The immortals of the two worlds started from farming and refining pills

Chapter 264 Testing each other, it seems like a cave (first update)

Roland was the initiator of this reunion of the tree shepherds.

He, Reinhardt, and Angela were all rising stars of the tree shepherds who had achieved fourth-level wizards in recent years.

Reinhardt snorted coldly and introduced the two parties reluctantly.

In addition to Roland, the fourth-level wizard who came out of another portal first was named Vinod, who was from the Haisong lineage.

As for those who came with them, they were all inheritors from the mainland, Edmund from the Golden Maple lineage, and Iluna from the Calla Lily lineage.

Li Qing smiled and greeted everyone one by one, while carefully looking at the four fourth-level wizards.

Roland, needless to say, had a cold and strong aura, somewhat similar to Rize, and had many traces left by souls on his body.

This was the characteristic of the Mingbai lineage, which could guide lost souls into the legendary destination "Styx".

Through interaction with the Styx, their meditation image "Mingbai" could absorb the water of the Styx and transform.

This is similar to Li Qing's "Rescue the Wicked Souls" innate witchcraft.

Vinod's body was filled with the aura of water and wood, and he faintly turned into a green pine. Although he concealed it well, Li Qing still sensed that he was injured.

Edmund and Iluna were both old-school wizards, with a solid and low-key aura, and it was not clear what they were for the time being.

When he looked at others, others also focused their attention on him and ignored Karel.

"The inheritor of the Banyan Tree lineage?" Roland was stunned at first, then a look of joy appeared on his face, "With the return of Lord Li, our chances of regaining the Emerald Dream will be much greater."

Vinod also smiled happily: "The Emerald Ring was originally opened by the ancestors of the Banyan Tree lineage. Now that Lord Li has returned, maybe he can really turn the situation around?"

Li Qing did not accept their flattery: "I am sorry to disappoint you two. I only got the Banyan Tree Meditation Method. As for other supporting inheritances, I don't know anything about it. I am afraid it is difficult to take on this task."

Edmund and Iluna looked at each other: "After a thousand years, it is normal for the inheritance to be lost. This reunion of the inheritors is a good opportunity to exchange what they have."

"Who knows, after a discussion, everyone's inheritance will be perfected?"

Li Qing nodded and smiled: "That's the truth. If we can gain something, it will be worth our trip to the Emerald Ring."

After chatting for a while, Li Qing began to build his own residence between the Golden Oak Forest and Angela's cabin.

The banyan meditation method was in operation, and pure witch power surged out, naturally infusing into the green light below.

"Buzz buzz buzz..." The big banyan tree below that covered the Emerald Ring Wu Kingdom made a dull resonance.

Soon, three banyan tree roots extended from it, tangled together, and turned into a small tree house with two bedrooms and one living room.

Li Qing pushed the door open and entered. In one of the rooms, there was a place similar to a futon.

He sat cross-legged and tried to practice meditation. Suddenly, huge natural elements poured down like a tornado.

Almost without too much guidance, the natural elements were perfectly absorbed by the big banyan tree on the spiritual platform without any impurities.

Li Qing made a brief comparison and found that the efficiency of practicing meditation here was almost ten times that of practicing on the mainland.

Similarly, as the meditation method progressed, Li Qing's consciousness began to become trance again.

I saw a towering banyan tree stretching its branches and leaves, swaying in the void chaos, and spreading endless green light.

The green light and the chaotic flow of the void intertwined, evolving into all kinds of mysterious ways and principles, which soon made Li Qing intoxicated.


Suddenly, thunder sounded in the spiritual platform, and Taihao Palace shook violently, awakening Li Qing's consciousness.

He couldn't help but shudder and stopped practicing meditation, and then he was horrified to find that two banyan tree air roots had grown on his legs, and had grown together with the small tree house.

He took a deep breath and used his magic power to dissolve the air roots: "Practicing here is really a double-edged sword! If you are not careful, you will merge with this banyan tree."

He rubbed his eyebrows and got up and left the cabin.

For this matter, Karel, Edmund, and Iluna all built their own residences.

Karel evolved a tall peach tree, and a huge snow peach in the crown expanded and turned into a small house.

The residences of the other two were also related to their respective meditation methods.

Roland looked at Li Qing in confusion, and seemed a little disappointed.

Li Qing looked back at him in confusion: "Sir Roland, if you have something to say, just say it."

Roland smiled and said, "I thought that your interaction with the Emerald Dream would lead to the senior wizard's backhand. It seems that I thought too much."

Reinhardt and others also had more or less thoughts in this regard.

Li Qing helplessly spread his hands: "Times have changed. Even if the senior left any cards, perhaps they have been taken away by others."

Everyone chatted for a while before they dispersed.

Li Qing returned to the tree house and first used the witch formation as the surface and the prohibition as the inside to build a magic circle for concealment and protection.

After isolating himself from other people's prying, he returned to the futon again and began to practice.

This time, he did not use the Banyan Tree Meditation Method, but the revised "Qingmu Yanming Zhenjie".

The so-called natural elements are originally a combination of many spiritual energies, among which wood spiritual energy accounts for a large proportion.

As the technique was being practiced, a vast amount of spiritual energy surged in like a tide, flowing into the Dantian continuously.

Compared with the meditation technique, the cultivation technique mainly circulated in the Dantian, the spiritual veins and the acupoints, and was not so closely related to the Lingtai.

After a comparison, he found that the progress of cultivation here was similar to that of the spirit caves of the second-level spirit vein.

"However, how many second-level spirit caves can a second-level spirit vein have? How many foundation-building cultivators can cultivate?!"

"And this Emerald Ring is vast, and now there are only a few dozen fourth-level wizards, and the area used is less than 20%."

In comparison, even the earthly immortal realm of Qinghe Valley is nothing in terms of immediate benefits.

Thinking of this, Li Qing's originally indifferent mood could no longer be maintained: "No! This Emerald Ring cannot be lost!"

At this moment, Li Qing was no longer content with the retreat of "Gate of Tianwei", but had the ambition to fight against the radicals and compete for the control of the Emerald Dream.

"In this case, the position of the leader of the herder lineage really has to be fought for." Li Qing began to make up his mind.

While thinking, he practiced the skills. After half an hour, he did not sense the trend of "Taoism", and it was very smooth.

Especially the big banyan tree below, it seems to have the magical effect of purifying and refining spiritual energy. Li Qing's originally condensed true essence, under its influence, actually improved again.

"The so-called paradise is just like this."

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