The immortals of the two worlds started from farming and refining pills

Chapter 247: The Pure Spirit Bamboo changes, and the Spiritual Veins appear (Please order the full v

After listening to the two people's reports, Li Qing walked out of the secret room leisurely.

Ryan and Rick, father and son, hurriedly ordered people to bring the three children over for Li Qing to take a good look.

Joey was still lively and cheerful, not afraid of strangers. He came up and called "Master", then hugged Li Qing's legs and didn't let go: "You haven't come to see us for a long time!"

George was a little shy, but his smile was very bright. He quietly stretched out his hand to Li Qing: "Master, hug me!"

Because they were fire-type spiritual roots, and they practiced the "Spiritual Fire Art" adapted by Li Qing, the little guys were warm all over, like two little suns.

Li Qing picked them up and weighed them, one in each hand: "Wow, they are much stronger!"

The brother and sister immediately shouted "Woo Wow", very happy.

Compared with the two healthy and lively children, Anthony's whole rhythm seemed to be several beats slower.

He raised his head and looked at Li Qing silently. After his uncle and aunt had enough fun, he said sparingly, "Okay!"

The voice was short. If Li Qing had not listened carefully, he would not have heard it.

Li Qing put Joey and George down, and scanned Anthony's body and consciousness carefully and carefully. He found that his body and consciousness, which were almost frozen, were much more relaxed.

What surprised Li Qing was that the frost shadow in Anthony's brain seemed to be washed away by the tidal force.

The six snowflake corners with complex patterns seemed to be eroded by the waves, flattening a tiny part.

"If he persists in practicing, if nothing unexpected happens, he will be able to return to normal when he is about fifteen years old!"

Hearing this, Kailin, who had been worried, burst into tears.

Although Anthony was a little slow, he still comforted him warmly: "Don't... cry..."

Li Qing did not disturb their mother-son relationship and called Joey and George into the quiet room.

"I made some progress some time ago, and revised the "Nirvana Fire Sutra". I will give you the practice method first, and then answer your questions."

As he said, he took out two jade slips and pressed them on the eyebrows of the two children respectively: "Use your spiritual sense to sense and read the contents."

Half a minute later, the brother and sister suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. They didn't even have time to salute Li Qing, and they fell on their backs and slept soundly.

This is because the two children were infused with too much practice essence in a short period of time, and they couldn't bear it and fell asleep.

Li Qing smiled and shook his head, took out two large cushions and used them as beds for them to sleep.

Because the "Cang Hai Chao Sheng Jue" is most likely the great power that represented the boundless sea in the Dantian.

After all, Li Qing's strength is too far behind, and it is difficult to change a word, so Anthony's practice method naturally does not need to be updated.

After taking care of the three children, Li Qing tasted the sumptuous welcoming banquet specially prepared by Anna.

Whether it was Wumu barbecue or spiritual fungus soup, the taste was extremely delicious. The newly brewed spiritual wine tasted good too.

After tasting them one by one, Li Qing praised: "Anna's spiritual food skills have already shown great skills." In the world of cultivation, it is enough to certify a first-level mid-level spiritual chef.

"And this jar of wine brewed by Ryan, it is spicy and has a long aftertaste, which can vaguely soothe the inner trauma, which is very good."

Ryan and his wife were very happy to get the affirmation, and raised their glasses to Li Qing repeatedly to thank him for his teaching.

After three rounds of wine and five dishes, Li Qing stretched his back and stood up.

"Now, let's go and see the so-called seemingly true and false changes of the magic stain in Qingling Bamboo Garden."

As soon as he stood up, the others followed tacitly. Not long after, a group of about ten people came to the bottom of the increasingly tall and strong Qingling Bamboo.

Qingling Bamboo is the spiritual grass seed brought by Li Qing: Qingling Grass, which has mutated. It is called bamboo, but it is solid, more like some kind of sugar cane.

After years of picking, the Qingling Bamboo is not dying, but more upright.

Li Qing scanned it with his spiritual sense and soon found the Qingling Bamboo that everyone pointed out.

This Qingling Bamboo is as thick as a bowl, much better than ordinary Qingling Bamboo, with distinct branches and joints, and feels like jade when touched.

Since the change, Ryan has not let anyone pick the leaves on its upper body.

Now, after several growth cycles, its leaves are still hanging on the tree, still full of spiritual energy and vitality.

Li Qing's spiritual sense went down along the "bamboo pole" and came to its tangled bamboo roots.

Soon, a fresh and condensed breath, along with the spiritual sense, was fed back to Li Qing.

He tried repeatedly and finally found what was wrong: "There is a spiritual vein growing under here?!"

Li Qing suddenly became interested.

Almost all the cultivation in this world relies on the so-called "magic potion" and "medicine" made by witch medicine.

The spiritual energy content and activity in the air have never been good enough to support a foundation-building cultivator like him, so every time Li Qing comes here, he feels like a fish out of water.

As for the spiritual vein, perhaps it was concealed by the top forces, or perhaps it was a new thing. Anyway, not many people claim to have seen it.

Li Qing has only seen it once in the Lingye blessed land.

Now, there is a spiritual vein under this Qingling bamboo, how can he not be excited.

"If all conditions are suitable, the second blessed land in the spirit world may be located here."

In order to avoid false joy, Li Qing carefully and meticulously investigated this Qingling bamboo.

Why did the Qingling bamboo change? The answer has not been revealed for many years.

But after years of growth, this peculiar Qingling bamboo has actually extended its roots out of the bamboo garden, and like a skewer, it has penetrated most of the spiritual nodes on the island.

"This thing should be more than enough to suppress the spiritual root and assist in building the earth fairy world, and it will not be rejected by the spiritual veins..."

After making up his mind, Li Qing seriously ordered Ryan: "Send someone to guard the Qingling Bamboo Garden and never let outsiders in. This Qingling bamboo is related to the life and death of Lettuce Island."

Ryan was a little puzzled, but he still hurriedly accepted the order and asked someone to summon the soldiers patrolling the island to take turns to guard.

Li Qing also listed a list of various spiritual materials needed to build the earth fairy world.

Like the Lingye blessed land, this spiritual vein under Lettuce Island is also between the inferior and the first-level inferior.

The materials required to build the earth fairy world are not too high, and Li Qing still has them in his storage bag at this moment.

But after all, this is the territory of the Ryan family. Even if it really becomes a blessed land, the Hongyami family will benefit the most. Li Qing simply asked them to prepare.

In order to avoid more trouble, Li Qing simply asked someone to build a reed tent next to the Qingling Bamboo Garden, and he sat there to practice and set up the outermost magic circle of the Earthly Immortal Realm.

"Once the Earthly Immortal Realm is completed, I can directly take care of this place in the cultivation world, so I don't have to worry about being robbed."

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