The immortals of the two worlds started from farming and refining pills

Chapter 22: Protective array, gains and losses of farming

The next day, after Li Qing had dealt with the trivial matters after leaving the retreat, the clan leader Li Hui came to invite him to go to the Lingfeng by the Xuefeng Lake.

This was the first time that the Li family cultivated such a large piece of spiritual land. Without Li Qing, the only first-class spiritual plant master, the clan always felt uneasy.

In late autumn, Xuefeng Lake was clear and peaceful. Many fishermen rowed small boats and cast nets on the lake, hoping to catch a rare spiritual fish in exchange for a few spiritual stones.

There were also people fishing on the shore, singing songs from time to time, leisurely and comfortable. Occasionally someone caught a big fish, which was a happy event.

Thanks to the abundant spiritual energy and the use of planting spells, the human race in this cultivation world is not short of food. If they do not pursue the immortal way, the life of mortals is still quite leisurely.

However, for a cultivation family like the Li family, spiritual stones have never been enough. In order to save so much food, they are even more exhausted.

The hilltop that the Li family rented from Yanling Valley is on the east side of Xuefeng Lake, separated by several ownerless and barren mountains with little spiritual energy, and is far away from the hilltops of the Zhang and Chen families.

At this time, the small hilltop has been covered by the spirit gathering protection array, and occasionally there is a magic light, which brings a needle-like sense of crisis to Li Qing's consciousness.

Li Qing's heart trembled: "Is this the array brought back from Yanling Valley?"

Li Hui nodded: "Well, a set of small five-element spirit return array, costing a thousand low-grade spirit stones."

Li Qing frowned when he heard this: "Isn't this a bit expensive? Didn't Ah Zhe mediate?"

Li Hui helplessly spread his hands: "The deacon who set up the array urgently needed spirit stones and insisted on this price. Ah Zhe interceded many times, but only exempted some consumables."

Li Qing said nothing more. Under Li Hui's demonstration, he took out the family token, injected his own mana, connected with a certain cardinal point of the array, and soon entered the spiritual peak covered by the array.

In the spiritual field on the hillside, the fermented matrix of spiritual rice straw is neatly arranged like rows of ridges.

The spiritual planters of the Li family are nervously using planting spells such as spring breeze and cloud rain in the fields to promote the production of seasonal crops.

Li Qing waved away the clansmen who came to greet him, bent down and brushed away the top layer of straw matrix, and saw clusters of small mushrooms.

This mushroom is shaped like a chicken mushroom, bright golden in color, with a straight stem supporting a slightly pointed umbrella crown, growing in groups of three or five.

This is the first wave of crops planted by the Li family, Pingyang mushroom.

The best Pingyang mushroom is very rare, and it is an auxiliary medicine for the first-level top-grade elixir "Shengyang Pill". The finished pill is mostly used to refine the gloom of spiritual consciousness, which helps to impact the ninth level of Qi training.

The top-quality Pingyang mushroom can also be used to refine the first-level medium-quality Qi-nourishing Pill, which is three points more effective than other Qi-nourishing Pills.

As for those that are not of the best quality, they can only be used as ingredients for cooking spiritual meals, and their value has plummeted by nearly 70%.

Li Hui stroked his beautiful beard under his chin: "How is it, is this Pingyang mushroom well-raised?"

"It looks pretty good!" Li Qing picked a branch casually, crushed it into crumbs, put it under his nose and smelled it, and frowned.

The accompanying spiritual plant master observed the words and expressions, and couldn't help but feel nervous: "Fourth Elder, but where haven't we made ironing?"

Li Qing didn't answer, took a little and put it in his mouth, chewed it a few times, and slowly swallowed it into his stomach, running the skills to refine the spiritual energy in it.

Seeing this, the others didn't dare to disturb. Li Hui had no choice but to ask: "Ah Qing, but what's wrong with this Pingyang mushroom?"

Li Qing shook his head and threw the mushroom debris in his hand back onto the substrate: "It's too much fattening, it's too fast, the mushrooms have not accumulated enough spiritual energy and medicinal properties, and they are still a step away from being top-grade."

The manager of the spiritual field looked ashamed: "I was thinking wrong, I was afraid that the spiritual mushrooms were not well cared for, so the spiritual plant masters used magic twice more, which backfired."

Li Qing waved his hand: "Don't blame you. This is also the first time that the family has planted so many spiritual mushrooms. It's normal to have no experience."

Spiritual plant planting is not static, it needs to be adapted to local conditions and change with the times.

Li Qing can't predict the future, so he can only make timely adjustments after noticing something wrong.

He used his spiritual sense to scan the surrounding spiritual fields and found that the situation was similar. He had to turn around and suggest to Li Hui: "Patriarch, this batch of Pingyang mushrooms that are about to grow up can't be used to make pills. It's better to send them to the family's restaurant in the market and sell them as spiritual food."

Li Hui felt a little distressed: "In this way, the loss will be huge. Maybe we can sell them to those casual cultivators who make pills? I don't think those poor people can tell the difference."

Of course there will be no loss. But for the Li family, who broke a piece of spiritual stone into two petals, if they earn less, they will lose money.

Li Qing rejected it categorically: "No. The truth cannot be hidden. If Zhang and Chen find evidence, we will be in a passive position."

Li Hui sighed helplessly and waved his hand to signal the steward: "Listen to the fourth elder. Let's have people harvest it in two days and send it to the restaurant."

"Well, if any clan members want to satisfy their cravings, they can exchange it at half price, but they are not allowed to resell it."

"Yes, sir." The steward hurriedly bowed and asked people to go to the mortal market town of Li's family to recruit temporary workers. Two days later, they came here to harvest Pingyang mushrooms.

"Fortunately, this Pingyang mushroom is very productive. More than a dozen crops can be harvested in one season. If we do a good job of field management in the future, the profit is still not small."

Li Qing summoned the surrounding spiritual plant masters and explained to them the secrets of growing Pingyang mushrooms in large quantities.

"The frequency of the Spring Breeze Technique remains unchanged, and the Cloud and Rain Technique can be appropriately reduced by 20%."

"If the weather is sunny for more than five days, it is necessary to shade the sun appropriately to prevent excessive accumulation of yang energy, which will affect the quality of Pingyang mushrooms."

When Li Qing finished his instructions, the spiritual plant masters suddenly became enlightened and bowed: "Thank you for the guidance, Fourth Elder. We will study hard and strive to grow the best Pingyang mushroom as soon as possible."

Li Qing waved his hand and followed Li Hui to check other spiritual plants that had been planted recently.

When they reached the ridge, they happened to see Li Wei, Li Lang and other juniors squatting under two rows of fruit trees to adjust the soil fertility for the interplanted Ling Huangjing in the soil.

Seeing the two people coming, everyone hurriedly bowed and greeted: "Greetings, clan leader, fourth elder!"

Li Hui waved his hand to indicate that he didn't need to be polite, and then he couldn't wait to point to the two rows of fruit trees and asked: "Ah Qing, how are these Xuanyang fruit trees growing?"

Li Qing used his spiritual sense to carefully sense, and after a while, he smiled and said: "These Xuanyang fruit trees are well planted, and it is estimated that they will bear fruit next year..."

Li Hui was relieved: "That's great. After all, this thing is very precious. It's because you are here, A Qing, otherwise I wouldn't dare to make the decision to plant this."

Li Qing smiled and shook his head: "The growth cycle of spiritual fruits is long, but there is time to carefully regulate it. However, the spiritual rice planting in the spring of next year will be the first attempt to plant such a large area, so we need to prepare early."

Li Hui nodded repeatedly to show his agreement.

Li Qing then waved to Li Wei and others: "When did you transplant the spiritual Huangjing? What magic did you use to cultivate it during this period?"

The planting apprentices who were tested yesterday looked embarrassed, winking at each other, and didn't want to be in the limelight.

Li Wei nudged Li Lang with her elbow: "You tell me."

Li Lang had no choice but to step out: "Report to the elder, we completed the transplanting seven days ago. Before the Huangjing grows new leaves, we used the rejuvenation technique every other day. The sun was too strong the day before yesterday, so we used the cloud and rain technique."

Li Qing squatted down and used his spiritual sense to sense the Huangjing roots under the spiritual soil: "Well, it's not bad. All the Huangjing have been transplanted successfully."

"But I think the spiritual soil is too moist. That cloud and rain technique may be changed to mist technique."

He made a few brief suggestions, signaled Li Lang and others to continue working, and left with Li Hui to check the transplanting and growth of other spiritual crops.

Fortunately, Li Qing had made plans before, and the species he introduced were all spiritual varieties that were easy to take care of. Except for the slight error of Pingyang fungus, no other problems were found.

After a round of inspection, Li Hui brought Li Qing to a small pavilion on the top of the mountain: "The key to the Small Five Elements Soul Returning Array is here."

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