The Immortal Spiritual Picture

Chapter 861: Nature can make everything

Seeing that Gu Shining did not make it clear, everyone in the Gu family stopped asking. After putting their questions in their hearts, everyone in the Gu family looked at each other and prepared to take action.

Their goal this time is to open up sufficient water veins in the Qianlong Mountains where water systems are sparse or even barren.

For Jindan monks, although this is not difficult, it is still hard work.

After all, some underground water veins can be very deep.

But fortunately, the reward for this mission was generous, and it contributed a lot to the family.

Thinking like this, these Gu family monks felt full of energy.

Gu Changyue and others were not slow in their actions. In just one month, they opened up more than 150 large and small water veins in the Qianlong Mountains.

Then, he returned to Qingcang Mountain with the newly drawn topographic map of Qianlong Mountain Range.

Then, Gu Shining picked out the vast plains and wastelands, and then approached Gu Changcheng. He handed over the white sand that Gu Changhuan gave him to Gu Changcheng and Gu Changyue, and asked them to act alone to spread the white sand on those plains. Go up, and then set up the formation to wait for the future.

Gu Changcheng still doesn't know the function of these white sands, but he vaguely guesses something.

He immediately and seriously stated that he would definitely complete this task.

However, in the process of completing this task, Gu Changcheng and Gu Changyue were a little curious about where these white sands that may have magical effects come from, and there are so many more.

After sprinkling white sand on all the plains marked on the clan leader's map and setting up the formation, there were still six storage bags left.

These six storage bags were naturally returned to the clan leader as originals.

Then these things were placed in the family's secret treasure house by Gu Shining.

After all, there will be places where the white sand will be used in the future, and he can't dispose of it at will. M.

After all these arrangements were completed, Gu Shining started to do other things.

A few months later, Gu Changhuan set off for Zhongzhou again.

After repairing all the Zerg space cracks in Central Continent, the Zhou family held a celebration banquet for Gu Changhuan.

The Xuan family and others accompany him.

Unexpectedly, at the celebration banquet, an unexpected guest suddenly came.

"You are the human monk who can repair the cracks in the Zerg space!

You look so young! "

Jiao Shisan opened his eyes wide and looked at Gu Changhuan saying this.

Gu Changhuan looked at this man's stupid and clear eyes and was a little confused for a moment.

Judging from what this person said, could he be the sixth-order demon ancestor of the demon clan?

But, this man, no, the aura around this beast is very peaceful, there is no bloody and evil aura.

I just don’t know whether this beast comes from the Eastern Wasteland or the South China Sea.

He thought so, smiled politely, and asked:

"I, Gu Changhuan, have not yet asked for the name of fellow Taoist."

Jiao Shisan scratched his head,

"My name is Jiao Shisan."

It turned out to be a member of the Nanhai Jiaolong clan.

Gu Changhuan understood clearly.

Zhou Gengmao sighed helplessly, crushed the Demon-Destroying Divine Thunder in his hand with his backhand, and asked someone to set up a seat for Jiao Shisan.

Although he was an uninvited guest, he couldn't just stand there.

Jiao Shisan didn't know how much Zhou Gengmao was thinking about. He sat down happily and saw his favorite snacks on the table, so he immediately ate a plate happily.

Seeing that he was eating happily, it was hard for the other monks to ask him why he suddenly appeared again.

“Do you still have this snack?

I still want to eat. "

Jiao Shisan finished a plate, raised his plate and waved to ask Zhou Gengmao.

Gu Changhuan held back his laughter and looked at the helpless Zhou Gengmao, and Xuan Ce and others who couldn't hold back their laughter. He thought to himself, this is how nature conquers all things!

Taking advantage of the waiter's free time to get snacks, Zhou Gengmao finally asked:

"You suddenly appeared in Tianfeng City, why?"

Jiao Shisan was stunned.

He opened his eyes wide and blinked twice.


Why is he here?

I seem to have forgotten!

The confused expression on Jiao Shisan's face was so obvious that everyone present was speechless.

How could such a fool cultivate to the sixth level?

Although it is more relaxing to get along with this kind of person or this kind of beast, is it true that a sixth-level dragon like him will not be sold out and help count spiritual stones?

How could this Jiaolong parent trust this fool to go out alone?

Gu Changhuan couldn't figure it out for a while, but he saw Zhou Gengmao raised his hand on the main seat, and a wisp of purple gold divine thunder in the palm of his hand made a "thundering" sound.

Just listen to her smile and ask:

"Can you please help Young Master Jiao recall it?"

Seeing Zhou Gengmao trying to chop him again, Jiao Shisan shrank his neck and covered his head. Then at that moment, an idea flashed in his mind.

“Me me me!

I remembered!

My father asked me to ask my fellow Taoist consultant when he would have time to repair the space cracks in the Demon Clan’s territory!

I didn't forget it on purpose!

Those pastries are so delicious! "

The divine thunder in Zhou Gengmao's hand disappeared in a flash, and she waved her hand and commanded:

"Bring some more cakes to Young Master Jiao."

I saw her pause, as if squeezing out a few words through her teeth

"Just take care of it until he vomits."

The Zhou family members smiled and responded.

Jiao Shisan's eyes lit up.

Sister Zhou is a good person!

However, the good sister Zhou doesn't really want to deal with this idiot Jiao Shisan now.

But I have to say a few words,

"It is not easy for Fellow Daoist Gu to seal the space cracks of the Zerg. After each sealing, he needs to rest for a while to replenish his vitality;

So in the past ten years, he has not been able to seal the space cracks of the demon clan."

She said so.

Gu Changhuan nodded and smiled to show his cooperation.

Jiao Shisan scratched his head, and when he was about to say something, the snacks were served.

Then, his eyes lit up, and his saliva almost stayed. He couldn't remember what he was going to say. He just said "I know, I'll go back and tell my father", and then continued to eat heartily.

Gu Changhuan looked at Jiao Shisan and smiled.

This is simply the stupid son of the Dragon King!

However, the stupid Jiao has stupid luck. The Jiaolong clan is powerful and has occupied the South China Sea for many years. Its influence in the demon clan of the South China Sea is like that of the Zhou family in Zhongzhou. No one can compare. Otherwise, it is estimated that a stupid son like Jiao Shisan would have been captured by the cultivators and skinned and pulled out.

Gu Changhuan thought so, took a sip of wine, looked at the people present, looked at the puppets that were performing music and dance vividly, and couldn't help but smile again.

It doesn't matter if the foundation is poor, that's just the current situation. A thousand years later, the strength and power of the Gu family will not be worse than any other family present.

Little did he know that Xuan Daoyi was also secretly sizing up Gu Changhuan.

Or rather, he had been secretly sizing up Gu Changhuan.

This young man was surrounded by luck, and was even much stronger than Zhou Gengmao, the Zhou family's incarnation god. It can be seen that he must have great achievements in the future.

And through some kind of spiritual pupil secret technique, he also confirmed that Gu Changhuan did have the body of the Great Dao.

But, for some reason, he always felt that there was more secret about Gu Changhuan.

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