The immortals of the two worlds started from farming and refining pills

Chapter 30: The Spiritual Herb is Different, Sincerity in the Heart

Qingling grass is one of the most common spiritual plants in the world of cultivation. Many pills for clearing the mind, removing gloom, and nourishing the spirit have it as an auxiliary medicine in the pill formula.

The first-grade lower-grade Qingling powder uses it as the main medicine.

It can be said that all alchemists, including Li Qing, started with Qingling grass and entered the door of alchemy.

But the Qingling grass in front of him really overturned Li Qing's cognition.

The Qingling grass, which was originally a slender cluster, now not only grows a sugarcane-like stem, but also the leaves have become thatched.

Only the familiar fragrance of green grass made Li Qing dare not easily deny it.

He used the medicine identification technique to determine that this strange Qingling grass was "non-toxic and has the effect of clearing the mind and refreshing the spirit". After that, he took a piece of thatch leaf and washed it with the water purification spell.

Ryan wanted to stop him but stopped: "Sir, why don't you use serfs to test the medicine?"

Before he finished speaking, Li Qing had put the leaf into his mouth. After chewing it for a while, a cool air rushed to his forehead. If the magic power had not been resolved in time, it would have almost made him cry.

"Hiss! This medicine is so strong!" He took a breath of cool air, "Is it because the laws of the world are different? But the Qingling grass I planted on the deserted island is exactly the same as the one in the world of cultivation!"

He used his spiritual sense to scan the Qingling grass field, not missing any clues, but he did not find anything suspicious after searching the ground for three feet.

Lei Er couldn't help but get nervous: "Sir, is there something I didn't do well enough?"

Li Qing suppressed his doubts and nodded to comfort him: "You take good care of it. This Qingling grass is growing very vigorously..."

No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like Qingling grass.

"Whether it is or not, just refine a furnace of Qingling powder!" Li Qing's magic light was like a blade. He cut two Qingling grasses from the ground and put them in the storage bag.

He didn't plan to refine pills here. There were only finished pills in the storage bag, and no spiritual materials for refining pills.

Fortunately, the formula of Qingling Powder is simple. Except for the main medicine, the rest are ordinary plants. Li Qingxin circled some with his hands and asked Rick to help prepare them.

Kaylene came over and asked eagerly: "My lord, is there anything I can help with?"

Li Qing did not refuse her face and said happily: "This kind of witch medicine requires green roses. If you can provide some, it will be a great help."

Li Qing has reached this level of alchemy. He can already make his own prescriptions for refining Qingling Powder, an entry-level elixir.

The fragrance of roses has the effect of calming the mind and helping sleep. It can play a role in refining Qingling Powder.

Kailin said happily: "It just so happens that I brought a rose fairy worm. I just planted a patch of green roses. I can temporarily ripen a batch for you!"

Li Qing raised his eyebrows and looked at Rick: "Could it be that this is the fairy worm you just mentioned?"

"Oh no, it's not." Rick's cheeks were red and he stuttered when he spoke, "I found a fairy worm myself!"

He calmed down and explained seriously: "Thanks to the water-repelling pill you gave me, I found a brown seaweed cordyceps when I was patrolling the sea in the south."

"It just happened that the fairy worm was born, and the magic power gathered and enriched, which made my runes also get a lot of improvement."

Li Qing concentrated and observed carefully, and found that the strength of his rune had been improved from the first level of Qi training to the second level of Qi training. He couldn't help but wonder: "This kid, is he some kind of destiny protagonist? How can he be so lucky?"

It's a pity that he doesn't know the face, the air, the fortune, the feng shui and other skills. Since he can't see the way, he doesn't care.

He looked at Leir on the side: "Let's entrust this Qingling grass field to you to manage. Don't worry, it shouldn't be a bad thing."


The newly built castle is located on a cliff on the edge of the island. Not long after the rain, a dazzling rainbow was hanging above.

Ryan told Li Qing happily: "Our family just unanimously decided to name this place Hongya Castle!"

Li Qing turned his head and looked at the rice field behind him: "Hongya Castle... Hongya Rice?"

Ryan laughed: "That's the meaning. When the Hongya Rice Elf Bug is born one day, I will change my family's surname to Hongya Rice!"

Anna next to him also complained: "The surname Lettuce is really terrible!"

The noble surnames here are all named after the representative Cordyceps plants. The surname of the Lettuce family has been passed down for four generations.

The ancestors who opened up the territory didn't care about this. But the new generation of barons and heirs have the pride of the nobility and want to change to a better surname.

As a monk of a family with a well-ordered inheritance, Li Qing didn't really understand, but he still expressed his blessing: "God will not let down those who work hard. Sooner or later, we will be able to raise the rainbow cliff rice elf insect!"

The group entered the castle. As the hostess, Anna took her future daughter-in-law, Kailin, to prepare a dinner to entertain Li Qing, the distinguished guest.

Ryan arranged a room facing the sea for him. Standing on the balcony, you can overlook and look out at the endless blue ocean.

After Li Qing settled down in the castle, he released the young bird with double wings.

The bird may have been suffocated in the spirit beast bag. As soon as it came out, it raised its head and opened its mouth, "Ah, Aah, Aah" and kept crying.

Li Qing disliked its noise, so he fed it a pill to replenish essence and qi, and made a bird's nest with Qingling grass leaves, letting it settle down on the balcony.

Unexpectedly, this little thing became more courageous as it blew the sea breeze and listened to the sound of the waves. Even though it was not yet fully grown, it could not resist its yearning for the blue sea and blue sky.

Li Qing was not in a hurry to study the Wind and Thunder Wings, so he let it make a fuss, set up a protective barrier beside the bird's nest, and turned back to the room.

In the Dantian, Asun and Azao were sleeping soundly with their own Cordyceps as pillows.

In a state of "no thoughts and no laws", wood-attributed magic light and spiritual fire overflowed from their bodies, gradually blending into Li Qing's magic cycle, taking advantage of the wind and slowly replenishing themselves.

Li Qing got a moment of peace and was about to meditate and practice, when Rick, holding an elf bug, knocked on the door: "Look, this is the elf bug Leis, who is particularly sleepy!"

Leis looks more like Atao, but his skin color is very different: on his light brown skin, there are dark brown runes, indicating that this is an elf bug with only earth attributes.

Li Qing was a little surprised: "You actually gave it a name?"

The nobles in this world generally do not name elf bugs.

After all, elf bugs have a short lifespan. If they fail to evolve into elves, they will be a handful of ashes after ten years. Giving them a name will only increase their sadness.

Only when they are promoted to elves, their lives are transformed, and their lifespan exceeds 100 years, will they get a name that belongs to them exclusively.

Rick placed Reis in his palm and let it lie lazily, smiling: "Sir, I actually like elf bugs since I was a child."

"But my father always said that only women would play with such soft little things!"

"I used to think that my father was right. But after watching you and Azao get along, I realized that I was right!"

Li Qing showed appreciation and patted him on the shoulder: "You are right! What's wrong with facing your true heart!"

He took out a spiritual contract talisman: "Come, drop your blood on it, and I will help you to make a spiritual contract!"

Rick bit his finger without hesitation.

Li Qing used the talisman to receive a drop of his blood, and then used magic power to drive it, and built a spiritual contract between Rick and the elf bug Reis.

"Your method of recognizing the master is really too crude, and can only improve the affinity of the spirit insects unilaterally. But after using the spiritual contract, you can communicate with Leis's mind!"

Rick concentrated and sensed it, and a smile appeared on his face instantly: "I actually heard Leis's voice..."

Thank you old friend [Yueyinglou Ye Weiyang] for the 500-point reward, and thank you for your collection, follow-up reading, monthly tickets and recommendation tickets.

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