The immortals of the two worlds started from farming and refining pills

Chapter 11: Planning the mountaintop and building the foundation

Half a month has passed since Li Zhe sent a letter to inform him that Yanling Valley was interested in renting out the hills around Xuefeng Lake.

Li Hui finally contacted the manager of Yanling Valley here, and rented a hill with the best location and the highest concentration of spiritual energy at the cost of 13,000 low-grade spiritual stones.

Twelve thousand of the spiritual stones were for renting the land, and the other one thousand were for the manager's salary.

Fortunately, it was all worth it.

After all, according to the family's calculations, these twelve thousand spiritual stones can generate at least three thousand spiritual stones of income every year in the next ten years, and it only takes four years to pay back the investment.

What's more, the Li family also has Li Qing, a skilled spiritual plant master, and the planting income will be higher. If the pills are refined, the profit can be doubled again.

As soon as he got the deed, Li Hui sent a letter to Li Qing to take a few clansmen to inspect the rented hill.

"Uncle, this Yanling Valley is too stingy. Not even a blade of grass was left!" Li Wei was a little dumbfounded looking at the bare hill in front of her.

Li Qing was also speechless. After a long while, he squeezed out a sentence: "At least they didn't shovel away the spiritual soil on the ground..."

The hill in front of him extended outward to Xuefeng Lake. The spiritual energy he received was very abundant, no less than the first-level spiritual vein, but it was not possible to open up a cave for cultivation, so its value was slightly lower.

The usable area of ​​the hill was about 120 acres.

The slope on the side close to Xuefeng Lake was gentle, while the other side was steep and high, and there was even a small cliff.

Li Qing used the wind control technique to fly into the air and took in the surrounding terrain. He already had a clear idea of ​​the types of spiritual plants to be planted in the future.

After landing on the top of the mountain, he casually asked his fellow tribesmen: "In your opinion, what should be planted on this mountain?"

Li Wei thought for a while: "This area near Xuefeng Lake has abundant rain in summer, so we can plant a season of red crystal rice. When the lake is covered with snow in winter, we can use straw as a substrate and plant a season of purple mist matsutake."

Red crystal rice and purple mist matsutake are both relatively popular and slightly more valuable first-level low-grade spiritual plants.

Among them, red crystal rice contains a trace of fire spirit energy. Long-term consumption can not only help practice, but also temper the body of the practitioner.

Purple mist matsutake is even more medicinal and edible. One of its ingredients has the wonderful effect of nourishing spiritual consciousness and even appears in the recipe of a certain foundation-building pill.

Li Qing glanced at her: "Did you copy the layout of Yanling Valley? Don't you have any ideas of your own?"

Li Wei thought for a while, but still insisted: "I thought about it, and I really can't come up with a better plan. Yanling Valley is a big sect, and their approach is certainly worth learning from."

The others also echoed. They are all members of the clan who want to become spiritual plant masters, and they also understand this.

Li Qing shook his head helplessly: "The practice of Yanling Valley is naturally correct. But growing red crystal rice requires the use of Yanjing stone fragments. This thing is not valuable, but our Li family does not have the channels to purchase it in large quantities."

He paused: "Purple mist matsutake is also a good product. Unfortunately, it takes a lot of effort to grow it. If you don't have three or five first-level high-quality spiritual plant masters at home, don't think about it."

"Ah! So that's it." Li Wei nodded in annoyance, "Thank you for your uncle's teachings."

She actually planted these two spiritual plants and didn't find it difficult. But she didn't think of planting them on a large scale, and the conditions would be completely different.

Li Qing comforted in a gentle voice: "You are still young now, and all the cultivation resources are mostly provided by the family. You are still inexperienced, so it's not your fault if you can't think of it."

Several young people couldn't help blushing and gathered together to brainstorm.

In the end, Li Lang, a 30-year-old junior who was at the second level of Qi Refining, gave an answer that satisfied Li Qing.

"Plant Crane Bud Rice in spring, plant Golden Japonica Rice after summer harvest, and plant Pingyang Mushrooms for a season after autumn harvest. The first two have high yields, and the latter is easy to take care of."

These three are also relatively popular first-level low-grade spiritual plants. Although their effects are not as good as the first two, they are better in line with the actual situation of the Li family.

Li Qing smiled and nodded: "It's a bit interesting. It just so happens that Yanling Valley has just finished its autumn harvest. If you want to plant Pingyang Mushrooms, this area will be yours to take care of."

Li Lang heard this and took the responsibility: "I will go to the market tomorrow to order Pingyang Mushroom strains."

The other people also claimed composting, culturing substrates, casting spells to accelerate germination and other tasks.

Li Qing waited for them to finish their distribution, and did not make any more suggestions, and took them to continue to explore the mountain.

Under his deliberate guidance, one immature idea after another collided with each other, and then one after another gave relatively feasible planting plans.

"Plant two rows of Xuanyang fruit trees on the ridge. They have deep roots and will not be blown down by the wind. You can also plant some Linghuangjing under the trees."

"On the steeper slope above, you can plant a patch of bitter tea trees. There are clouds and mists there, and the spiritual energy is dense, which is suitable for the growth of tea trees."

"On the cliff behind, you can plant some purple jade dendrobiums and then interplant the green blood vine. The harvest time of the two is just staggered."

Li Qing nodded with relief: "Okay. Since you have already made a plan, let's go back first..."

Before he finished speaking, a bright sword light suddenly burst out from the dead corner of the cliff, like an antelope hanging on the horns, aiming directly at Li Qing.

The sword light was clear and cold, and its power was far beyond the Qi Refining Stage. Its sharpness was so sharp that even the shield and shield-type spells of the same Foundation Establishment Stage could not resist it in a hurry.

Before the sword light approached, a tribe member who was blocking Li Qing had a stiff face and blood oozing from the corner of his mouth.

Li Qing didn't have time to think, his fingers were flying under his long sleeves, the true energy in his dantian was surging, and with one breath, he used a foundation-building spell: Qingmu Xuanguan!

A ray of blue light flew out from the fingertips, brushed against the tribesman's shoulder, and intertwined with the sword light that was approaching in an instant, and collided with a loud "clang" sound.

Li Qing took a long breath, and the magic power of his Dantian spurted out, sweeping several clan members, retreating behind the cliff, and then his tongue burst into spring buds: "Why Fang Xiaoxiao, hurting people with hidden arrows?!"

What answered him was a pale fireball the size of a castanopsis flying from behind. The momentum is equally astonishing.

Li Qing's mind whirled, he pinched the fingers on his sleeves continuously, mobilized the true energy in his Dantian to the maximum, and used another foundation-building spell: Thunder and Killing!

There was a loud "boom", and a spherical lightning of the same size came first and exploded together with the fireball.

For a moment, tongues of fire and electric snakes intertwined and sputtered in all directions, accidentally injuring several members of the Li clan.

Two loud noises in succession set off turbulent air currents, causing several people with relatively low cultivation levels to bleed from their mouths and noses, and were seriously injured.

Li Qing was shocked and angry. He kept making seals with his fingers on his sleeves, and yelled loudly: "Where did you come from? Do you only dare to shoot cold arrows in the back?"

The only reply he received was silence.

Li Qing did not dare to ignore it, and secretly used another foundation-building spell: the sky sees and the earth hears. For a moment, all the movement on the hilltop was visible.

About thirty feet to the east of the cliff, there were two people covered with concealment talismans. They gathered together and hid in the shadow of another mountain.

The conversation between the two also reached Li Qing's ears.

"Didn't you say that Li Qing went bankrupt for the Foundation Establishment Pill? How come he still has a second-level talisman in his hand?"

"Is it possible that Li Zhe sent it back to the Li family?"

"Then we still want to fight? I only have one card in my hand..."

It didn't take long for the two of them to come up with a charter. Li Qing, who knew where the enemy was hiding, had already launched an attack.

Accompanied by two loud "booms", two balls of blue-purple ball lightning flew out of his sleeves at the same time, drawing two unpredictable trajectories.

"He actually has it!" The two people couldn't help but feel jealous. They were about to laugh at Li Qing for being blind and losing his mind and wasting two precious second-level talismans.

Unexpectedly, the two balls of lightning turned a corner and accelerated towards them.

"No, use it quickly..."

"Bang-bang-" After two loud noises, the surroundings returned to silence again.

The spell of Heaven's Vision and Earth's Hearing was about to end. Li Qing looked over there for the last time and saw only the broken bodies and broken arms scattered on the ground.

How can a second-level talisman that can only be aimed at and activated be compared to a genuine foundation-building spell?

Li Qing was covered in sweat, and his hair was standing on end for a while.

He breathed a long sigh of relief and looked towards where the two of them were just now: "I don't know who could make such a big move to plot against me, a young monk at the ninth level of Qi Refining?"

Thinking of the battle just now, he felt itching with hatred: there were only about twenty drops of true energy in total, and a quarter of it was gone in one go. It was a total loss of blood!

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