The immortals of the two worlds started from farming and refining pills

Chapter 40 The Fish King Belongs, Foundation-Building Resources

(PS: Please rest assured, the author is a firm supporter of the protagonist. No matter how the plot develops, the protagonist will not suffer any loss)

Li Zhuang looked relieved: "Since the Zhang family sank my boat, I specially bought two first-grade water escape talismans. This time, by chance, I saved my life."

Li Qing was still puzzled: "Even if you have a water escape talisman. But the Spirit Fish King is in Xuefeng Lake, and you should be hard to escape with the blessing of heaven and earth."

"I don't know about this." Li Zhuang was also a little puzzled, "When I used the first water escape talisman, the Spirit Fish King was still chasing me. After using the second one, it disappeared..."

The third elder Li Ye stroked his long beard: "Maybe the Spirit Fish King was entangled by other spiritual beasts and monsters in the water?"

Li Hui asked Li Zhuang to describe in detail the waters where he met the Spirit Fish King.

Seeing that the elders had no more questions, Li Hui promised a generous reward and ordered Li Zhuang to wait in the side hall temporarily.

After he left, Li Hui asked, "According to the elders, how should this spiritual fish king be dealt with?"

The second elder Li Fang said bluntly, "The spiritual fish king is a second-grade top-grade treasure, which is of great use to the great cultivators of foundation building. I'm afraid my Li family can't eat it!"

The first elder Li Yao was somewhat unwilling: "If you don't take what God gives you, you will suffer the consequences. If you get this spiritual fish king, my Li family may be able to produce another foundation-building cultivator!"

The so-called spiritual fish, like spiritual plants, is a treasure derived from the gathering of spiritual energy from heaven and earth.

Unlike ordinary aquatic monsters, its spirituality is pure and does not contain demonic energy, which is a good cultivation resource.

There are many kinds of spiritual fish, and their uses are different. Most of those produced in Xuefeng Lake are first-grade resources used by cultivators of Qi training.

For example, the dragon-whiskered golden carp, below the ninth level of Qi training, eating its meat can temper the body, and drinking its blood can temper the magic power. It is a rare first-grade top-grade spiritual material.

The Spirit Fish King, which was transformed from a Spirit Fish, has even more benefits. Regardless of its strength or species, as a cultivation resource, it is at least ranked as a second-class upper grade.

Apart from other things, the fact that it contains a heaven and earth essence and can improve the quality of the foundation-building cultivators is enough to attract people.

As far as Li Qing knows, there are at least more than 30 foundation-building cultivators gathered by the Xuefeng Lake. It may not be easy for the Li family to snatch food from the tiger's mouth.

After discussing for a while, Li Yao still didn't want to give up. He turned to ask Li Hui: "Can Zhe come back? He is also a great foundation-building cultivator, and he has Yanling Valley behind him, so maybe he can..."

"I'm afraid not!" Li Hui shook his head. "I went to the communication talisman the day the news about the Spirit Fish King came out."

"His master is preparing for the formation of the elixir, and the foundation-building disciples under his sect all have important matters and can't get away easily. His good fellow disciples are all practicing Qi, and they can't help."

Li Yao asked again: "Can the news be revealed to him? He can report it to the sect, or sell it to other fellow disciples, which is also good."

Li Fang disagreed: "Yanling Valley is a long way away. Even if there are no mistakes, by the time this news is passed, people will come back, and the hot spiritual food will be cold!"

Li Ye also said: "Why bother so much. As far as I know, there are several foundation-building disciples and deacons in Yanling Valley. It doesn't matter if you report it to them."

The three elders argued for a long time, and only Li Qing did not express his opinion from beginning to end.

Li Hui listened patiently for a moment before signaling everyone to be quiet. He turned to Li Qing and asked, "What do you think, Fourth Elder?"

Li Qing did not hesitate: "The longer the night, the more dreams there are. I do not agree to send a letter to Yanling Valley. As for which foundation-building master to reveal it to, it depends on the family's usual connections..."

Zhu Yuan and Liu Yuan of Yanling Valley did not leave a good impression on him. The exchange of interests under coercion was not enough to make him reveal such important news.

Seeing that Li Qing and the other two were against it, Li Yao had to give up.

In the end, Li Hui made the decision: "Then report it directly to the Great Zhou Dynasty. The dragon-whiskered golden carp is special. After becoming the king of spiritual fish, maybe it can catch the eyes of the state teacher?"

Li Ye stroked his beard and smiled: "That's great. The court has always been clear about rewards and punishments. If the king of spiritual fish is captured, maybe there will be a visualization map to be given?"

Li Qing heard this and his heart moved: "If that's true, it would be a great fortune."

This matter was agreed. Li Hui took Li Zhuang without stopping to visit the foundation-building masters of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

Li Yao and Li Ye left separately.

Only Li Qing was stopped by Li Fang and went to the family storehouse together.

In the spiritual plant storehouse, Li Yu was counting the Pingyang mushrooms sent by Lingfeng: "We harvested four more baskets today. The alchemists in the family are too busy, so we can only send these to the market..."

In the medicine storehouse, the museum shelves were filled with porcelain bottles and jade bottles, which was very different from the last time Li Qing came.

"Thanks to you, Aqing, for giving the alchemists secret tricks. The utilization rate of spiritual plants in the family has increased, and all aspects of management have become much more abundant."

Li Fang took him for a casual stroll, and finally went to the cave where he was in charge for tea.

In the simple cave, there was only a cold jade bed, a coffee table, and a few cushions.

If there was no decent spiritual node below, this would not look like the dignified elder in charge of the family storehouse.

Li Fang brewed two cups of tea and drank by himself: "Ah Qing, in the past few years, I have always wondered whether it was right to send Li Zhe to Yanling Valley with all my efforts?"

Li Qing picked up the teacup and took a sip: "After all, Ah Zhe achieved foundation building, which helped the family withstand the pressure from the Zhang family and the Chen family."

"Foundation building cultivators are always different." Li Fang was silent for a moment, "But does it have to be Li Zhe? If the clan fully supported you to build the foundation, would the situation now be different?"

Li Qing was quite open-minded: "The clan has not owed me anything. I learned to grow spiritual plants and refine pills. If it weren't for the support of the family, I would not have been able to be promoted to a high-grade spiritual plant master and alchemist..."

"As for foundation building, Azhe was promoted to the peak of Qi training five years earlier than me. He also had the advice of the sect, and his chance of success is much higher than mine."

Li Fang was speechless. After a long while, he finally made up his mind and took out a wooden box from under the cold jade bed.

"Ah Qing, I know you are ambitious and you will not be willing to live a mediocre life like the withered bones in the graves like us."

He personally put the wooden box in Li Qing's hand: "This is a black crystal fruit I got in my early years. It is good for consolidating the foundation of Taoism. Although it is not as effective as the foundation-building pill, it can also help you."

Li Qing hurriedly refused: "This kind of treasure is enough to pass down the family. I think Zhao Ge'er has good qualifications and may be able to impact the foundation in the future..."

Zhao Ge'er refers to Li Zhao, who is a direct descendant of Li Fang's lineage and is currently learning alchemy with Li Qing.

Li Fang shook his head and smiled bitterly: "I am in charge of the family's warehouse and know it best. In the past fifty years, the family has no possibility of supporting another person to impact the foundation."

As the upper sect, Yanling Valley has been implicitly exploiting these small Qi training families by accepting disciples and other means.

And the small families get nothing but insignificant protection. And a chance to see the future of the family's children.

If we can produce a great foundation-building cultivator who is loyal to the family, then all the investment will be worth it.

But how difficult is this!

The sect is not a charity. If the disciples are not absolutely loyal, how can they be trained with all their strength?

To break this situation, there are only two things: one is excellent talent, so that the sect is willing to tolerate; the other is a firm mind, able to withstand exclusion and temptation.

Unfortunately, Li Zhe is neither of them, so he can only be assimilated by the sect.

It's okay for the Li family to rely on him and Yanling Valley.

If they want to rely on him to pay back and train more foundation-building cultivators for the family, they will probably have to wait until he has served the sect for most of his life and returns to his roots when he is old.

Li Qing is naturally aware of this.

He pondered for a moment, took the wooden box, and bowed deeply: "I will not let you down! If I succeed in building my foundation, I will do my best to help Zhao Ge'er build his foundation!"

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