The immortals of the two worlds started from farming and refining pills

Chapter 27: The growth of the elves, refining the elixir

The next morning, when Li Qing woke up from his trance, the blurry green tree shadow in his mind suddenly disintegrated.

"It's a pity that the visualization method can only be taught in the Xuan Palace of the Great Zhou Dynasty. Otherwise, you can get a high-level visualization diagram."

"What exactly is this green tree? Is the shadow of the big tree that I reflected when I measured the spiritual roots the day before yesterday also derived from it?"

"How did I become associated with it? Most likely because of the elf bug. But if the contract owner has this kind of destiny, the top experts in the elf world will not stop at the sky warriors."

There is no use in thinking too much. Li Qing murmured to himself for a while, then put the matter aside for the time being, and looked into his dantian with his spiritual consciousness.

The transformed Qingmu Jue circulates on its own in the body, gathering and refining the spiritual energy of heaven and earth all the time, purifying and strengthening its own magic power.

The foundation-building wounds that originally could not be healed in three to five years can be restored to their original state within six months at the latest under the nourishment of this vigorous mana.

This also means that Li Qing has to start accumulating foundation building materials again.

"Why is it that I have such twists and turns in building a foundation?" Li Qing sighed and stood up from the futon.

Outside the cave, two elf bugs who had long been tired of accompanying Li Qing to "double cultivation" were now enjoying the essence of the same spiritual plant in their own spiritual fields and ponds.

Seeing Li Qing come out, Ah Zao nodded lazily and began to inspect the red algae growing in the pond for seeds that had not yet germinated.

On the other hand, A-Sun seemed particularly excited. He flicked his little tail and splashed the spiritual soil in the field everywhere: "Eaaah!"

Li Qing roughly understood its meaning through his spiritual consciousness: "Do you have a surprise for me?"

Asun nodded happily: "Hey~"

Li Qing guessed that it was not yet time to start refining the elixir, so he also praised him in cooperation: "What on earth is going on? You are trying to get along with me..."

Asun waited until he came closer, then used the tip of his tail to open up a small piece of spiritual soil: "Hey!"

Li Qing looked closely and saw a faint green sprouting from the soil: "Oh, it's the lettuce that has sprouted...Eh, isn't that right?!"

He squatted down and used his spiritual consciousness to carefully feel the touch of green: "Are these the first-grade high-quality lettuce seeds planted yesterday?"

Asun shook his head proudly: "Hey!"

Li Qing couldn't help but wonder, he didn't use planting magic to induce birth. Why did this magical lettuce sprout in less than ten days?

A-Sun tried hard to hold his head high, but couldn't help but point at himself with the tip of his tail. As a result, he fell over and said, "Err... eh, eh, eh!"

Li Qing was stunned for a moment: "You mean, you grew this lettuce yourself?"

"Eh!" Asun nodded seriously.

Afraid that Li Qing wouldn't believe it, it jumped onto his Cordyceps sinensis, connected with it, and emitted a green light that shot towards the buds of the lettuce spiritual seed.

Li Qing only felt that the green awn was extremely familiar. Before he could distinguish it, the seed coat of the lettuce was completely split, and two delicate cotyledons poked out from it.

After doing this, A-Sun was obviously very tired, but he still held his head high and looked at Li Qing with expectant eyes: "Hey."

An idea flashed in Li Qing's mind, and he said in surprise: "A-Sun, can you give birth to spiritual plants?"

Asun nodded repeatedly and kept saying "yaa", looking very proud.

Although Li Qing was happy, he was also a little confused: "Isn't it true that the elf bug can evolve into an elf before it can give birth to a spiritual plant? It's obvious that Asun..."

The green light flashed in his mind just now: "No, A-Sun, what you just used was not just your innate ability, right?"

Ah-sun tilted her head and glanced at him, trying her best to position herself in a squatting position, but without any limbs, she looked a little funny and cute.

Immediately, a magic power that had the same origin as Li Qing flowed through it, transforming into a small lettuce plant. Unfortunately, it could not last long, and it was instantly destroyed.

Li Qing was shocked: Elf insects can actually practice human skills? And can he, like the owner of the contract, cultivate this specious "Dharma has an original spirit"?

He turned his attention to Ah Zao again and found that the red algae spiritual seeds in the pond had not changed, so he asked with his spiritual consciousness: "What did you gain?"

Azao tilted his head: "Huh?" He still looked confused.

Li Qing regretted: "It was my greed that caused trouble. If there is such an opportunity..."

Before he finished speaking, Azao suddenly sneezed, and with a "crack", red flames spurted out from his mouth and nose.

Li Qing's expression froze: "You also got a chance?"

Ah Zao didn't like the flames that came out, so he jumped into the water with a "pop" and put it out: "Uh-huh..."

Li Qing shook his head: "I don't know if we are mutually successful or if I have benefited from you two."

Despite the opportunity, the two inflorescences of lettuce and cordyceps are still in bud, and the shape of red algae and cordyceps has not changed.

Li Qing couldn't help but sigh: "Will this opportunity not help the evolution of the elves? It seems that these two little self-improvements are still needed..."

He stood up, straightened his gown, and left the cave.

Outside the cave, a canopy was built overnight.

In addition to a few alchemy apprentices, other low-level and mid-level alchemists in the family are also here, chatting in twos and threes.

Seeing Li Qing come out, everyone quickly bowed and said hello: "I've met the Fourth Elder."

Li Qing nodded, walked to the futon in the middle of the canopy and sat down: "Everyone, please sit down."

Everyone consciously tidied up the queue and each found a futon to sit on.

Li Qing took out the alchemy furnace he carried with him and used spiritual fire to preheat the inside and outside of the furnace: "Today, I will refine two kinds of elixirs, the first-order low-grade Bigu Pill and the first-order mid-grade Qi-Nourishing Pill."

Except for a few apprentices, the other alchemists were a little disappointed when they heard this. After all, these are very basic elixirs.

Unexpectedly, Li Qing said again: "I will teach you two tips for this elixir refining, which is enough to increase the rate of elixir formation by 10%."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned for a moment, some whispered, and some exclaimed: "The fourth elder is so righteous!"

It should be noted that for an alchemist to settle down, he must either possess an exclusive recipe for elixirs or master the secret know-how in order to stand out and occupy a place among his peers.

As Li Qing said, increasing the rate of elixir formation by 10% would not only increase the income by 10%, but also be enough to form a crushing advantage among the many alchemy pavilions in the city around Xuefeng Lake.

Such secrets were generally not allowed to be taught to direct disciples who were not of one's own bloodline. However, Li Qing taught him so generously. How could they not be excited?

Li Qing raised his hand slightly to signal everyone to be silent: "These two know-hows are very precious. If Azhe had not mastered the foundation and the family had relied on it, I would not have dared to spread it widely. You should understand it carefully, study it with concentration, and do not neglect it. !”

Everyone quickly bowed in response.

By the time Erti met his fate, the heat of the alchemy furnace was sufficient, and Li Qing ordered people to bring over the elixir materials sent from the warehouse: "The bigu elixir that I will be refining this time mainly uses crane bud rice and golden japonica rice."

"Lingfeng here will be planted in the spring and autumn next year. It's a good time for everyone to observe and learn, and it will have its own use next year."

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