The Immortal Spiritual Picture

Chapter 661: Do one good deed a day

And his clothes were also torn to pieces by the knife-like fierce wind. Just when Gu Changhuan was distracted, hundreds of scars of various sizes were cut by the wind blades all over his body.

Then, with a "crack", the jade crown on Gu Changhuan's head shattered.

Feeling the stinging pain all over his body, Gu Changhuan frowned, and a set of armor appeared around him.

At the same time, he moved his mind, and layers of golden bells suddenly formed, protecting his body tightly.

Gu Changhuan stared at the Sanxun Wind Pearl that he could already see, and used the light body technique to the extreme, like teleportation, and actually came in front of the Sanxun Wind Pearl within three breaths.

Looking at the Sanxun Wind Pearl that was close at hand, Gu Changhuan stretched out his hand, gathered his true energy in his hand, and carefully took out the Sanxun Wind Pearl.

However, this Sanxun Wind Pearl is a seventh-level spiritual object that was born and raised. Even if it has not fully grown yet, its power cannot be underestimated.

Gu Changhuan only felt a pain in his fingers, subconsciously loosened his hand, and then quickly reacted and clenched the Sanxun Wind Pearl in his hand. He waved his hand and a jade box appeared in his hand.

Gu Changhuan didn't care about the blood on his hand and quickly threw the Sanxun Wind Pearl in.

After putting the Sanxun Wind Pearl into the jade box, Gu Changhuan took out two talismans to seal the jade box. He raised his right hand and saw that the white metacarpal bones could be vaguely seen in the palm of his right hand.

Gu Changhuan made a "tsk" sound, and his skin and flesh slowly regenerated under the circulation of his true energy.

At the same time, the wounds on Gu Changhuan's body were also recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At this moment, there were no other high-level spiritual objects in the entire valley.

Gu Changhuan hid his armor and the golden bell, looked at the other spiritual objects in the valley, and found that these things were not found in the South Sea and the East Wilderness, so he dug dozens of them and packed them and threw them into the Xuantian Tower.

After entering the Xuantian Tower again, Gu Changhuan vaguely felt that something was wrong in the Xuantian Tower.

The ghost energy seemed to be much stronger than before.

The only one who could cause this situation was Gu Yu.

It seems that Gu Yu is about to come out of retreat.

After Gu Yu comes out of retreat, he can retreat to condense the ghost pill.

Gu Changhuan thought, after planting those low-level spiritual objects, he left Qingtu in the Xuantian Tower and waited for Gu Yu to come out of retreat. After changing clothes and tidying up his hair, he left the Xuantian Tower.

After returning to the valley, Gu Changhuan's consciousness swept around, and then cast a spell to escape from here.

"Where should I go next?"

Gu Changhuan whispered while escaping.

He was in the middle of Luoxian Cave at this time. Because of the guidance of Tongxiantu, Gu Changhuan had never faced any monster restrictions in these days, and he also found several treasures.

"Since I have found the Yuanying fruit tree, why not find a spiritual vein to retreat."

Gu Changhuan has been in the Jindan stage for several years, and it is time to make a further step.

Nowadays, most of the cultivators coming and going in the Luoxian Cave in the South China Sea are busy with their own affairs. As long as he finds a more secret place to retreat for a few years, no one will find him.

Thinking of this, Gu Changhuan couldn't help but sigh that his body of the Great Dao was still very useful. In addition to learning things quickly, the killing aura did not affect him much; if it were an ordinary cultivator, it would be very good to stay in the Luoxian Cave for a few days without losing his mind, not to mention retreating.


Thinking of this, Gu Changhuan suddenly remembered something.

If ordinary cultivators cannot stay in Luoxian Cave for too long, then how did Liu Chengzhi, who was only at the Jindan level, withstand the ubiquitous killing aura?

Could it be that he also has a spirit body?

This thought flashed through Gu Changhuan's mind.

After thinking for a while, Gu Changhuan shook his head.

Forget it, let's find a suitable place for retreat first!

Since he stepped into Luoxian Cave, he has seen several fifth-level spiritual veins, and even sixth-level spiritual veins. Unfortunately, most of those spiritual veins have been destroyed. The surface is either a thousand miles of scorching land or frozen. It is not suitable for the growth of ordinary spiritual medicines, and no high-level spiritual medicines have been seen.

It is better to continue walking inside and see if there are seventh-level spiritual veins in this Luoxian Cave.

Just as Gu Changhuan was moving towards the depths of Luoxian Cave, in the depths of Luoxian Cave, Xuan Ce was holding a compass in his hand. He looked at the Si Nan on the compass that was spinning like a gyroscope and sighed.

"The various spiritual energy and killing energy here are too strong, and this fifth-level magic weapon is useless;

I should have brought a spiritual treasure with me earlier."

After saying that, Xuan Ce sighed.

Then he put away the compass and took out three copper coins from the storage bracelet.

"I hope this Tianyun copper coin can point me in the right direction!"

Looking at the three simple Tianyun copper coins in his hand, Xuan Ce frowned and muttered


I didn't come here for myself this time!

I didn't mean to peek at the sky. Please spare me this time for the sake of the creatures in this world!"

After Xuan Ce finished speaking, he sat cross-legged on the ground, put the copper coins together with his hands, closed his eyes, and shook them several times.

After the "clattering" sound, Xuan Ce glanced at the three copper coins on the ground, and felt his mouth and nose getting hot, and a mouthful of blood suddenly rushed up.

After spitting out blood with a "wow" sound, Xuan Ce's face turned pale, and he waved his hand to destroy all the blood he spat out, silently cursing the thing he just muttered in his heart.

"Why call me Xuan Ce? I think I might as well call myself Xuan Short Life!"

After a long breath, Xuan Ce took out a pot of spiritual dew and drank a sip, then looked at the hexagram again.


What's going on? "

Xuance was shocked.

He looked at the three fortune copper coins and frowned so hard that he could kill an insect.

"This opportunity to solve the catastrophe has disappeared..."

How could it disappear?

Even if he is taken away by someone, my hexagram will still show it!

Could it be that I am not qualified enough and have not fully understood the meaning of this hexagram? "

Xuance murmured to himself.

"Why don't you go home and ask your ancestors?

With his magical powers, he might be able to see more things!

But before that, we still need to find two other things. "

Then, Xuance rolled up his sleeves, put away the copper coins of destiny, and walked out of the Luoxian Cave.

It is strange to say that there are many restrictions in this Luoxian Cave, and there are restrictions every few miles in the core area. However, Xuance walks in it as if he is taking a leisurely stroll. Whether it is a crack in the space or a restriction, he can Escape calmly.

At the same time, under the guidance of the Tongxian Tu, Gu Changhuan was slowly walking towards the Luoxian Cave.

However, after a while, Gu Changhuan suddenly stopped.

"I didn't expect that I could meet other monks here."

he whispered.

But he didn't hide his figure immediately.

At this moment, Xuance, who was walking out of Luoxian Cave, also noticed a Jindan monk not far away. It seemed that he wanted to enter the depths of Luoxian Cave.

"Whose unlucky child is dying?"

Xuance muttered something and then thought to himself, after all, meeting him in a place like this is considered fate, so why not just give him some advice by the way, which can be regarded as doing good deeds every day.

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