The Immortal Spiritual Picture

Chapter 855: God Transformation Celebration

In a blink of an eye, it was the celebration of the transformation into gods.

The sky was clear and cloudless that day, and the sun was even a bit dazzling.

The celebration was held at Hongmeng Peak, one of the forty-nine peaks of Qingcang Mountain.

Hongmeng Peak is already tall and majestic, and the later purpose-built buildings are also solemn and luxurious. They are surrounded by jade tiles, carved beams and painted buildings, waterside pavilions, and rows of bells and chimes beside the main platform. Anyone who is in it will be shocked by its majestic momentum.

The entire Hongmeng Peak was extremely lively today.

There are more than 10,000 monks up and down Hongmeng Peak who have traveled thousands of miles to congratulate Gu Changhuan!

The monks in the Gu family are so busy that they are almost crazy. From morning till now, most of them have not even got half a cup of tea. They are all greeting the guests, showing them to their seats, etc.

But at last there was no trouble, and no one in the Gu family was lost.

And listening to the compliments and compliments from the guests, everyone in the Gu family felt that all the hard work was worth it.

When the auspicious time comes, the sound of bells, drums, bells, and chimes suddenly rises, and the joy is not unavoidable but solemn. The music lingers in the ears, but it doesn't seem to come from afar.

The people who came to congratulate Gu Changhuan for his advancement into the spirit state were momentarily forgetful while listening to the ritual music.

At the VIP seat, Zhou Gengchen raised his eyebrows slightly.

This ritual music is not an ordinary music score, but a secret treasure of music cultivation. It has the effect of concentrating and meditating, eliminating distracting thoughts and transcending the world. If you are lucky, it is possible to understand something.

It's a pity that it only has some effect on the monks under Nascent Soul;

For cultivators like them, it just sounds nice.

After the sound of etiquette and music, Gu Xuanzhan came on stage. Holding a scroll, he first welcomed the distinguished guests in the audience today, and then said a lot of words of praise, naturally praising Gu Changhuan, and then listed all Gu Changhuan's achievements;

This achievement is naturally not only achieved by the Gu family, but also includes the invention of the elixir Hunyuan Spirit Talisman and the sealing of the Zerg space cracks against the Zerg, etc.;

Most of the monks present were aware of these achievements, but after listing them one by one, all the monks present were shocked!

At this time, the atmosphere has been heightened.

Gu Changhuan came to the stage wearing a purple gold Taoist robe and a crown of jade on his head. Under the stage, many monks stood up and faced Gu Changhuan, either congratulating him or bending down to congratulate him. They all said in unison:

"Congratulations to Fellow Daoist Gu for your advancement into God Transformation!!!"

"Congratulations to Senior Gu for your advancement into God Transformation!!!"

Gu Changhuan had a solemn expression and joy in his eyes as he accepted the congratulations from many monks.

After Wan Xiu paid his respects, Gu Changhuan raised his hand and many monks returned to their seats.

On the main stage, Gu Changhuan sat cross-legged and began to talk about his cultivation experience.

From the beginning of the Qi training period, I briefly talked about a few sentences. After the Golden Pill, the explanation speed slowed down, and all the way to Nascent Soul, everything was detailed. As for the transformation of the spirit, it was also briefly explained.

During this period, the entire Hongmeng Peak was silent except for the sound of wind and the beating of grass and insects.

Most monks dare not even take a breath.

After Gu Changhuan finished telling the story, everyone was not relieved. On the contrary, they were still interested and wanted to let Gu Changhuan continue to talk for three days and three nights.

But this is impossible. Being able to participate in this divine transformation lecture is already a rare opportunity for them in their lifetime. Even several monks in the late Nascent Soul stage, after listening to Gu Changhuan’s brief introduction to the spiritual transformation stage, Already thoughtful.

After the transformation of the gods and the sermon, the banquet officially began.

This is also the stage where many god-transformation monks begin to communicate and talk.

Due to the shortage of manpower in the clan, Gu Shining specially ordered the clan's weapon refiner to make numerous maid puppets to take charge of some simple matters during the banquet.

Xuandao looked at the third-level puppet and smiled and praised:

"The Gu Daoyou family's method of refining puppets is very delicate, and the details are also handled very well."

Monk Wuyou from the Huayan Sect nodded, obviously agreeing with this.

Gu Changhuan smiled and said,

"I have heard about the name of Qixing Pavilion for a long time, but I didn't expect that the Xuan family is also good at weapon refining.

It's indeed good. This puppet technique was acquired by me when I was traveling when I was young. Although the level is not high, it is more lifelike and can distinguish some simple commands, which saves us the trouble of manipulation. "

The young man named Han from Tiangongmen nodded and smiled:

“If you can make some progress by refining weapons, it is also the success of countless ancestors’ efforts;

Gu Dao friendly opportunities. "

Gu Changhuan picked up the wine glass,

"Speaking of which, I don't have many specialties. If there is anything worth showing off, it's just good luck."

He said, smiling very innocently, and continued:

"This glass of wine is dedicated to all fellow Taoists. Thank you all for traveling thousands of miles to attend Gu's transformation celebration;

The time to advance to become a god is still short, so I will inevitably have the opportunity to bother you in the future, so please bear with me in the future. "

Then, the gods present glanced at Zhou Gengchen intentionally or unintentionally.

Zhou Gengchen raised his wine glass,

"What are you talking about, Fellow Daoist Gu?

We, the Yuyang Realm monks, are supposed to unite and help each other, so why bother?

What's more, since Taoist friend Gu is a young and talented person, there is no telling when we will be able to find you in the future. "

Then, he raised the wine glass in his hand, Gu Changhuan smiled slightly, and the other god-transformation monks tacitly raised their wine glasses, and everyone drank it down together.

After that, there was nothing important to say. The monks who transformed themselves into gods had a long conversation together, and also talked about some old and interesting things. It was a scene where both guests and hosts were enjoying themselves.

Gu Changhuan sat in the main seat, chatting with these Divine Transformation cultivators while sweeping his spiritual sense over Hongmeng Peak. Occasionally, he spoke a few words to the ancestors of the Qin family, the Yan family, Lan Ling, and Haofeng.

Many cultivators came today, including all the big and small forces in the Eastern Wilderness, and even the Nascent Soul strength from other situations.

Gu Changhuan roughly memorized the faces of these people for future use.

The many cultivators of the Gu family didn't know how long they had been busy. All kinds of fourth-level spiritual food, fifth-level spiritual wine, sixth-level spiritual wine, and tea were delivered to Hongmeng Peak like flowing water. They felt distressed and proud at the same time. Then, after the banquet officially began, they had a little time to drink tea, eat some spiritual food, drink some wine, etc.

When the celebration ended, they were busy again.

It was not until late at night that everything was settled.

Late at night, on the main peak of Qingcang Mountain, Gu Changhuan looked at the almost endless gift list, and smiled until several teeth were exposed.

"Look, these families are indeed the power of the God Transformation, and they are so generous in giving gifts!

Especially the Zhou family, a sixth-level formation, a spiritual treasure, and a sixth-level spiritual fruit tree, wow."

Gu Changhuan said to the Gu family while holding the gift list.

Gu Xuanzhan and others couldn't help but laugh.

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