The immortals of the two worlds started from farming and refining pills

Chapter 273 Enlightening the Peach Seed, Lightning Strikes the Peach Wood (Please Subscribe)

The solemn rebirth mantra floats leisurely over the square.

The misty white light shone slightly from the white lotus, and then continued to differentiate, creating translucent white lotuses.

The white lotus floated into the air, spinning slowly, each choosing a dead body or a pile of bones to fly away.

"Phew——" The white lotus turned into white light, shrouding it, and constantly soothing the resentment of the remaining souls residing in it.

As a result, all kinds of screams and wailings sounded at Li Qingling Platform. The scenes before these people died were also reflected in Li Qing's consciousness.

They kept climbing strange peach trees, and in order to compete for a "life-extending peach", they fought with others, and were eventually injured or even died.

Blood spurted out and flowed on the ground, soaking into the peach leaves scattered on the ground, causing them to rot and ooze corrupt juice.

As a result, an even more disturbing atmosphere spread around.

The fighting became more intense until everyone present was dead.

The remnant souls and resentments kept repeating the scene before his death, attacking Li Qing's coffin.

However, the banyan tree swayed slightly, the essence of the rays of light gathered and separated, and the nine spiritual bulls were in the position of the nine palaces to suppress the spiritual platform.

Coupled with the green gold light hanging down from Taihao Palace to ward off external demons, Li Qing was completely unmoved.

He recited softly: "The Supreme Lord's decree transcends your lonely soul. All ghosts and ghosts, I will be grateful for all my life..."

The natural witchcraft "Transcending Wrong Souls" combined with the rebirth spell has an outstanding effect.

This group of dead souls who died here due to the greed of external demons gradually floated out from their corpses and were transformed by Li Qingdu.

White souls bowed to Li Qing and then suddenly disappeared.

"Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. Those who should go, don't stay..."

Li Qing sighed with compassion and waved his sleeves.

"Huhuhu..." The breeze blew by, and all the corpses, no matter how fresh they were, turned into a handful of ashes and drifted away in the wind.

The ubiquitous rotten smell seemed to have dissipated.

But the peach leaves and tree stumps soaked in blood still looked strange.

Li Qing took a deep breath, threw out a handful of peach tree seeds from the storage bag, and then used Aoki's magical power.

Among them, there are ordinary peach tree cores and various first-order spiritual peach tree seeds. These are all consumables for Li Qing to practice his minor magical powers and witchcraft.

"Crack, click, click..." The peach core cracked open, and thick cotyledons and white and tender roots poked out from it.

The roots could not break through the hard ground of the square, but they firmly grasped the gaps in the floor tiles, and then extended towards the rotten peach leaves scattered on the ground.

"Hulala..." Hui Feng blew gently.

"Pitter patter..." The dew and sweet rain slowly fell underground. Liquan also gushes out of the ground.

Therefore, under Li Qing's deliberate nourishment, the peach leaves on the ground were used as fertile soil to sprout and grow.

But how can they withstand the nourishment of this strange peach leaf? After a while, they withered, withered, and even turned into black water.

But Li Qing was not discouraged and scattered another handful of peach tree seeds.

The seeds sprout again and then die one after another.

This stalemate lasted for three days and three nights. The seeds were sown and then died, and then they were sown again. All the peach tree seeds in Li Qing had been used up.

But fortunately, where there is a will, things can happen, and in the end, an ordinary peach tree survived.

It continuously absorbs the nutrients from the peach leaves and then thrives.

Li Qing hurriedly took out the Three Treasures Wonderful Tree and used the small magical power of green wood, which also combined with the beneficial wind and sweet rain, to protect it.

As the peach sapling grew, suspicious blood stains also appeared on its stems and leaves.

This peach tree also has a tendency to become strange.

But Li Qing was not worried. He pointed at Taihao Palace and the green gold light illuminated it: "Enlightenment!"

So the light shines brightly.

But Li Qing didn't turn it into an elf bug, because the peach tree already had a bit of evil nature, and the elf bugs it gave birth to were bound to be perverse.

If left unchecked, it will destroy the harmonious atmosphere among the elves; if great efforts are made to correct it, it may go against their nature.

It's better to directly imbue it with magic power and turn it into a magic plant!

Demonic plants in the elven world cannot give birth to consciousness, which can prevent them from becoming demons or even turning into demons, killing two birds with one stone.

After the attunement was completed, Li Qing placed the Three Treasures Tree next to the peach tree, adding a small green wood magical power from time to time to catalyze its growth.

He himself was under the protection of Taihao Palace, overlooking the big tree stump he was sitting on: "The peach leaf is just a detail, the root is still in you, right?"

He casually pointed, and the white lotus, which became more solid due to the remnant resentment of the remaining souls, slowly fell in front of him and stuck to the tree stump.

While he continued to perform his innate witchcraft "Transcending Wrong Souls", he continuously injected Aoki's true energy into the tree stump.

All things in the world are interdependent.

The smell of this strange peach tree would have eroded the monk's spiritual consciousness and true energy.

But on the other hand, as long as the true energy is pure and solid, the strange aura can also be purified.

The white glow merged with the cyan glow and poured into the large tree stump below.

"Rumble..." A violent fluctuation hit Li Qing's spiritual platform.

But with the multiple protections of Taihao Palace, Banyan Forest, Xiaguang Essence, Spiritual Ox, etc., Li Qing was almost unscathed.

Along with the fluctuations came a scene of incompleteness.

Suddenly, a hole opened in the blue sky, and a strange tentacle swung out from it, wrapping around a tall peach tree.

Then there was a violent collision and an indescribable fighting process, and the tall peach tree fell to the ground with a "boom".

The next moment, Li Qing's Dantian Dao foundation trembled slightly, and a strange wave directly blocked this scene.

Li Qing shook his mind and was surprised to find that the big tree stump that was about to be purified suddenly broke into pieces.

He hurriedly held the white lotus, stood up, frowned and looked at the stump, and could no longer sense any strange breath on it.

"Boom boom..." In the secret realm, a thunder of great power came from nowhere and hit the stump directly.

So the stump exploded and turned pitch black.

Li Qing dodged in time and was not affected by the thunder.

After the lightning wrapped around it slowly dissipated, he took a step forward to check its changes.

"Hey! Is this... Lightning-struck wood?" He pulled out a small wooden stick about an inch thick and a foot long from the remains of the stump.

It carried an aura that scared away all evil, which was tit-for-tat with its original aura.

"Well, judging from its quality, it is good enough to be ranked as a second-class upper grade. With some other materials, maybe we can refine a demon-slaying magic weapon?"

While playing with the lightning-struck wood and catalyzing the peach tree magic plant, he did not forget to look back at the tower to see if Ah Sun and other little guys had come out.

During this period, he went out to the spiritual peach secret realm and told Li Yu that he had a feeling and wanted to retreat for a period of time, so he put all his energy into the spiritual peach secret realm.

This went on for half a month. The peach saplings absorbed all the essence of the peach leaf humus soil on the ground.

And the gate tower opposite finally opened slowly.

Ah Sun and other little guys flew out happily, eager to share the gains of this trip with him.

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