The Immortal Spiritual Picture

Chapter 624 Yang Lanqing

After entering Beiming City, they rented a yard after some twists and turns, and then began to inquire about the news in Beiming City.

They divided into several groups to investigate the status of shops in Beiming City, the conditions for renting shops, and the power in charge of Beiming City, etc.

Gu Changde and Gu Changqing's team was responsible for investigating the status of shops in Beiming City.

But by chance, they happened to encounter the Tianshou Sect's three-year disciple-recruiting ceremony.

As one of the old Yuanying forces in the South China Sea, the Tianshou Sect naturally has countless cultivators who want to join its sect. However, when the Tianshou Sect recruits disciples, it never allows outsiders to step into the island where the Tianshou Sect is located, but will hold the disciple-recruiting ceremony in the market within its sphere of influence.

This Beiming City is the most prosperous commercial island in the Beiming Sea, and it is naturally supported by the Tianshou Sect, so it is reasonable for the Tianshou Sect to hold the disciple-recruiting ceremony here.

The disciple-taking ceremony was held in the square in the center of Beiming City, and many people came to watch the excitement.

When Gu Changde and Gu Changqing arrived here, there were more than 3,000 people in the entire square.

After finding out what this was about, Gu Changde's eyes lit up. He took out a communication talisman, whispered a few words, and then activated it.

After watching the communication talisman turn into a golden light and fly out, Gu Changde laughed and said:

"This Tianshou Sect is a veteran Yuanying force in the South China Sea. It is such a big event as the disciple-taking ceremony. You must notify the aunt and others to come and have a good look.

Also, see what the qualifications of the South China Sea cultivators are like."

When he said the last sentence, Gu Changde's voice was much lower.

It was just the 4th hour at this time, and the elders of the Tianshou Sect had not yet appeared. Only a few deacons were directing a few outer disciples to do something back and forth.

The sect costumes of the Tianshou Sect were vermilion in color. They looked like ordinary cloth, but in the sunlight, there were faint patterns of flowing light and feathers on the clothes, which looked like feather clothes.

Gu Changqing glanced at their clothes and felt that this old Yuanying force was indeed rich and powerful. Even the outer disciples were wearing robes.

Soon, the other members of the Gu family arrived.

At 3:00 pm, the disciple-recruiting ceremony officially began, and the elders of the Heavenly Beast Sect finally showed up.

A man with a rough face, seven feet tall, wearing red clothes, and a fourth-level two-headed fire dragon wrapped around his waist fell from the sky. He walked to the chair in the center of the square and sat down. He waved his hand and said:

"Let's start!"

The five deacons did not dare to neglect it. They nodded and began to test the qualifications and cultivation of the cultivators who came to participate in the disciple-recruiting ceremony.

Gu Changde raised his eyebrows.

That's it?

No opening remarks?

However, this Heavenly Beast Sect is really extraordinary. It just recruits disciples, but it actually sent out Jindan cultivators.

He looked at the two-headed fire dragon on the big man's waist, which had been closing its eyes and not moving, and had not revealed any breath. He wondered if it was dead or just a decoration.

At this moment, the square, which was originally a little noisy, was extremely quiet, and everyone's attention was on the cultivators who were undergoing various tests.

When a sect like the Heavenly Beast Sect recruits disciples, the requirement is naturally not just that the disciples have excellent qualifications.

Because the Heavenly Beast Sect is good at controlling beasts, when they recruit disciples, there is a test that is even more important than the disciples' spiritual root qualifications, that is, the affinity with beasts.

It is said that the higher the affinity with beasts for the orthodox core skills of the Heavenly Beast Sect, the smoother the practice.

For such cultivators with high affinity for beasts, the Heavenly Beast Sect will select excellent spiritual beasts for them to cultivate from a young age when their cultivation is still low, so that they can fight side by side with the spiritual beasts in the future.

At this moment, Gu Jia and others were watching these cultivators who came to the Heavenly Beast Sect to become disciples. They followed the five deacon disciples one by one, and about half a meter above their heads, three beads were suspended in a row.

These three beads can detect the cultivator's spiritual root qualifications, spiritual body, and affinity for monsters.

After each cultivator was tested, the deacon disciples would record it in the book truthfully, and finally ask these cultivators about their origins, family backgrounds, and teachers, etc.

As for whether there are any enemies, they will not ask.

Because in the South China Sea, few cultivators are clean.

Unless they kill their enemies cleanly every time they attack, otherwise, who doesn't have a few lawsuits?

Gu Changde looked at the three beads and found that the middle one had never lit up.

And the last one, which can detect the cultivator's affinity for beasts, although it has also lit up, it is also dim.

At this time, a young man who looked a little stunned came to the vicinity of the three beads after a long queue.

When the young man passed the first bead, the bead emitted two colors of blue and green.

The deacon disciple nodded slightly, not bad, the dual spiritual roots of water and wood.

Then, he was ready to record the boy's affinity with beasts.

But what the deacon disciple did not expect was that when the boy stood under the second bead, this bead that could detect the spiritual body and spiritual eyes of the cultivator actually lit up!

This light naturally attracted the attention of countless cultivators.

The Jindan cultivator of the Heavenly Beast Sect looked at the boy, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

The deacon disciple was also surprised and happy, and recorded the column of whether there was a spiritual body in the book as yes.

Next, it was to test his affinity with monsters.

The young man straightened his back and continued to walk forward two steps.

The third bead suddenly emitted a dazzling and dazzling glow!

All the cultivators of the Heavenly Beast Sect were shocked!

The onlookers also sighed. There were hundreds of cultivators who came to participate in the disciple-taking ceremony, but the one who made the third bead so dazzling was still the same one.

At this moment, Gu Changde found that the young man looked familiar in the crowd. He pulled Gu Changqing and winked at Gu Changyue and Gu Changcheng.

"Is this guy the one who saved the boy on Baisha Island?"

The three nodded.

Yes, it was him.

At this time, the Jindan cultivator of the Heavenly Beast Sect walked up to the young man and waved his hand to take out a round plate.

There were magical patterns engraved on this round plate, and no one knew what it was for.

"Put your hand on it and try it!"

His voice was very rough and his tone was not to be refused.

The young man didn't understand, but he still put his hand on the round plate honestly.

After the young man put his hand on the disc, the patterns on the disc lit up one after another. In less than three breaths, eight out of ten patterns on the disc were emitting rays of light.

The deacon disciple saw this and hurriedly congratulated:

"Disciple congratulations to the master uncle!

Congratulations to the junior brother!"

Although the other disciples of the Heavenly Beast Sect did not understand what happened for a while, they still followed the congratulations

"Disciple congratulations to the master uncle!

Congratulations to the junior brother!"

Although the bystanders such as the Gu family were still confused, they roughly guessed that this young man seemed to have a great talent in beast control, and also had some kind of spiritual body, and had a promising future.

In the crowd, Yang Shou's face flushed with excitement, and he almost shed tears.

Seeing the disciples congratulating him, the Tianshou Sect Jindan cultivator laughed loudly, patted the boy on the shoulder, and said:

"You are good!

You are very good!

With your talent, it is not a problem to achieve Jindan in the future. As long as you work hard, you can even expect Yuanying!

By the way, what is your name?"

The boy saw Jindan Zhenren said so, his eyes shone brightly, and he bowed and said:

"Junior Yang Lanqing greets the senior!"

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