The immortals of the two worlds started from farming and refining pills

Chapter 168 Great Elf Tomb, Spirit Weapon Benefits (Please Order the Whole Book)

When the bamboo partridge called, chicken calls rang out in the bamboo forest one after another.

Li Qing originally thought that a companion would come to rescue it. Unexpectedly, after a while, all the bamboo partridges nearby ran away, leaving no bird feathers behind.

"Oh, so you are tipping off, not asking for help?" Li Qing smiled and flicked the bamboo partridge's head.

The bamboo partridge raised its head, stared at Li Qing with wide eyes, and made an increasingly loud "cluck, cluck, cluck" sound, as if mocking him.

Li Qing clenched his fists and finally released it.

It's not that Li Qing couldn't bear to kill.

It's just that before understanding the operating mechanism of this void treasure, it is undoubtedly unwise to rashly break the current state.

After bamboo rats and bamboo partridges, Li Qing successively caught bamboo leaf green snakes, stick insects, etc., but without exception, these guys seemed to be ordinary creatures, nothing worth noting.

Li Qing looked back at the cave entrance and saw that it would not close in a short time. So he found a vacant space in the bamboo forest, sat cross-legged and practiced the tree shepherd meditation method.

Pure natural magic power emanated from Li Qing's body and gradually merged into the vast bamboo forest.

The small animals in the bamboo forest seemed to be inspired and approached him tentatively, and finally squatted around him.

Li Qing took the time to scan them again with his spiritual sense and found that they were still ordinary animals. He was very helpless.

"Forget it, just consider it as a good deed for me." He shook his head and began to practice the tree shepherd meditation method with all his strength, using magic power to cleanse the bodies of these small animals.

There is no such thing as animals in this world becoming demons and practicing.

Except for animals that have been mutated by magic power, other animals basically cannot retain extraordinary powers such as spiritual energy (magic power) in their bodies.

Li Qing used natural magic power to slowly penetrate their hair, skin, texture, and even lungs.

With the subtle influence of going in and out, the physiques of the small animals were slightly enhanced, but soon reached their limits.

Li Qing sighed and interrupted the meditation method: "I gave you a chance, but you can't grasp it!"

"Squeak!" The bamboo rat caught by Li Qing jumped in front of him and bowed repeatedly, looking not as silly as before.

Li Qing raised his eyebrows: "Hey, it seems that you are not stupid? Were you pretending just now?"

The bamboo rat tilted its head, and its eyes were full of clear stupidity: "Squeak!"

Li Qing tried to use the telepathy technique, but found that the spell was not cast. This guy in front of him really has nothing that can be called "wisdom".

He thought: "Without wisdom, but this kind of anthropomorphic behavior, is it probably a conditioned reflex imitation?"

With a new idea, Li Qing was no longer in a hurry to test, but took the opportunity of witch baptism to observe the behavior patterns of small animals more.

Three days later, an area that looked ordinary but was inadvertently "corrected" by animals was screened out by Li Qing.

There is nothing magical about this bamboo forest. The only difference is that there are clumps of bamboo fungi growing under the bamboo.

These bamboo fungi are very lush, and the edges of the fungi like white gauze skirts are scattered on the piled up dead bamboo leaves.

In this bamboo forest, no matter what kind of animal, whether it is meat-eating or vegetarian, will take time to come here every day to pick a bamboo fungus to taste.

For example, at this moment, the two bamboo rats are like mice that fell into a rice jar.

They happily grabbed a bamboo fungus, ate half, and threw it away; then pulled up another one, ate the whole thing, and then spit out the stem.

"Go away, don't make trouble!" Li Qing grabbed the two guys, threw them far away, and then dug the soil along the distribution of bamboo fungi.

Soon, this piece of land covered with thick dead bamboo leaves was dug three feet deep by Li Qing.

A small corpse then came into view.

The limbs of this corpse were still holding a small jade bamboo shoot.

Li Qing seemed to sense the familiar aura. After a long pause, he took out his life tool, the Three Treasures Wonderful Tree, and gently touched the jade shoot.

A faint green light rose from the jade shoot and sank into the Three Treasures Wonderful Tree. The jade shoot disintegrated and turned into powder and scattered.

A faint consciousness, along with the life tool, sounded in Li Qing's spiritual platform: "A little gift, for you who are willing to treat them well."

Li Qing was speechless. He had already recognized that this was a bamboo elf, and the jade shoot was his Cordyceps.

Like the coral elf that left behind the prototype of the Three Treasures Wonderful Tree, his skeleton and Cordyceps were immortal for thousands of years.

It was only with the transfer of the "gift" that the Cordyceps lost its support and drifted away with the wind.

"Will you treat them well?" Li Qing looked around. The silly little animals were still unaware and continued their ordinary lives.

"Are they the obsession of a big elf? No wonder the bamboo fungus here is so popular with them."

He sighed, flicked his long sleeves, and the breeze drove the soil to bury his bones again. Then he sat on the ground and sensed the changes in the Three Treasures Wonderful Tree.

Before, when the Yin-Yang formation was used to breed the water and fire spirit rice, although the Three Treasures Wonderful Tree was improved as a whole, the growth of the water and fire dual power was slightly higher than the wood element.

Now, with the gift of the jade shoots, the wood element of the Three Treasures Wonderful Tree seems to have been supplemented, not only in quantity, but also in balance with the water and fire dual elements.

What's more peculiar is that this balance is dynamically developed.

From now on, if any of the three elements of water, wood, and fire in the Three Treasures Wonderful Tree is improved, the other two will also increase accordingly.

To give the most extreme example, when Li Qing is promoted to the Jindan stage, his natal spiritual weapon can also be promoted to a natal magic weapon.

But for a spiritual tool to transform into a magic weapon, it not only needs to invest in a large amount of spiritual materials, but also needs to be carefully matched to match the needs of the magic weapon.

The Three Treasures Wonderful Tree does not need this. It only needs to pile up the three-element spiritual materials without thinking, and there is no need to consider the other matters of upgrading to a magic weapon.

"Although this void treasure does not directly improve strength and there are no treasures in the account, the harvest is actually more."

After all, no matter how magical the windmill mill is, the wheat flour it grinds can only benefit the rune warriors of the first three levels or the monks in the Qi training period.

The improvement of the Three Treasures Wonderful Tree acts on the natal spiritual tool. Whether it is now or in the future, the owner Li Qing will benefit.

After figuring this out, Li Qing still lingered in this void treasure for three days.

After still getting nothing, Li Qing shook his head, flew to the small hill where he came from, and found the black cave entrance.

"Since there is nothing to gain, it is better to go back." He smiled freely and flew away.

The next moment, a fat figure followed closely and jumped out of the cave.

Li Qing was stunned and looked back. It turned out to be the silly bamboo rat who followed him to "escape".

But at this moment, its eyes were shining with wisdom. It waved its paw gently and greeted Li Qing: "Hello, tree herder!"

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