The Immortal Spiritual Picture

Chapter 76 Heading to Hengzhou

Gu Changhuan hadn't been home to see his parents for three or four years. Now he was going to Hengzhou, and it would probably take him a year or two to come back. It would be a good idea to go home and see his parents for a few days to show his filial piety.

Compared with immortals, the life span of mortals is too short.

Gu Changhuan is now in the foundation building stage, and his life span is 300 years, while mortals can only live to 110 to 20 years old even if they die without illness or disaster.

Gu Changhuan's parents are already over 50 years old.

Yuqing Town is the mortal town closest to Bifeng Mountain. Gu Changhuan returned to his home in just over a quarter of an hour.

His spiritual sense swept across the entire Gu residence, and Gu Shan and Fang Yurong were sitting in the garden.

Gu Changhuan suddenly appeared in the garden, behind the two of them

"I'm back!"


"Huan'er is back!"

Gu Shan and Fang Yurong were excited to see this child they hadn't seen for a long time.

Gu Shan was more reserved, and Fang Yurong directly pulled Gu Changhuan to ask about his well-being.

"Huan'er, have you been busy lately? If not, your birthday is coming soon. You might as well stay at home for a few more days so that our family can celebrate your birthday."

Fang Yurong looked at Gu Changhuan expectantly: This child was born on June 15th, and today is already June 9th.

After hearing Fang Yurong's words, Gu Changhuan realized that his birthday was coming soon. Seeing Fang Yurong's expression, Gu Changhuan felt a pang in his heart, and hurriedly said

"Nothing has happened recently, mother can arrange it."

Fang Yurong laughed very happily when she heard this, and even Gu Shan couldn't help but nodded.

The Gu residence became lively again.

At night, Gu Changhuan entered the Xuantian Tower, and he was going to get some honey for his parents.

The spiritual temperature of the spirit bee honey is mild. If you just take a small amount of it with water every day, it will definitely be good for the health of Gu's father and mother.

Of course, Gu Changhuan would not provoke the black-tailed spirit bee himself. The puppet is the best tool for collecting honey.

The puppet has no soul fluctuations and no breath of life, so it is easy to approach the hive.

After a long time in the space, the queen bee had already recovered completely, and the entire bee colony had returned to its most prosperous state. At this time, the entire beehive was nearly one meter in size, and the entire spiritual tree was bent.

Under the control of Gu Changhuan's consciousness, the puppet slowly peeled off the bee colony and cut off a large piece of spiritual honey.

This action easily angered the queen bee, and it ordered the entire bee colony to attack the puppet. After a crazy attack, the surface of the puppet was pierced by the bee stings, and several large and small pits were almost scrapped.

The queen bee extinguished her anger and almost started her great bee-making business.

The puppet came to Gu Changhuan step by step and handed the spiritual honey to him.

After receiving the spiritual honey, Gu Changhuan left the Xuantian Tower. He took out the Chaos Wanling Jue and began to comprehend.

In this way, Gu Changhuan accompanied his parents during the day, and either comprehended the skills or slept at night. After a few days, it was June 15th, Gu Changhuan's birthday.

On the birthday, Gu Changhuan's two elder brothers, who had already moved to separate houses, also came with their wives, which was considered a reunion.

Gu Changhuan's elder brother was named Gu Feng, and his second brother was named Gu Nian. Blood is thicker than water, so he was naturally close to his two elder brothers and gave each of them a jar of honey.

Several nephews and nieces who were not afraid of strangers surrounded Gu Changhuan and asked for gifts. Gu Changhuan took out several wood carvings from his storage bag and gave them to them.

Tigers, dragons, apes, and eagles were all lifelike. Although they were not carved from real spiritual wood, they were somewhat spiritual, and the children could at least avoid some illnesses.

The children happily ran to show off to their parents after receiving the gifts.

Seeing Gu Changhuan getting close to his grandchildren, Gu Shan was also very happy.

After all, they were still his family. If any of the children were lucky enough to have spiritual roots and embarked on the path of cultivating immortals, they would have to rely on Gu Changhuan to help them. Unfortunately, he did not have this fate.

However, he has enjoyed wealth and honor all his life. Now he has a happy wife, concubines, children and grandchildren, and a promising son. He has nothing to complain about.

Gu Shan thought, and took Fang Yurong's hand under the table. The couple smiled at each other.

Gu Changhuan stayed at Gu's house until the end of June before setting off for Hengzhou.

Qingzhou is not small in area. If you want to go to Hengzhou, you have to pass through several mountain ranges on the way, and you have to pass through the jurisdiction of Haoran Sect. With Gu Changhuan's early foundation-building cultivation, it will take at least more than a month to reach Hengzhou.

In order not to cause misunderstandings from local families, Gu Changhuan tried to walk along the edge of other families' territories as much as possible, so that he took a long detour.

But at least he saved the trouble of negotiating with local foundation-building cultivators.

He traveled during the day and meditated at night. Occasionally, he would encounter robbers in the Qi training period and replenish his storage bag.

During these days, Gu Changhuan also found two relatively rare spiritual medicines from the corners, and also discovered a mineral vein with the Tongxiantu, but unfortunately it was found within the territory of another family.

The days of rushing on the road did not seem so boring.

More than forty days passed, and Gu Changhuan finally left Qingzhou and arrived in Hengzhou.

The largest force in Hengzhou is also a sect, named Shaoyang Sect.

The Shaoyang Sect has two Yuanying, thirteen Jindan and nearly a hundred Zifu, and the strength of the middle level is a few points stronger than that of Haoran Sect.

However, the lives of the families and independent cultivators in Hengzhou are far worse than those in Qingzhou.

Since the establishment of Qingzhou more than three hundred years ago, the border area between Hengzhou and the demon clan has become much smaller. Qingzhou has shared most of the pressure from the demon clan for Hengzhou, and the Shaoyang Sect has been much more comfortable.

When the Shaoyang Sect is at ease, the life of the independent cultivators and families below will be difficult. Independent cultivators are fine, they are alone and can live anywhere, and many of them have gone directly to Qingzhou or Lanzhou. But the family cultivators are not so good, they have their own territory and power in Hengzhou, and it is too costly to move to another place, so they can only endure the exploitation of the Shaoyang Sect.

However, the Shaoyang Sect is not all fools. Since the Shaoyang Sect changed its leader more than a hundred years ago, many messy regulations have been abolished, and Hengzhou has also taken on a new look. A lot of independent cultivators who have been lost have also been replenished. After all, not everyone likes to fight monsters to death in Qingzhou.

It’s just that the news of the Qingzhou monster tide has gradually spread recently, and the prices in Hengzhou have risen a lot.

However, these have little impact on Gu Changhuan. He is not here to buy spiritual objects. Maybe he can sell a large number of spiritual objects and make a profit.

But Hengzhou is different from the Linyao Market. It is said that the largest market in Hengzhou, Sanyang Market, even has a Jindan Patriarch in charge. He is still cautious.

No matter how good the spiritual stone is, you only have one life.

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