The immortals of the two worlds started from farming and refining pills

Chapter 219 Who is the fisherman, reaping a rich harvest (asking for monthly tickets)

As soon as he came out of the silver light portal, Li Qing said goodbye to Sean, then flew away from the deserted island, and followed some kind of induction to an empty sea.

"You two stay here, don't go away, I'll be away for a while." He released the Morning Light Spirit Owl and the Golden Scale Tuna.

On the deserted island, as the void treasure disappeared near the tent, Hamad walked out of the silver light portal with a sullen face.

Because that green light had never appeared.

The void turbulence followed closely and was about to burst out.

Francis, who came out with him, waved his hand and destroyed the witch formation, and the silver light portal was also destroyed, shutting the void turbulence behind him.

Although Sean and Rize had some complaints about them, they did not tear their faces in public after all. They pinched their noses and accompanied them to clean up the team, and then left.

And this deserted island finally became quiet after many days of bustle.


In the turbulent flow of the void, a green light flickered slightly, and nine illusory lights and shadows surrounded it.

Li Qing's figure suddenly appeared, took out the tree-herding horn and blew it hard, and the banyan tree man Mang Tong appeared as promised.

The witch power blessed the tree man, and it suddenly scattered a handful of seeds, and immediately there were saplings growing, temporarily resisting the turbulent flow of the void.

This is a precious characteristic of the meditation method of the tree-herding lineage.

The wilderness home where Fakusi is located is eroded by the turbulent flow of the void, and he wants to seek help from the tree-herding lineage, based on this.

Li Qing made a casual move, and the green light fell on his shoulder, making a clear "Ya Ya" sound.

Nine small lights and shadows fell on Mang Tong, and they all made a childish "moo" sound.

If it's not A Sun and the nine guardian elf calves, who are they? !

"A Sun, and you little guys, you've worked so hard!" He gently pinched A Sun's little horn, and then patted the calves on the head one by one.

"Ah!" Ah Sun ignored the shattered wounds all over his body and raised a ruby ​​box like offering a treasure.

Li Qing opened the box and saw a dark red heart inside, which was beating slowly and firmly under the restraint of the golden rune.

"Alas, if Hamad hadn't forced me, I wouldn't have taken such a risky move." Li Qing sighed, and the Three Treasures Wonderful Tree brushed hard, using the Qingmu Minor Magical Power to heal Ah Sun's wounds.

After Ah Sun was promoted to the third level of foundation building, he fell into a short period of transformation.

To prevent others from disturbing him, Li Qing let him sleep in his dantian until he woke up before fighting the wind sickle demon.

Because the wind sickle demon was powerful, Ah Sun alone could not save the situation, so Li Qing simply didn't let him out and kept it as a backup.

In the end, Hamad was caught off guard and successfully took away the ruby ​​box containing the demon's heart.

Because the silver light portal was blocked, Ah Sun could not leave.

Fearing that there might be some induction magic on the box, Li Qing had to let it hide at the edge of the void treasure and take cover with the void turbulence.

Asun himself did not know the meditation method of the shepherd tree man, and he could not even learn it.

Fortunately, there were nine calves that were one with the big banyan tree, which allowed him to barely survive in the void turbulence.

"Ah!" Although Asun was covered in wounds, he was very energetic.

He wagged his tail at the nine calves, and the nine little guys spit out a transparent crystal stone at the same time.

Li Qing took it casually: "Wow! So many sky stones?"

"Crack..." Over there, the banyan tree man Mangtong was unable to resist the erosion of the void turbulence due to his limited strength and immature conditions.

Li Qing threw away the ruby ​​box, took out the jade box with a seal from the storage bag, and sealed the demon heart heavily.

In addition to the jade box, there was a wooden box, and this was repeated until Li Qing himself could no longer sense the breath of the heart, and then he stopped.

"If it weren't for the silly bird and the stupid fish, it would be best to send this heart back to the world of cultivation."

Li Qing muttered, then took Asun back to Dantian, Xiaoniu back to Lingtai, and finally called Mangtong back with the herding horn.

The newly planted banyan saplings turned into nothingness under the annihilation of the turbulent flow of the void.

Li Qing used his witchcraft to protect his body, and activated the "Gate of Heavenly Dimension" small magical power, and returned to that sea area again.

"Wow! Wow! Wow..." The Morning Light Spirit Owl cheered at Li Qing.

Li Qing ignored it, landed on the top of the golden scale tuna, and pointed the way with his spiritual sense: "Go in this direction..."

Sang Yuwan's majesty riding a dragon made him very envious. Today he was in a good mood, without a dragon, riding a sturgeon to swim in the sea, just as happy.

The golden sturgeon glanced at the white owl proudly, swung its powerful tail, and swam towards the direction of Lingye Cave Heaven.

The owl was a little angry, but he didn't dare to say anything about his master's choice, so he had to follow him with grievance.

Li Qing sank his consciousness into his dantian and introduced Ah Sun, who was leaning on the lettuce and cordyceps to heal his wounds: "These two are the spirit beasts I subdued in the Void Treasure, they are..."

"The one just now is Mang Tong, the banyan tree man, it is..."

"Ah!" Ah Sun nodded weakly, indicating that he had no feelings for the sturgeon and the owl, but was very curious about the tree man.

Li Qing smiled and said: "Well, the two of them will stay here to guard the Lingye Blessed Land. Mang Tong will take it back..."

Three days later, after Li Qing arranged the Lingye Blessed Land and Lettuce Island, he activated the "Gate of Tianwei" and returned to the world of cultivation.

As soon as he returned to the cave, the abundant spiritual energy spontaneously surged over, making him groan with satisfaction.

"Alas, it turns out that Qinghe Valley is still suitable for cultivation." Li Qing stretched leisurely.

The cave was quiet, and the little guys all went out to play.

Li Qing took out twelve heavenly stones from his storage bag and examined them carefully in his hands.

They came from Hamad and the nine calves when the Void Treasure collapsed.

Among them, six tetrahedrons and three hexahedrons contain blood-red liquid.

Two octahedrons, which Li Qing also obtained, contain spiritual liquid that is red and golden.

There is also a precious dodecahedron sky stone, the liquid in which is a dazzling golden color, as if it is breathing and flickering constantly.

"If these sky stones are used to enlighten the elves, it will definitely be of great benefit to my Li family. And after they evolve, they can also live for a hundred years, which is worth the contract."

He thought deeply for a long time, but finally held back.

"Azao and Chaoyin can advance at any time, so they are no longer needed. After comprehensive consideration, I'd better leave one for Xiaolian and use the others to feed the Qinghe Valley spiritual veins first."

He chose again and again, and finally put an octahedron sky stone back into the storage bag.

The remaining eleven sky stones were put into the dragon cave spiritual spring by him.

"Gurgle gurgle..." The spiritual spring surged.

The big fish that Li Qing was obsessed with came out of the spring, nodded to Li Qing, and swallowed all the heavenly stones in one gulp.

"Hulala..." The water surged and splashed all over Li Qing.

He did not take it as an offense, and activated the spiritual veins of Qinghe Valley to start a new round of sacrifice.

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