The immortals of the two worlds started from farming and refining pills

Chapter 204 Chapter 24: The Tree-Shepherding Horn, Ancient Secrets (First Update)

Chapter 204 Chapter 204 The Horn of Mu Shu, Ancient Secrets (First Update)

Four fourth-level wizards and five earth warriors are the main force in this exploration of the void treasure.

Of course, the cool work cannot be done by the noble level four warriors, so there are many wizards and rune warriors accompanying the exploration.

Li Qing suddenly had a flash of inspiration: "The armistice between Iris Island and the Revenge Alliance..."

"Raging Storm" Ryan sneered: "If His Majesty Hamad hadn't been the mediator, how would I have reconciled with them?"

He, like "Howling Dancer" Rize, almost got trapped on Iris Island.

Fortunately, Li Qing's tsunami magical power disrupted Earl Iris's arrangement.

Otherwise, even if they could escape, they would probably lose their skin. The Viscount family, which was finally built up, will be destroyed in one day.

Therefore, in the entire wizarding monastery, they are the most hostile to the Iris family.

Li Qing understood in his heart: "It seems that although the Kingdom of Light has declined, its influence on the entire world remains undiminished..."

While waiting for the people to gather, Li Qing took the time to visit the wizard gathering.

Unfortunately, most of the people setting up stalls here are second-level or third-level wizards. It is difficult for them to come up with trading items that make Li Qing's heart beat.

Li Qingqu checked around and found a bronze fragment at only one stall.

This fragment seems to be scattered on some kind of witchcraft weapon, but it has gone through many vicissitudes of time and is stained with mottled patina, making it impossible to see its original shape.

A wizard buyer used his spiritual sense to investigate and found no clues, so he wanted to remove the patina, but was stopped by the stall owner.

The wizard sneered: "I don't even let you inspect the goods. Are you feeling guilty?"

The stall owner's eyes were narrowed and he paid no attention, as if he was willing to take the bait.

When Li Qing passed by, the big banyan tree in the spiritual platform suddenly trembled slightly.

He stopped and asked, ignoring the people around him who were saluting him, "What is this and how is it sold?"

Seeing that the fourth-level wizard was asking questions, the stall owner did not dare to put on airs and said sincerely: "Sir, I brought this from the ruins of the ancient witch country."

"I don't know the specific function, but this fragment is in a very special location within the ruins. It should be a good thing."

Li Qing pretended to be impatient: "Stop talking nonsense. Tell the truth, what do you want to change this thing for?"

The stall owner said with fear: "I want to change to a meditation method that can advance to the fourth level."

Li Qing took out a replica of the "Crystal Skull Meditation Method" without thinking: "You make the 'Styx Oath' and never tell anyone about it. This meditation method will be yours."

The stall owner didn't have any suspicion at all, he simply drew up a "Styx Oath", signed it, and gave the bronze fragment to Li Qing.

He carved the meditation seal into the spiritual sea on the spot, and then destroyed the replica directly.

Instead, Li Qing gave him a high look and warned: "This meditation method has many metaphors and needs to be carefully studied."

"Don't follow some idiots and interpret it as eating human brains for cultivation. That's completely astray. Wanting to advance to level four is just a dream."

The stall owner bowed gratefully to Li Qing: "Thank you for your advice!"

Li Qing nodded slightly, turned around and left the stall area, found a secluded location, and set up a hidden restriction.

Immediately, he slowly used the Tree Shepherd's Meditation Technique to inject witchcraft power into the bronze fragments.

"Buzz buzz..."

The bronze fragments trembled slightly, blooming with azure brilliance, and the patina on them peeled off and fell off.

In the spiritual platform, the big banyan tree trembled slightly, and the pure magic power flowed out, reacting strangely with the fragments.

Finally, the patina disappeared, and the original appearance of the fragment appeared, like part of a pendant.

Suddenly, something touched Li Qing's mind, and he took out a horn from his storage bag.

It was the first wizard gathering, and the thank-you gift given to Li Qing by Wizard Fanhilo from the Dark Swamp was also a treasure of the tree shepherd lineage.

At this moment, without Li Qing's urging, a dark green root sprouted from the horn, just like an old tree sprouting new roots.

This root seemed to have spirituality, and spontaneously wrapped around the fragment, using it as a pendant and connecting it to the horn.

"Huh? The Mu Shu Horn is still there?" Hamad saw this scene from a distance and walked over with a little surprise.

When Li Qing saw that the other party regarded the hidden restrictions as nothing, he couldn't help but raise his eyebrows: "Your Excellency Hamad, peeping is not a virtue that a knight should have."

Hamad pointed to his eyes: "I'm sorry. This is a blessing from the Lord of Light, which allows me to see the fog clearly. So that I just reacted."

Li Qing did not dwell on this matter: "Do you know this horn?"

Hamad was stunned for a moment: "Isn't this a witchcraft that has been passed down through generations of your tree shepherds? You don't recognize it?"

Li Qing pondered for a moment and decided to tell the truth.

After all, for him, the foundation-building realm and the blessed land sandbox are the foundation. Meditation is nothing but a supplement to your own power system.

If you expose your shortcomings properly, you can not only reduce the fear of others, but also obtain information about the tree shepherds, which will undoubtedly kill two birds with one stone.

"To tell you the truth, both the meditation method and this horn were given by others. I actually don't know much about the Tree Shepherd lineage."

Hamad was slightly surprised and said bluntly: "You are able to explore and practice to the fourth level on your own. It is really a blessing from the will of the world."

Li Qing smiled slightly: "Maybe."

Hamad shook his head: "Our family doesn't have many records about the tree shepherd lineage. But we happen to have the contents of this horn."

Legend has it that in the most ancient times, God Father Nature still performed miracles.

A young man won His favor and was given a magical horn.

As long as he blew the horn, thirteen powerful and ancient tree people would obey the call and project to his side.

It is rumored that each tree person has the strength equivalent to level five.

Li Qing's heart trembled, and he looked at the horn in his hand, which happened to be engraved with thirteen tree people's patterns: "Is this the legendary horn?"

"Hahaha, how is it possible." Hamad shook his head and laughed, "It's just a legend, how can it be taken seriously!"

"This horn was actually made by a level five tree herder wizard two thousand years ago. It has been passed down as a token."

"Until the disaster of the sky, the witch country where the tree herders were located was also invaded. Some people took the fragments of the witch country and hid, and established the current Emerald Ring."

"And a level four wizard who stayed behind blew this horn and summoned three level four tree people at the cost of his own life."

"The invading enemy All of them were destroyed, including four demons of level 4 strength. And this horn disappeared. "

Li Qing suddenly felt something was wrong: "According to what you said, this horn should be very famous among wizards."

"Then why, neither the wizard Vanshilo who gave it to me nor Francis who witnessed this scene had any reaction?"

Hamad said meaningfully: "Your Excellency, do you know why our Kingdom of Light can lead the world after the disaster of the sky falling?"

"That unprecedented sacrificial ceremony back then was not as simple as bringing in elf bugs."

After saying that, he turned to find Francis to discuss the exploration of the void treasure.

Li Qing thought of the characteristics of the "Golden Ark" that it could see and hear nothing, pondered for a moment, put the horn into the storage bag, and waved his hand to disperse the hidden restriction.

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