, so he thought of Gu Changhuan.

Sure enough, under the healing light of the crossing spell, the difficult black energy melted away in a short time, and even Luo Yan's injuries were healed.

In this case, it is naturally a great joy.

He Rong was so happy that he immediately invited people to host a banquet for Gu Changhuan and Qi Zhi to express his gratitude.

Although Gu Changhuan was reluctant to participate in this occasion, it would be disrespectful to leave after treating the patient. It would be better to stay and have fun for a while, so that he can have both favor and etiquette. m.

In this way, the feast did not end until dawn.

After Gu Changhuan left, Qi Zhi held the wine glass with a smile on his lips, but did not speak for a moment, as if he was thinking about something.

He Rong looked at Qi Zhi and asked curiously:

"What is Junior Brother Qi thinking?"

Qi Zhi changed his sitting position, put down the wine glass in his hand, and said:

“I was thinking, it turns out there are people outside the world, there are people outside the world, it’s not just talk.

There are so many amazing and talented monks in a small place like our Eastern Wasteland. I wonder what the scene in Central Continent will be like in the records. "


He Rong said, drank all the wine in his hand, and said:

“Forget it about ordinary monks in Central Continent;

But if a genius were born in Central Continent, his life would not be as comfortable as our Eastern Wasteland monks.

They have only two ways out, either surrender to the Zhou family, or leave their hometown and stay away from their homeland. They will not be able to go back easily until Nascent Soul. "

Seeing him like this, Luo Yan sighed softly and poured He Rong another glass of spiritual wine.

He Rong held him with one hand and drank with the other, with an obvious gloomy look in his eyes.

Qizhi shook his head and said:

"I forgot that senior brother was also from Central Continent.

I am also very familiar with that place. "

Yes, although He Rong looks only in his thirties, he is actually over five hundred years old; and like Qi Zhi's parents, he is from Central Continent, so he naturally knows Central Continent very well.

And Qi Zhi also knew why he said this.

The entire Central Continent is the territory of the Zhou family. The Zhou family has thrived and operated in Central Continent for thousands of years and is as stable as a rock. For most monks, Central Continent is their dream place of cultivation;

But this does not include those geniuses with unknown origins.

Once those geniuses with mediocre backgrounds become successful in cultivation, people from the Zhou family will come to visit them. Of course, people from the Zhou family are not here to silence them, but to get married.

If you are not related to them, it is okay to become a subsidiary force of the Zhou family;

But if you don't choose either path, there is only the last way left, and that is to leave Central Continent.

It can be said to be very domineering.

Qi Zhi's parents, He Rong, and some monks from the Haoran Sect were all those who came from Central Continent and chose to leave after achieving some success in their cultivation.

However, monks like this can obtain some spiritual objects from the Zhou family before leaving Central Continent, which can be regarded as travel expenses given to them by the Zhou family!

And from this point of view, the Zhou family can be regarded as somewhat humane.

But even so, others will inevitably feel that the Zhou family is overbearing.

The same is naturally true for He Rong.

He understood the meaning of the sword in the foundation stage, and understood the heart of the sword in the purple palace stage. There were few opponents in his class. As a result, people from the Zhou family came to his door, pointing to a beautiful female cultivator and saying that they wanted to marry him;

At that time, He Rong was young and vigorous and did not want to be restrained. He refused the Zhou family's invitation and ran to Nanhai without even receiving travel expenses.

There are many monsters and beasts in the South China Sea, a mixture of fish and dragons, and they are extremely free. With a sword, he killed the monsters along the way and condensed the golden elixir.

Later, he met Luo Yan and thought about settling down, so he came to Donghuang. It happened that at that time, Patriarch Haofeng and Patriarch Xuanlin were planning to establish the Haoran Sect, so he extended an olive branch to the couple.

Now three hundred years have passed, and Luo Yan has also been condensing the golden elixir for a long time. The couple lived in Qingzhou like a couple of gods, but they didn't expect that He Rong still cared so much about this matter.

Qi Zhi thought for a while and said:

"If senior brother wants to go back and have a look, that's okay!"

If they go to Zhongzhou in the name of Haoran Sect, the Zhou family will not be able to say anything and will not do any more solicitation.

He Rong shook his head and said nothing.

Qi Zhi was a little confused, thought about it, and left.

On the other side, Gu Changhuan didn't know what they were talking about in the cave. At the moment, he was frowning at the mostly empty street.

"It seems that Haoran Sect is not the only one who moved in a hurry at night!

I just don’t know what their intentions are..."

As Gu Changhuan said this, he looked up at the sky that had begun to shine. After thinking for a while, he couldn't think of any medicine sold in the four gourds.

His consciousness swept both sides of the street, and after walking around the fortress, he found that most of the monks who had been recruited had already left the Maoxing Fortress, and the only monks who were still in the fortress at this time were Some elites from the three families.

However, they probably won't stay in the Maoxing Fortress for too long.

At the table just now, Qi Zhi said that in a day or two at most, they all would have to leave for the next stop.

At that time, in Maoxing Fortress, only some garrisoned monks will be dispatched to prevent sudden attacks by the monsters.

At the same time, thousands of miles away from Qingzhou, in the territory of Ziman Monster King, tens of thousands of monsters are gathering. In the sky and on the ground, fourth-level monsters are running and flying, and the mountains and forests are full of birdsong and beasts roaring.

In the ancient cave of Ziman Monster King, which is full of spiritual objects, there are three monster kings standing. Behind each of the three monster kings, there are several fourth-level monsters.

Ziman Monster King sat on his throne with a big horse and a golden sword.

"That's the plan. Please send someone to teach those human monks a lesson;

It's also good for them to know that I, Ziman, am not that stupid guy Wangyue.

If they dare to attack my territory, it depends on whether they have the ability to protect the entire southern defense line of Qingzhou!"

The voice of Ziman Monster King echoed in the empty cave, and the three standing monster kings nodded and left.

At the same time, the atmosphere in the Gu family of Bifeng Mountain in Jiuqi Mountain Range was also very tense.

Ever since Gu Xuanzhan sent a message back saying that the battlefield was about to move south, the entire Gu family began to get busy.

Busy with the migration of mortals, setting up formations, and other personnel deployments, it was not until yesterday that things finally settled down temporarily.

But in contrast, the strings in the minds of the Gu family cultivators were all tense.

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