The Immortal Taoist

Vol 2 Chapter 76: Fairy

Lingdao suddenly used the transmission symbol, which obviously scared everyone to jump. It was found that Lingdao was only a thousand miles away. The elders of Yinmengmeng and Shuangjianmen all took a breath, thanks to the symbol of Lingdao. It can only be transmitted thousands of miles. If it is a thousand miles, even Tianjun can't find him.

"Awful, even using the symbol to run."

Zhang Mingyuan snorted and then chased the past. If there is no Tianjun present, Lingdao has been running away. His chances of catching up with Lingdao are very small. Fortunately, Tianjun will go out first and stop Lingdao. Lingdao still dies under his broken gun.

Unfortunately, the use of the Tiantian gun is very expensive. I have used it once before. Naturally, it is impossible to use it again. It is not so simple to use other methods of shooting. If you want to kill the Lingdao, it is not so simple. After all, the strength of Lingdao is after nine. After the reincarnation, it has been stronger than before.

Every reincarnation, Lingdao can become the peak of Tianjun, plus his past life, the superposition of the Tenth Heavenly King, is naturally very horrible, as long as Lingdao will fully digest the ninth reincarnation, even the Silver Gun League, All the Heavenly Kings of Wan Fuzong and Shuangjianmen, the understanding of the source is definitely not as good as him.

Ten Shi Tianjun, he has already entrusted fifteen kinds of origin strengths to the fifth level. Yuan Yuan origin can be derived into other sources. On the contrary, he will enlighten the other fifteen kinds of origins and understand the Yuan Shiyuan source. Go up one floor.

The death of a previous life made him understand that he could not pin his hopes on others. He had to keep one hand at all times. The madman saved him from leaving, but he finally planned. He can now understand the fourth level of the yuan. The source, when the time to drop the penalty, the presence of Tianjun, one can not escape.

The heavens are different from the world of the sword god. The straightforward point of the sword, the world of the sword **** is equivalent to the lower boundary of the heavens. The world of thousands of dollars, that is to say, the good ones, in fact, one can only be regarded as a small world, and the heavens cannot be ratio.

The fairy world is still above the heavens, and across the heavens, the sin penalty for the great world of the sword god, naturally there is no celestial punishment of the heavens. The last sin punishment, almost the life of Lingdao, this time It will definitely be even more horrible, perhaps not at all.

"Run, why don't you run."

Gongsunxiong has come to Lingdao, and as soon as he is a peak, his speed is already very fast. Secondly, Lingdao does not leave at all. He just waits for them in the same place, but he can’t run away. Lingdao Nature It’s too lazy to work hard.

"Which eyes do you see I am going to run."

Even if Gongsunxiong is the peak of Tianjun, and it is still the elders of the Silver Gun League, Lingdao speaks to him, there is no respect, and Gongsunxiong will kill him. If he still stupidly respects Gongsunong, it is really a brain. something wrong.

Gong Sunxiong stunned Lingdao and did not continue to speak. He and a junior bickered, regardless of winning or losing, he was humiliated. Shen Tugang and other elders of the double swordsmen had already chased them, and Gongsunxiong did not want to be jokes.

"What are you doing?"

Zhang Mingyuan had just arrived, but he was blamed by Gong Sunxiong, which made him inexplicable, but he did not hesitate to directly hold the broken gun and killed it to Lingdao. The transmission symbol is extremely rare. He does not believe that Lingdao still has.

Generally speaking, only the core disciples of Wan Fuzong have the transmission symbol, and Lingdao has an external disciple, and there is actually it. It is beyond the expectation of Zhang Mingyuan. Fortunately, the elders helped him to stop the Lingdao. He can still Kill the ridge.


Already intending to use the cards in a desperate manner, Lingdao naturally does not need to have reservations. Anyway, when comprehending the fourth level of the origin of the Yuan Dynasty, it is necessary to experience the penalty. It is better to use the penalty to deal with the double sword and the silver gun. The elders of the League.

Lingdao's double fists are like a pair of wings of Kunpeng. They expand like they can cover the heavens and the earth. The original source is poured out. Lingdao is to exhaust the third level of the original source, and then master the first. The four-level elementary source.

Although Lingdao only has the peak of heaven and earth, he cultivates the total amount of the source of the gods without the gods. Naturally, it is extremely scary. The Peng Peng fist is incomparable with him. Now he has the support of all the origins of the Yuan, naturally letting him Double fists have the ultimate strength.

The black and golden light is full of sky, like a 鲲 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , Kuang Peng Quan is too strong, so he gave birth to a sense of powerlessness.

A punching force that seems to be enough to tear open the stars and smash the vacuum. The Peng Peng, which was used before Lingdao, has never had such a powerful power. On the momentum, Zhang Mingyuan has been completely blasted. If it is not the gap between the realms, Zhang Mingyuan may Has been killed by Lingdao live.

"Are you desperate?"

The elders of the Silver Gun Alliance and the Shuangjianmen can see it. Lingdao is already planning to go with Zhang Mingyuan. Regardless of whether Ling Dao is a winner or a defeat, after the First World War, he will inevitably collapse and be able to push Ling Dao to such a degree. Expected.

"What is the use of enchanting, it is not to die in front of this."

The realm of Ling Dao, in front of Gong Sunxiong, is indeed worth mentioning, but the potential of Ling Dao is higher than that of all the military witnesses that Gong Sunxiong has seen. The elders of Wan Fuzong think that the core disciples of Nei Zong are the most important, Gongsun Xiong and Shen Tu Just think that the importance of Ling Dao has exceeded the core disciples of Wan Fuzong.

"Yes, then you dare to come and kill me."

Lingdao, who is fighting Zhang Mingyuan, suddenly turned his head and looked at the provocatively slanted Gongsunxiong. If Lingdao can maintain his current state, even Zhang Mingyuan is not his opponent. Unfortunately, the origin of his body is about to Exhausted.

After Zhang Mingyuan stood behind a group of silver guns, it is impossible to be as desperate as Lingdao, and then dying, and then dying, and exhausted, as long as the momentum of Lingdao is exhausted, Zhang Mingyuan will certainly be able to kill Lingdao.

"Since you are not looking for death, then this is too good for you."

The disrespect of Lingdao several times has already made Gongsunxiong angry. Now Gongsunxiong stretched out his right hand and called to Lingdao. Tianjun, using only the physical strength, can kill the heavenly warriors, let alone Lingdao. Only the heavens are at their peak.

However, Lingdao’s face could not see the slightest panic. If he stared carefully at Lingdao’s eyes, he could even see a sneer from the depths of his nephew. He deliberately counted Gong Sunxiong, now Gong Sunxiong shot him, not only can not kill him, but will bring trouble for himself.

Previously, Ling Dao had secretly raised the comprehension of Yuan Yuan's origin to the fourth level. When calculating the time, the penalty was almost lowered. If Gong Sunxiong did not shoot him, the penalty would not kill Gongsunxiong, just a Unknown number.


A very loud voice sounded, don't say silver guns and double swordsmen elders, even the long-dead Wan Fuzong elders are clear, they don't know what's going on, only Lingdao eyes Hi, because he knows that the penalty has been lowered.

"Chemical fairy."

Above the endless sky, standing on a tall figure, it is the embodiment of the will of the immortal, the origin of the Yuan, the past, the precedent of Ling Dao's past and present, the will of the immortal is naturally not allowed, but the realm of Lingdao is low, the source is not allowed. High level of power.

The sin punishment experienced by Ling Dao is only the immortal shot of the immortal. Compared with the real sin punishment, it is simply a small witch. Because the real sin punishment, there will be a sin in person, of course, in general, the emperor Only have the opportunity to recruit real punishment.

The incarnation of the will of the immortal, without lowering the thunder and punishment, did not lower the fire robbery, but directly displayed the Huaxian Xian, claiming that the fairy scorpion that can be turned away from the fairy, turned into a small human race member, naturally no problem, if it is true The immortal to show the immortality, even the great emperor, must be eagerly awaited.

Gong Sunxiong’s shot on Lingdao was naturally not allowed by the incarnation of Xian’s will. Whether it was to help Lingdao or kill Lingdao, it would be squandered by the sin. Zhang Mingyuan also shot on Lingdao, so Zhang Mingyuan certainly fled. Can't fall.

Originally, it was only the singer of Lingdao. Now Zhang Mingyuan and Gongsunxiong are included. As for other elders and disciples, they will only be swept away by the aftermath of the fairy tales. They have not seen the sins of punishment, and they simply do not. Know what is going on.

"Who is the strong man, is it to help the road?"

An elder of the Silver Gun League whispered, because the attacks of Gong Sunxiong and Zhang Mingyuan have been turned away by the immortalization, and they have disappeared. The fairy scorpion is said to be able to be smashed, and it is natural to destroy the grandson. Xiong and Zhang Mingyuan's attack.

"He is so enchanting, certainly not from Wan Fuzong, can he say that he has a big head."

The incarnation of the will of the immortal has endless majesty, whether it is the elders of the double swordsmen or the elders of the silver guns, and even the courage to do it with him, they all understand that when they meet the real strong, they are just heavenly kings, even Tianzun Can not beat, let alone the immortal will of the immortal to give them the feeling, but also better than the Tianzun they have seen before.

However, soon they realized that something was wrong, because not only Gongsunxiong and Zhang Mingyuan were coughing up blood, Lingdao was constantly regressing, and the three of them were struggling to resist the power of the immortal, otherwise they would be beaten by the fairy. Into a pool of blood.

"You still don't help."

As the peak of Tianjun, Gongsunxiong suffered special treatment. The incarnation of Xian's will was especially taken care of by him. Whoever made his realm higher than Lingdao and Zhang Mingyuan, his big hands, flesh and blood have been exhausted. Only the forest bones are left.

If it continues, Gong Sunxiong’s arms can’t keep it. After living for so many years, Gongsun Xiong is not as fearful as it is today. Facing the unknown, facing the invincible strong, perhaps he does not even know how to die.

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