The immortals of the two worlds started from farming and refining pills

Chapter 255: The ignorant girl, the similarities and differences of the secret methods (please order

Li Qing could see that Ford was feeling lonely.

As a great elf, compared to the still innocent and ignorant little elves, his wisdom was no less than that of intelligent humans.

He was born on Morning Glory Island, signed a blood contract with the Viscount family, and then evolved into a little elf and even a great elf here.

His "spiritual life" was confined to this small island and he had never seen the outside world.

But living beings always yearn for freedom. Of course, Ford also had his own poetry and distant places that he longed for.

It was just the shackles on his body that prevented him from sailing far away, so he could only stay here until he died.

But Li Qing couldn't help him.

Because the blood contract of the Morning Glory family had been imprinted into Ford's soul with two evolutions.

No matter how much he yearned for the outside world, if he had to choose between family and freedom, he would still choose to protect the Morning Glory family.

Li Qing was naturally clear about this.

He didn't think of taking Ford away, but he prepared many delicious snacks for him, all of which were durable and not easy to spoil.

Ford also gave back a lot of morning glory medicine. Although Li Qing could not use it, it was also good to use it to reward his subordinates and younger generations.

This continued until the seventh day.

Sonny had completely mastered the tricks of the crystal skull meditation method and successfully changed his practice.

Looking at Sonny, who was full of energy and had a brand new look, Li Qing couldn't help but smile: "Congratulations on your rebirth!"

Sonny's eyes were shining, which was the spiritual power he could not fully restrain: "Thank you for your guidance! When I get to the Emerald Ring, I will definitely follow your instructions."

Li Qing waved his hand: "How could I repay a favor? As a fellow tree shepherd, I am also pleased that you can cheer up and take on the responsibility of reviving the branch."

He paused and asked: "I still have to contact three other colleagues. Will you come with me?"

Sonny smiled: "I want to make a final conclusion with the past few decades of experience, so I won't go with you."

"Give me an address, and I will rush over to meet you."

Li Qing gave him the address of the last colleague.

With his previous deterrence, neither Frank nor Donado would take the initiative to trouble Sonny again.

And with Sonny's temperament, Li Qing felt that he should not do anything too extreme.

So, he said goodbye to Ford with confidence, left Morning Glory Island with the wind, and headed for the second stop.

Unlike Sonny's lineage, which became serfs, the second inheritor of the tree shepherd lived in seclusion on a remote island with his family of three.

And what they inherited was the sunflower meditation method.

The island was hidden by some kind of witch array, and even a fourth-level wizard would find it difficult to find it if he didn't fly over it.

If Reinhardt and the others hadn't carried some kind of witchcraft with them, which could locate the inheritor of the tree shepherd lineage, their family would probably continue to live in seclusion.

Li Qing found the island according to the coordinates, and then released the witch power.

The witch power resonated with a witch array not far away, and the island appeared in front of Li Qing.

The area of ​​this island is similar to that of Lingye Fudi. There is a small hill in the middle, and there are beaches with gentle slopes into the sea on all sides.

The whole island is covered with patches of sunflowers, which is extremely gorgeous.

There were only two small wooden houses on the hill, one on the north and south sides of the mountain.

Sensing Li Qing's arrival, the small wooden house on the south side of the mountain creaked, the door opened, and a girl of twelve or thirteen walked out.

The girl said with a naive and innocent look: "Are you also from the lineage of the tree herder? I am Ava."

Li Qing nodded and talked to her across the witch array: "I am the inheritor of the banyan tree lineage, you can call me 'Li'."

Ava didn't seem to have any sense of crisis, and after hearing what he said, she opened the witch array.

"Please come in, Mr. Li. My father and mother went to the sea to catch large clams. Please sit for a while."

Li Qing looked at the girl who was not much older than Li Hu, sighed, and appeared in front of the small wooden house with one step.

There should be few guests on the island.

Ava led him into the wooden house, but found that there were no tables, chairs, or drinks to entertain guests.

She turned around in the house, sweating on her forehead in anxiety.

Li Qing couldn't help but smile, and took out two cushions, a tea table, and a set of exquisite tea sets from his storage bag.

"Ava, stop busying yourself. Come and try my tea first." He asked Ava to sit down and feed her the delicacies brought from the cultivation world.

Ava ate one by one, and felt that everything was delicious, and she couldn't eat it all. But she took a sip of the cup of tea poured by Li Qing, and then didn't touch it again.

Li Qing took advantage of her time to enjoy the food and learned about the inheritance of the Sunflower lineage from her.

At present, the Sunflower lineage has a complete inheritance of the fourth level. Ava's parents are now third-level wizards.

It's just that because they didn't follow the witch country to hide, they didn't master the method of condensing the witch core. Now that the third level has been achieved, there is no room for regret.

When Reinhardt and the others came to the door, they gave Ava a secret method of condensing the witch core. Let their descendants no longer become "low-class witches" in the mouths of some people.

In return, the Sunflower lineage will take the initiative to get closer to the Golden Oak lineage behind Reinhardt.

These are not much different from the records left by Angela. But Li Qing is not interested in this.

He looked around and pointed at a small bunch of sunflowers: "Have you mastered the method of stable magic infusion?"

Ava looked at Li Qing in surprise: "You actually discovered it? The two gentlemen in front of you didn't even notice it."

Li Qing smiled: "I feel the element of sunlight in them. Two of them are not unusual, but hundreds of them together are a bit unusual."

Ava doesn't hide it either: "This is the secret method created by my mother."

"As long as there is a sunflower soaked in magic power, and then transformed through the witch formation, it can radiate the surrounding sunflowers, thus replicating this state of magic power."

Li Qing was greatly impressed when he heard this: "This idea is easier said than done. It's really remarkable that your mother can do this."

He thought about it for a while and found that this secret method seemed to be somewhat similar to the agave lineage.

It's just that the former is aimed at magic-dyed plants, while the latter is mainly applicable to elf bugs and cordyceps.

"Sure enough, the nature of the tree shepherds is good at farming. No matter how the inheritance evolves, this has never changed."

He chuckled and chatted with Ava for a while, until the sound of the tide suddenly came from the distant sea.

Li Qing looked up and saw a strong man with bare chest and a tall woman rising up from the sea.

The two of them carried a sea clam that was one foot wide and easily stepped onto the beach of the island.

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