The Immortal Spiritual Picture

Chapter 639: Journey to the Seabed

Gu Wanhua was delighted, and naturally she was smiling, her cheeks were slightly red, and her eyes were full of stars, which made Qin Yiwen lose his mind for a moment.

Gu Changhuan smiled, and then exchanged a few polite words with Qin Yiwen, and then said goodbye.

This time, Qin Yiwen did not try to keep him.

Too much is as bad as too little.

In the future, as long as Gu Wanhua's opening of a store in Beiming City is settled, they will naturally have many opportunities to get along.

Even if there is no opportunity, it can be created.

Thinking of this, Qin Yiwen's eyes flashed with a cunning look.

On the other hand, Gu Changhuan and Gu Wanhua did not return to their residence together.

Gu Wanhua went to see the store, while Gu Changhuan walked straight out of the city and left Beiming City.

He walked to the edge of the island, looked at the vast sea, and suddenly turned into a beam of light. After an hour of escaping forward, Beiming Island had become a tiny existence as far as his eyes could see. Then he took a deep breath and plunged into the sea! .

After a "plop" sound, a half-meter-high splash was hit on the sea surface, reflecting colorful light spots under the sun.

As a Jindan-stage master, Gu Changhuan's speed in the sea water was still not slow, but it did not move forward in the sea water, but plunged directly into the seabed.

The sea area where he was at the moment was still in the Beiming Sea Area, not far from Beiming Island. There should be no fifth-level monsters living in such a place close to the core of the human race. This is one of the reasons why Gu Changhuan could enter the seabed to explore with peace of mind.

After escaping into the seabed for 500 miles, Gu Changhuan felt a slight pressure;

He frowned slightly, and the protective aura around him vibrated, and the pressure around him disappeared.

However, in this way, it is inevitable that more true energy will be consumed.

After escaping to the bottom of the sea for a thousand miles, the true energy consumption of the protective aura can be clearly felt.

Gu Changhuan frowned slightly, and after thinking for a while, he actually dispersed the protective aura around him.

As soon as the protective aura was withdrawn, the pressure of the sea water directly acted on his body.

Gu Changhuan stopped and stretched his limbs. Although he could feel very obvious pressure, this pressure could not cause him any damage, so he continued to sneak to the bottom of the sea.

However, at this moment, he suddenly realized that a fourth-level octopus was swaying very comfortably a hundred miles away from him. Its huge tentacles were dancing in the sea water, sucking and capturing the low-level monsters around.

The spiritual pattern on Gu Changhuan's body flashed, completely hiding his own breath, ignoring the fourth-level octopus monster, and continued to escape to the depths of the sea.

After that, every hundred miles he went down, Gu Changhuan could feel heavier pressure.

After sinking to 1,500 miles, Gu Changhuan stopped. He calculated the distance and thought that an ordinary Jindan cultivator could probably only hold on to this point.

But for Gu Changhuan, this little pressure was nothing.

He was seen with a flash of spiritual light all over his body, and he plunged straight into the depths of the seabed at an incredibly fast speed.

When he escaped to the bottom of the sea for about 2,300 miles, it was pitch dark around him.

Looking up, there was no light at all.

It seemed that he had already escaped to the deep sea.

Fortunately, the cultivators not only have night vision, but also have spiritual consciousness, so they can come and go freely even in an environment where they can't see their fingers.

But not long after, Gu Changhuan discovered another tricky thing.

His spiritual consciousness was restricted.

Gu Changhuan patrolled the surroundings for a long time before he realized that he was not trapped in the formation or hit by any trick, but that the deep sea restricted the spread of his spiritual consciousness.

At this moment, a deep-sea undercurrent suddenly hit. This undercurrent was so fierce that even though Gu Changhuan used the spell of immobilization, he was carried to the left by it for nearly a hundred meters!

After this undercurrent passed, Gu Changhuan's true essence had been consumed by a quarter.

Gu Changhuan, who stabilized his body, touched his forehead. He didn't expect that there would be such an undercurrent in the deep sea. Fortunately, there was nothing strange in this undercurrent.

Although his spiritual consciousness was limited, Gu Changhuan was not without other ways.

He looked inside the Tongxiantu, which showed everything around him.

After not finding any high-level monsters, Gu Changhuan continued to dive down.

After escaping to the bottom of the sea for three thousand miles, Gu Changhuan finally came to the seabed.

Looking around, there were no spiritual objects everywhere, but there were a few corals shining, and in the distance, the seabed was winding and seemed to be deeper.

Gu Changhuan took a look at the Tongxiantu and did not find any spiritual mines here.

He walked to the corals, and after finding that they were fourth-level spiritual objects, he nodded and collected them.

Then Gu Changhuan fled deeper along the seabed.

Along the way, he did not forget to check whether there were spiritual minerals and spiritual objects around.

When Gu Changhuan's true essence was consumed by half, Gu Changhuan returned to the sea surface without hesitation.

But on the way back, there was something uneasy.

Perhaps because he walked too far along the seabed at the bottom of the sea, far away from the vicinity of Beiming Island, there were more sea monsters, and Gu Changhuan almost ran into a silver-striped sawtooth shark fin monster.

This sea monster is extremely ferocious, with the cultivation of the fourth-level upper grade. What's more deadly is that the monsters always act collectively and know how to cooperate. With the combined efforts, even the fifth-level monsters can be tied, not to mention Gu Changhuan, a cultivator in the early stage of the golden elixir.

Although the inner elixir and skin of the silver-striped sawtooth shark fin monster are both top-grade materials, Gu Changhuan has no regrets.

What a joke, he doesn't even have half of his physical strength and true essence now, what can he use to fight with this bunch of fourth-level top-grade monsters.

He still wants to keep his life and become an immortal. Besides, he doesn't lack this demon elixir and a piece of animal skin, and there are still many in the storage ring.

Three hours later, Gu Changhuan lay on the bed exhausted.

He took out a bottle of pills from the storage ring and swallowed it.

After the pills were swallowed, they turned into a trace of pure spiritual energy that flowed into his limbs and dantian, and Gu Changhuan's true essence was slowly recovering.

After recovering more than half of his true essence, Gu Changhuan sat up.

He waved his hand, and several spiritual objects appeared on the ground.

There were corals, minerals, pearl bracelets and a token that looked very simple.

These things are what Gu Changhuan got from his trip to the bottom of the sea.

Of course, there are far more things on the bottom of the sea, there are also some messy fragments of magic tools and magic treasures, because they have been corroded by sea water for a long time, they are almost the same as ordinary iron, so Gu Changhuan did not pick up these things, but only picked out some valuable ones to bring back.

Most of these corals and minerals are fourth-level things, only a one-foot-small fifth-level mineral-Phoenix Stone, is a fifth-level spiritual object.

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