The Immortal Spiritual Picture

Chapter 794 I’m so angry

This kind of thing has happened before.

The Gu family was busy building the new territory, and the people from the other four sects were not idle either. They also sent many cultivators to build the territory obtained from the Multi-spotted Demon King.

Especially the Haoran Sect, they obtained a fifth-level spiritual vein!

And the place near the space crack also needs high-level cultivators to guard it.

Fortunately, there are more Yuanying cultivators in the Haoran Sect, otherwise, it is possible to be dwarfed.

Compared with other continents that have been destroyed and reduced in population due to the invasion of Zerg, the human race in the Eastern Wasteland can be said to be the only continent that has turned a disaster into a blessing.

Of course, this is inseparable from the fact that the Eastern Wasteland is small in size, its overall strength is not weak, and it is united and helpful.

In contrast, the South China Sea, which is a vast area with mixed fish and dragons, is not so lucky.

Since the Queen of Zerg was suppressed, the Zerg began to wreak havoc again in the Crystal Blue Sea, the Ten Thousand Butterflies Sea, and even the Meteorite Sea. To date, the number of destroyed Yuanying forces has been counted on one hand.

In this case, Han Yu of Tiangongmen could not stay in seclusion all the time, so he organized some people and mobilized the power of Haijinsi to deal with the scattered Zerg.

Unfortunately, facing the vast sea, even with more people, the Zerg cannot be completely killed.

As long as the Zerg cannot be completely killed, the Zerg will multiply and grow at an astonishing speed in a short period of time and make a comeback. Its difficulty is far better than that of the demons.

Speaking of the demons, the South China Sea demons have also been a little uneasy recently.

Because of the Zerg riots, the Zerg space cracks expanded, causing damage to many demon beasts, but fortunately there are many demon beasts in the sea, even if some are killed or injured, it doesn’t matter, and there are not many high-level demon beasts lost.

In contrast, the Zerg that invaded the South China Sea demons did not end well.

Any insects that enter the sea, once they encounter the monsters in the sea, will either eat them or be eaten by them.

On this day, after listening to the report from his subordinates, the leader of the Jiaolong tribe waved his hand. He tilted his big head, asked his subordinates to retreat, and then thought about it and called Jiao Shisan again.

Jiao Shisan happily met his father, and then heard his kind and powerful father utter cold words:

"Before, the Zhou family said that there was a way to repair the space cracks. It has been so long, but there is still no news;

You go to Tianfeng City again and ask the Zhou family when it will be done?

I have given them the sixth-level monster skin in the treasure house. It won’t work without a concrete result."

Jiao Shisan’s brain automatically filtered out two and a half sentences, and his face fell when he heard the three words "Tianfeng City".

"I don’t want to go to Tianfeng City!

The woman of the Zhou family is so fierce, she split my dragon horn into a crack!

I finally grew a dragon horn!"

Jiao Shisan almost hugged the Jiaolong clan leader’s thigh and cried or rolled on the ground.

The Jiaolong clan leader stretched out his long neck, looked at Jiao Shisan’s dragon horn, and then said in surprise as if he had discovered something:

"The place where your dragon horn was split seems to have turned a little golden!

Is it because it was struck by lightning?"

Jiao Shisan was refreshed!

The Jiaolong clan leader smiled proudly.

His son was simple-minded and easy to deceive, but he was much more fun than his other sons and daughters.

So, the Jiaolong clan leader coaxed Jiao Shisan to go to Tianfeng City again with just a few words.

Half a month later, Jiao Shisan came back aggrieved.

The light of the dragon horn was brighter.

The Jiaolong clan leader looked at his silly son and felt a little guilty.

Jiao Shisan touched his dragon horn. Although it seemed that the skin and horn were a little thicker, it was really painful to be struck by lightning!

He thought so, still a little aggrieved, but also happy.

But he did not forget to do business.

"Zhou Xingchen of the Zhou family said that he had to wait for another seven or eight years.

Well, I also saw Xiao Suanpan, Xiao Suanpan said the same thing. Xiao Suanpan also took me to see Taotie. Taotie wanted to bite me, but I beat him!"

At this point, Jiao Shisan proudly puffed up his chest.

The Jiaolong clan leader frowned.

Who is Zhou Xingchen?

Could it be Zhou Gengchen?

As for the abacus, it should be the descendant of Xuan Laogui, I think it's called Xuan Ce?

As for Taotie...

The Jiaolong clan leader looked at his silly son, sighed, and asked:

"Have you seen Zhou Gengmao?"

Jiao Shisan touched his dragon horn and said with a stammer:

"I guess I saw him. I was struck several times."

The Jiaolong clan leader pursed his lips, and his dragon whiskers trembled as he tried to hold back his laughter.

Meanwhile, on the other side, in the Xuan family's territory, Xuan Daoyi was checking the stars.

Xuan Ce sat with him.

Xuan Ce seemed to be serious, but in fact he was distracted and didn't know where he ran to.

The asshole Taotie was taken away by the monks in the Western Desert. How boring!

Otherwise, calculate when Feng Lan can advance to the sixth level?

No, such a big thing will easily shorten your life.

He didn't want to rely on life-extending spiritual objects to prolong his life at such a young age.

Or he should practice!

Xuan Ce's eyes swept across the sky full of stars. To outsiders, it was just a sky full of stars, but to Xuan Ce and Xuan Daoyi, they were half-solved riddles and information.

However, at this moment, Xuan Ce suddenly saw a star in the southeast with a bright purple light!

The moment he looked up, the stars in the sky dimmed instantly, leaving only a few scattered stars, emitting different colors, and even the strength of the stars around them was different.

But when he wanted to look carefully again, he could not see anything.

In an instant, the stars in the sky looked like an ordinary scenery in his eyes, but it made Xuan Ce completely confused!

Xuan Ce couldn't help but turn his head. He looked at Xuan Daoyi in amazement, but he saw that Xuan Daoyi looked normal and was still concentrating on deducing something.

When he looked back at the stars in the sky, everything was normal.

He pondered for a while, but still didn't say it out.

He has a star body, and his talent in fortune-telling is far beyond ordinary people. It is normal even if he sees something that others can't see, but the strange thing is, why did he completely lose his insight into the stars just now?

Although it was only a moment, it was also very strange.

Xuan Ce frowned and thought, and gave up after thinking for a while and couldn't figure it out.

He is open-minded by nature. He will not dwell on the problems he cannot figure out, and he is not so curious to explore the truth of the world. He just wants to be a free and easy immortal.

It can be said that his character has really caused headaches for Xuan Daoyi and his father Xuan Wuji countless times.

He is obviously gifted in all aspects, but he is lazy and doesn't even care about cultivation. The thoughts in his head are also weird and arbitrary. If it weren't for the oppression of the interface catastrophe, I'm afraid he would still be fishing in some corner. It's really annoying.

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