The immortals of the two worlds started from farming and refining pills

Chapter 206 Chapter 26 Morning Light Spirit Owl, Golden Scale Tuna (First Update)

Chapter 206 Chapter 206 Morning Light Spirit Owl, Golden Scaled Tuna (First Update)

Li Qing was quite interested in this owl with white feathers and good appearance.

He flew forward and landed directly behind the white-feathered owl, communicating with it through telepathy: "Follow me, there are enough pills like this."

The owl was a little drunk and reacted a beat slower. When it found out, it was too late.

It raised its head and cried, and the sunlight around it turned into blazing flames, trying to burn Li Qing, but was blocked by the shield formed by Qingmu Zhenyuan.

Seeing that the flames were ineffective, the sunlight around it turned into sharp rays of light, trying to penetrate and cut through the Qingmu light shield.

Of course, this was a waste of effort.

The owl finally panicked, shaking its body vigorously, diving, and then suddenly rising, trying to throw Li Qing off.

Unexpectedly, Li Qing seemed to have taken root in it, and no matter how it struggled, it remained motionless.

"Wow! Wow!" An angry light flashed in the pale eyes of the owl.

It aimed at a high mountain in front of it, and rushed forward with all its strength, as if it wanted to burn itself to death.

"You have a very fierce temper." Li Qing chuckled, and the Qingmu Zhenyuan turned into a chain and pierced deeply into its neck and back.

The owl's spine keel was locked, and its movements were suddenly out of control. Under Li Qing's control, it landed steadily on the top of the mountain.

"So, are you convinced?" He stood behind it and asked condescendingly.

The owl turned its head half a circle, and the anger in its eyes had long dissipated, leaving only deep fear and submission from the heart.

Li Qing took out a spiritual contract and said directly: "If you are willing to follow me, don't resist!"

The owl hesitated for a moment before nodding vigorously.

So Li Qing activated the spiritual fire and ignited the spiritual contract. After a while, he successfully subdued the owl.

Birds and beasts are all very simple in nature. Since they have signed the spiritual contract, they feel a little closer to him: "Wow! Wow!"

Li Qing couldn't help but laugh and said, "It is rumored that wizards will have a standard owl. I am considered to have completed it today."

"However, owls are generally nocturnal and are also known as night owls. You are actually a daylight attribute, which is a bit contrary to the Tiangang."

The owl tilted its head, and a trace of confusion flashed in its eyes: born, is there a problem?

Li Qing flicked its forehead and carefully sensed its power attribute.

"Well, although it is the power of sunlight, it is soft and not fierce. It seems to be inspired by the dawn. It is indeed relatively rare."

"Hamade's information may be correct. The 'Dawn Crown' may be in this void treasure."

Li Qing pondered for a moment, pointed at the owl and said: "You are the attribute of morning light, and owls are also called owls. From now on, you will be called the Morning Light Spirit Owl..."

The Morning Light Spirit Owl nodded, tacitly accepting this racial name.

Li Qing fed it another first-grade top-grade nourishing spirit pill: "Take me to see what special places where spiritual energy gathers nearby."

The Morning Light Spirit Owl still had a lot of mid-grade nourishing spirit pills to eat, and now that it got a better one, it was immediately full of energy.

It flapped its wings and took Li Qing to a cliff somewhere in the east.

In this void treasure, neither the wizard's mental power nor Li Qing's consciousness could leave the body, which brought great obstacles to the search.

But with the "local owl" leading the way, it was much faster to find treasures.

On this cliff, Li Qing found a small mineral vein about two meters long, which was full of first-grade white gems, containing pure sunlight power.

Above the mineral vein was the bird's nest built by the Morning Light Spirit Owl.

"No wonder you can grow up." Li Qing couldn't help but laugh, "It turns out that there is a mine at home!"

The Morning Light Spirit Owl nodded and pointed at the mineral vein under the nest with the tip of its wings, meaning to offer it to its master.

This mineral vein is not yet in the second stage, which is enough for energy accumulation. It is useless for it, which is only limited by its weak soul and cannot be promoted.

Li Qing naturally would not be polite to it. He raised his hand and threw out two tree seeds, catalyzed by Qingmu Zhenyuan, activated its roots, and dug out the sunlight gems one by one from the soil and rocks.

The Morning Light Spirit Owl was stunned, looking at Li Qing with admiration.

Li Qing took out the storage bag and put away the gems.

The roots of the two trees immediately gathered the rubble and filled the gaps. If you don't look closely, you can't tell that a mineral vein has been dug here.

"Are there other similar places?" Li Qing turned his head and asked.

The Morning Light Spirit Owl nodded, leaned over to let Li Qing sit on its back, left the nest without any reluctance, and flew to the northeast.

About an hour later, a vast lake came into view.

The ripples on the lake were not reflecting the sky, but the light source that escaped from somewhere at the bottom of the lake.

In the middle of the lake was a tall banyan tree.

The thickest taproot was about ten feet high, requiring ten people to hug it, and was a dull gray-brown color, with a huge green crown on it.

More than a dozen milky white aerial roots hung from the crown, which were equally thick and required three or four people to hug, and were full of spiritual energy.

The branches extending from above were like transparent crystals, supporting sparse silver spiritual leaves and very few golden spiritual fruits.

Li Qing rode on the Morning Light Spirit Owl and just as he landed at the lakeside, he saw a golden sturgeon with a single horn on its head and golden eyes leaping up.

It spurted a stream of clear water from its mouth, knocked down a golden spiritual fruit, swallowed it into its stomach, and then swung its tail to dive to the bottom of the lake.

"Hey! This sturgeon is actually close to level 4?" Li Qing was delighted to see the prey. He pointed casually, and the Qingmu Zhenyuan turned into a chain to bind it.

"Hua La La... Bang Pa..."

The golden sturgeon struggled violently, but the chain on its body became tighter and tighter, and finally made it unable to move.

Under the bondage of the chain, it had to raise its head. Seeing the Morning Light Spirit Owl under Li Qing's seat, it was immediately furious and glared at the other party fiercely.

Li Qing saw this and knew that the two sides had a long-standing grudge, most likely to compete for the spiritual fruit on the banyan tree.

He couldn't help but shake his head and chuckled. He suppressed it with absolute strength and fed it a first-grade top-grade nourishing spirit pill, and soon subdued it.

"Follow me in the future, and you will have enough nourishing spirit pills. A pile of them can push you to the level of level 4."

The golden sturgeon tasted the sweetness and excitedly swung its tail violently, splashing water everywhere.

The Morning Light Spirit Owl was suddenly drenched and glared at it: "Wow!"

Li Qing ignored their little conflict and carefully checked it out, and found that the golden sturgeon also possessed the power of morning light.

It also has two abilities.

One is to spit water, which has great impact force. Li Qing let it try it, and it is comparable to the spells of the late stage of Qi training.

But its control is also amazing. It can knock down the golden spiritual fruit without hurting its branches and leaves.

The second ability is to condense the power of morning light and bless the scales around the body, which not only greatly increases protection, but also accelerates recovery from injuries.

"Sturgeon was called 'tuna' in ancient times, and you are covered with golden scales, so you will be called golden scale tuna in the future!"

"Golden scales refer to real dragons. I hope that one day you will turn into a dragon, and it will not be in vain to come to this world."

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