The immortals of the two worlds started from farming and refining pills

Chapter 38 Lingfeng is acquired, Asun supports the family

Liu Yuan was very straightforward when doing things. It was said that Li Qing was asked to stay for two days, but in fact Lingfeng was handed over to him the next day.

This made Li Qing somewhat extinguish some of his suppressed anger.

The new Lingfeng covers about fifty acres, not far from the hilltop rented by the Li family. It is said to be a peak, but in fact it is a small bumpkin.

Because it is separated from Xuefeng Lake by the spiritual peak rented by the Li family, the concentration of spiritual energy is only half of that of the first-order spiritual veins, so the price is much cheaper.

It is also a ten-year long lease, and the annual rent per acre is only three low-grade spiritual stones, totaling 1,500 spiritual stones.

But this is just land rent. We also need to set up protective formations, purchase spiritual seeds, and hire spiritual planters to cultivate and protect it... The subsequent expenditures add up to an almost astronomical figure.

But Li Qing was also a bachelor. He directly used the proceeds from the Jiuxuan Fruit to cover fixed investments such as land rent and formations, and borrowed fifty acres of lettuce spiritual seeds from Liu Yuan.

Liu Yuan was very puzzled: "Fellow Taoist, don't you think about it any more? The low-grade and medium-grade lettuces are worthless; the high-grade lettuce consumes land resources, so the gain outweighs the loss."

He paused and warned: "The planting of the Jiu Xuan Fruit Tree is the top priority. If the land is not good enough and the business is delayed, the consequences may not be something that Fellow Daoist Li can bear."

Li Qingcheng was confident: "Fellow Taoist, please rest assured. We have signed a legal contract. As a qi-training monk, I can't bear its backlash."

Liu Yuan was hesitant, and after making a clear deal with Li Qing, Yufeng left the mountain.

After Liu Yuan left, Li Wei, who had come with him, looked worried: "Uncle, growing the Nine Profound Fruits privately is a taboo in Yanling Valley. I'm afraid you are seeking skin from a tiger!"

"Don't I know?" Li Qing was helpless, "This person is backed by two foundation-building majors, and he has my handle. For the time being, I can only pretend to be cowardly before trying anything else."

Afraid that people would have too many eyes and too many mouths, Li Qing did not inform his family about taking over the responsibility of this hilltop. He only wanted to provide others with technical guidance on the management and protection of spiritual plants.

If it weren't for the fact that he had to "retreat in seclusion" for half a month every once in a while, and that Lingfeng needed someone to take care of it, Li Qing wouldn't even tell Li Wei, who was from the same family and shared weal and woe.

Li Wei said with relief: "Don't worry, uncle, I will keep this matter secret. I will also take good care of this place when you are in retreat."

Without waiting for Li Qing's request, she took an oath to keep the secret secret.

"Why is it necessary?" Li Qing has always been very satisfied with her, and now he appreciates her even more when he sees that she can take on tasks.

He casually handed the map of Lingfeng to Li Wei: "Nine Mysterious Fruit Trees, like trees repel each other, should be separated as much as possible."

"This tree requires a lot of spiritual energy. Although it has the spiritual stones provided by Fellow Daoist Liu as a supplement, it still needs spiritual energy nodes for support."

"In addition, the Jiuxuan Fruit Tree is of great importance, and the planting point cannot be too close to the periphery to avoid leaking the secret."

After talking about these three points, he directly became the shopkeeper: "You should be a good person and find a good place for these ten seeds!"

Li Wei didn't say much, picked up the map, took out the compass, and went to find the planting spot of the Jiuxuan Fruit Tree.

Li Qing nodded and used the cardinal talisman left by Liu Yuan to activate the magic circle to cover the top of the mountain. Then he sat cross-legged on the ground and examined the lettuce seeds in his hand.

Liu Yuan is very good at growing spiritual vegetables. He has collected and cultivated more than thirty kinds of lettuce seeds.

Li Qing specially picked out one of the top-grade seeds, shook it in his hand, and called A-Sun out: "Look, what gift did I bring you?"

When Asun saw the lettuce seeds, he was very happy. He jumped up to them with a "beep" sound, rubbing one kind and looking at the other. He only regretted that his eyes were not enough.

Li Qing is good at tempting: "With so many different types of lettuce, the asparagus will soon grow taller again."

Asun was so happy that he nodded repeatedly: "Hey!"

Li Qing added: "It's a pity that I'm busy with trivial matters, I'm afraid I don't have much time, how about this kind of lettuce?"

Without hesitation, A-Sun puffed out his chest and pointed at himself with the tip of his tail: "Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!"

"I can safely leave it to you? That's okay." Li Qing smiled and put the lettuce seeds on the ground. "Let me see the results of your practice. Let's soak them to germinate first!"

Asun shrouded the spiritual species in the green wood light and started working happily.

Li Qing clapped his hands with satisfaction, stood up, and made plans for this spiritual peak.

The spiritual energy here is obviously weaker, and not many high-grade spiritual plants can be planted. Since we can’t hire other people, we can only cut out the complicated and simplify.

He quickly made up his mind: "Let's just use it as a vegetable garden. Let it be mainly lettuce and plant some other spiritual vegetables."

Unlike Liu Yuan, a spiritual planter with obvious specialization, Li Qing has excellent talent in spiritual planting and basically has no shortcomings.

You can grow spiritual medicines, you can grow spiritual rice, you can grow spiritual fruits, you can also grow spiritual vegetables.

He took out another map, wrote and drew on it, and quickly arranged the spiritual peak.

Two hours later, Li Wei came back with her results with a tired look on her face, and saw Li Qing setting up a small table and drinking tea leisurely there.

On a stone nearby, Asun collapsed on the ground from exhaustion, and seeds were scattered around him. Ah Zao jumped up and down on it, as if he was getting a massage.

"Uncle, I have chosen the location." Li Wei presented the drawing to Li Qing for review, picked up A-Sun and used magic to soothe it.

Li Qing took it and looked at it carefully. He only crossed out one of the core nodes of Lingfeng and changed another one: "Well, it's just right. I'll plant it roughly according to your drawing!"

Li Wei was stunned for a moment: "Uncle, is this a bit hasty! My skills are still shallow, how can I be worthy of such an important task?"

Li Qing smiled: "This Jiuxuan fruit tree is said to be a secret of Yanling Valley. It is difficult to grow it unless you are a second-level spiritual plant master, but in my opinion, it is not so strange!"

He took out a full-bodied seed and handed it to Li Wei along with a jade slip: "This is the Jiuxuan fruit planting notes I compiled. You should experience it carefully. When you are sure, try to germinate it!"

Li Wei panicked, but looking at Li Qing's eyes that did not allow any objection, she gritted her teeth and took over the homework: "Uncle, don't worry, I will not let you down!"

Li Qing nodded slightly, took Asun and the lettuce seeds that had been germinated, and went to the spiritual energy node at the core of the spiritual peak.

"Come! Asun, plant your cordyceps here!"

Asun smelled the rich and rising spiritual energy around him, and his tiredness disappeared. He opened his mouth and sprayed the rice-sized cordyceps on the node.

The lettuce and cordyceps surrounded by green light grew in the wind and soon took root on the node.

A stream of pure spiritual energy flowed into Ah Sun's body along the Cordyceps, making it feel a little intoxicated: "Ahhh!"

Li Qing smiled and pinched its horn: "Occupying the core node of a spiritual peak alone is a privilege that I have never enjoyed. Ah Sun, you have to work hard, otherwise we can't afford to rent this mountain."

Ah Sun nodded seriously, and the green wood magic light flowed around his body, rolling up the lettuce spiritual seeds, and began to farm to earn spiritual stones to support his family.

Thanks to [Mo Yan] for the 100-point reward.

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