The Immortal Spiritual Picture

Chapter 866 The real purpose is revealed

The head of the Liu family and the head of the Ye family didn't know whether Gu Changhuan was tired from repairing the cracks in the Zerg space, but it only took a quarter of an hour, and senior Gu was neither blushing nor out of breath, and he didn't look tired at all. look.

Of course, when Senior Gu said he was tired, they couldn't refute, let alone dare to refute, it was just because they were tired.

The one with the big fist has the final say!

However, it was a little late for Senior Fenglan to advance to become a god.

Nowadays, all the largest space cracks in the human race have been sealed by Senior Gu. In other words, all the favors that should be received have been taken away, and the rest are small fish and shrimps of no importance, and naturally they cannot be left behind. There are too many benefits.

The two clan leaders were thinking this, but unexpectedly, at this moment, the Liu family ancestor in the chair suddenly said:

"Brother Gu sealed the Zerg space rift in the Fallen Immortal Sea for my Liu family, and solved the serious problem of my Liu family. I should thank you very much;

If you want to know, go to my cave and get the elixir from my desk! "

Upon hearing this, the head of the Liu family immediately stood up, folded his hands and left the banquet, heading to the Liu family's ancestor's cave.

Gu Changhuan smiled and held his hands:

“Fellow Daoist Liu is really too polite;

I dedicate this cup to fellow Taoist Liu. "

As he spoke, he poured a glass of wine himself to honor the ancestor of the Liu family.

The ancestor of the Liu family cooperated and poured a glass of wine, and drank with Gu Changhuan in the distance.

Just when he raised his hand to drink, a flash of strong desire and sarcasm flashed in his eyes.

But he didn't notice that the corners of Gu Changhuan's mouth were slightly raised while he was drinking.

Soon, the head of the Liu family brought a pot of elixir.

Gu Changhuan looked at the elixir and asked in confusion:

"Although I am an alchemist and know a lot of elixirs, I have never seen this kind of elixir before. I only know that this medicine is not low-grade and is of the sixth grade.

But don’t know what’s the secret?

But please ask Fellow Daoist Liu to clear up the confusion. "

The ancestor of the Liu family smiled proudly, quietly held his breath, and then introduced:

"This elixir is called Zuiyanxia. Taking it can strengthen the soul and consciousness of our monks;

Its fragrance is like a wisp and lasts for a long time. It also has the effect of clearing the mind and strengthening the consciousness.

Moreover, this thing has a wonderful benefit. "

The ancestor of the Liu family spoke, but his speaking speed became slower.

Everyone present couldn't help but move forward slightly and all looked at the ancestor of the Liu family.

Gu Changhuan smiled and then said:

"Fellow Daoist Liu is knowledgeable and knowledgeable, and he is absolutely inferior to me;

But Brother Liu, please don't keep it secret. Please tell me frankly what is so magical about this elixir, so as to clear up the doubts of this brother and everyone present. "

After hearing what Gu Changhuan said, the eyes of everyone present looking at the Liu family ancestor became brighter.

The ancestor of the Liu family smiled and explained:

“Don’t be impatient, everyone;

This last magical thing...

Ancient books record that as long as a wisp of true essence is injected into it, the medicine can stimulate a strange fragrance. If you smell this strange fragrance, you have a chance to spy on the future path.

It's a pity that this strange fragrance is only useful when you smell it for the first time, and no matter how much you smell it after that, it will be in vain;

To be honest, although I have injected real energy into it and smelled the strange fragrance, the future road that I spied was hazy, with only a little light in the distance.

However, Daoyou Gu has advanced to become a god at a young age, so he must be able to see things more clearly than me. "

After listening to the words of the ancestor of the Liu family, the eyes of everyone present looking at the drunken haze suddenly became different.

Although things that enhance spiritual consciousness are rare, they are not uncommon for monks of their background. Things that enhance the strength of the soul are relatively rare, but things that can give people a glimpse of their future path...ŴŴŴ.

Extremely rare.

Unheard of even.

At this time, Gu Changhuan cupped his hands and said:

“This thing is really too precious;

Brother Liu is grateful to me, but I cannot accept this thing. "

Unexpectedly, the ancestor of the Liu family waved his hand and said:

“It doesn’t matter, this thing is of no use to me now;

Brother Gu uses this thing even more. "

Gu Changhuan declined again.

“But this thing is still of great use to all the little friends of the Liu family.

It’s hard to accept it! "

In the audience, the Liu family members looked at the Liu family ancestor with bright eyes, and it was obvious what they wanted to express.

Unexpectedly, the Liu family ancestor waved his hand and said:

“I didn’t expect Fellow Daoist Gu to think so much about our Liu family;

But it doesn't matter, I just missed something, but it can make up for this gap. "

At this time, the head of the Ye family said:

“Could it be that anyone who smells this strange fragrance for the first time can get a glimpse of the future?

Rather than just me being able to see the future? "

The ancestor of the Liu family nodded.

"Young Ye Ye is a smart man, and what he said is right.

As long as true energy is injected into it, everyone present, except me, will have the opportunity to glimpse the future path;

In this case, these outstanding nephews and nephews of my Qin family will not miss the opportunity;

I will not neglect my Liu family, and I will repay my kindness to my brother. "

As soon as these words came out, the expectant eyes of everyone in the room fell on Gu Changhuan.

Gu Changhuan also smiled, and then said:

"In this way, this can be regarded as a solution to both problems."

Everyone present nodded slightly in unison.

At this time, the Liu family ancestor said:

"You guys should stay calm and wait for a moment before fellow Taoist Gu injects the true essence into it. You must concentrate on understanding so as not to miss the opportunity!"

Gu Changhuan smiled, but for some reason there was always some unexplainable meaning in it.


Hearing what the two god-transforming monks said, the monks present did not dare to neglect, and quickly hugged Yuan Shouyi, restrained the overflowing thoughts, and were ready to pry into the future avenue at any time.

Seeing this, the ancestor of the Liu family nodded towards Gu Changhuan.

Gu Changhuan nodded and smiled, raised his fingertips and moved a ray of true energy towards the drunk haze on the table!

The moment the true essence merged into the drunken haze, a sweet and refreshing fragrance suddenly emitted.

The monks present could not help but feel refreshed!

As the strange fragrance was inhaled into the organs, the monks present felt that their consciousness was somewhat ethereal.

Gu Changhuan also frowned, seeming to feel uncomfortable.

At this time, some people already felt that something was wrong, but except for the head of the Ye family and Gu Changhuan, everyone present was from the Liu family. It was impossible for their own ancestors to harm them, right?

Many people thought this way, eliminated some of their worries, and continued to breath in the strange fragrance.

However, within ten breaths, the world in front of him became a bit unreal.

It's like being drunk, with no strength in the whole body. It seems that even the true energy has been stagnated, and even the soul and consciousness have become very weak.

But there are still no signs of the future.


You lied...”

Gu Changhuan spoke intermittently, shaking his head slightly, as if he was also suffering from strong dizziness and discomfort.

And the ancestor of the Liu family finally showed a ferocious smile.

"Yes, I lied to you, so what?

The only thing to blame is that you were born with Taoism but were so stupid!

Even such an obvious trick will work!

However, it did save me a lot of effort! "

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