The Immortal Spiritual Picture

Chapter 515 Alchemy Mission

After knowing where to stay, the remaining disciples of Zifu also left. Gu Changhuan, Qi Zhi, Lan Wenshu and another disciple were left in the hall.

Gu Changhuan had just bowed and had not spoken yet, when Qi Zhi smiled and said:

"Fellow Daoist Gu is really amazing. He actually made Senior Brother He praise you.

Fellow Daoist Gu, you know that Senior Brother He rarely praises people. The disciples of Zhantian Peak are happier to get a compliment from him than to get a monthly salary increase."

No wonder Feng Jie and the others changed their expressions when He Rong praised him just now. So this is what happened.

Gu Changhuan understood.

However, he did not take it to heart. A compliment is not a real benefit. It will not make those people blinded by their eyes, right?

He thought so, and said politely that he was just lucky and had a lot of spiritual objects on him, so he could kill a lot of monsters and enter the eyes of Master He Feng. Then he went straight to the point and asked about the whereabouts of Gu's family and others.

Qi Zhi had just arrived here and was not really clear about this matter, so he glanced at Lan Wenshu who was standing behind him. Lan Wenshu immediately understood and reported an address. After thinking for a while, he found one from a pile of purple jade slips and handed it to Qi Zhi with both hands.

Qi Zhi took the jade slip and scanned it with his spiritual sense, saying:

"The other fellow Taoists of the Gu family are now living in the Huolin area in Huayan Valley in the west of the city.

In addition, this is a task for fellow Taoist Gu, which can also be regarded as a guest elder task;

These pills are not in a hurry to use for the time being, as long as fellow Taoist Gu can refine them within a month;

As for where to get the spiritual medicine and the delivery of the spiritual medicine, the jade slip records them in detail. It is inseparable from this Wuya Garden, and it is also easy to find."

Qi Zhi said, turning the jade slip in his hand, handed it to Gu Changhuan, and said:

"Speaking of which, most of the cultivators of my Haoran Sect are also stationed in the west of the city, which is not far from here;

Oh, by the way.

I remember that there seems to be no underground fire in Huayan Valley. If fellow Taoist Gu wants to use underground fire to refine pills, there are also many fire rooms in this Wuya Garden."

Gu Changhuan carefully read the jade slip and put it away, smiling:

"Master Qi Feng has considered it carefully."

However, he is more inclined to the school of refining pills with true fire.

The two chatted for a while, and then Gu Changhuan said goodbye.

Before leaving this Wuya Garden, he took all the spiritual medicines needed for refining pills into the storage bag.

Huayan Valley in the west of the city is the largest residence of cultivators in Duyan Market. Now, the cultivators recruited by the three sects all live in it.

As for the independent cultivators, because there are too many people, they live in a new area temporarily opened up on the edge of the market.

Here, after Gu Changhuan and the Gu family and others gathered, they found that the clansmen were all healthy and there were no missing people, and they felt much more at ease.

Even their spirits were good, especially Gu Xuanzhan and Gu Changqing, who looked energetic.

Gu Changde said happily:

"These days, fighting with the demons, although it is a bit dangerous, but everyone has gained a lot.

If this continues, when the war is over, maybe we can get together the spiritual objects needed to exchange for the advancement of the Purple Mansion.

So everyone is full of energy."

Gu Changze and others nodded in agreement.

If they want to advance to the Purple Mansion, they cannot rely solely on the power of the family. The war between the two families is dangerous but also an opportunity.

The first generation of the Gu family was a casual cultivator who could still fight his way out. Although the descendants of the Gu family are not as good as the ancestors in fighting skills and cultivation, they have a lot of spiritual objects on them. They do not ask to make achievements like the ancestors, but only to successfully advance to the Purple Mansion and help the family develop. That would be perfect.

Gu Xuanzhan also has the ambition and qualifications to advance to the Golden Core.

Seeing that everyone has a goal, Gu Changhuan also feels that the family has a bright future.

If a family wants to grow and develop, a person who takes the lead is indispensable, but if everyone else shrinks back and stays where they are, the family will not be able to develop;

Only when everyone works together and strives in one direction can a family be established.

Everyone was lively for a while and then dispersed.

Some couples went out to the market to buy bows and arrows, some returned to their houses to practice in seclusion, and some went out to party.

Gu Changhuan thought about his mission and previous gains, found a house, set up a ban and entered the Xuantian Tower.

In the decapitation operation, he hunted a total of nine monsters.

Gu Changhuan took out the bodies of the nine monsters at once, and then only left the butterfly monster and the purple rhino, and collected the others separately, waiting to exchange them for contribution points later.

These two monsters are very suitable for refining magic tools. The wings of the butterfly monster are used to refine flying magic tools; the skin of the purple rhino can be used to refine soft armor, and the rhino horns can also be used to refine defensive magic tools or other things;

But he hasn't refined magic tools for a while, and he doesn't know how good he is.

After thinking for a while, Gu Changhuan decided to refine the elixir first.

He patted the storage bag, and a large pile of spiritual medicine appeared on the ground.

He took out the alchemy furnace, closed his eyes and regulated his breathing for about half a quarter of an hour before he began to make the elixir.

At the same time, on the other side, Feng Yidao walked into Wuya Garden with a brisk pace.

He had a blank expression on his face and looked a little angry. The cultivators who came and went didn't dare to breathe when they saw him, and even the movements of greeting and greeting were very cautious.

But Feng Yidao seemed not to see them and went straight to Qi Zhi.

He did not hide his aura. Qi Zhi had known that he had entered the market for a long time. He was busy listening to Lan Wenwen's report on some matters. There were many jade slips of various colors piled on the desk.

After Feng Yidao sat on the chair and drank a large bowl of wine, Qi Zhi raised his head, looked at Feng Yidao's face, and said:

"Senior brother is in a good mood. It seems that he defeated the demon king."

"Didn't win."

Feng Yidao said crisply.

But he didn’t lose either.

There was no way, the Purple Man Rhino's skin was too thick, his defensive powers were first-rate, and his time to advance to the Nascent Soul was still short. There was nothing he could do for the moment, so he could only chop him down with all his strength. A piece of meat skin made him retreat.

Thinking of this, Feng Yidao took out a jade box from his storage bag and sent it to Qi Zhi.

"Cut him and chop off a piece of flesh.

Give it to Master to draw the talisman. "

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