The immortals of the two worlds started from farming and refining pills

Chapter 63: The first use of magical power, the budding of the blue lotus (please order the full ver

This green lotus seed is slightly heavy in the hand, and the seed coat cracks with fine lines, and the budding lotus heart can be vaguely seen.

Li Qing activated the spiritual contract, and soon Chaoyin, Asun and Asao broke through the restrictions and entered the alchemy room.

"How did that girl understand?" Li Qing first asked about Li Wei's situation.

Asun nodded like pounding garlic: "Yiya! Yiya!" (Smart! Quick!)

Li Qing nodded slightly and reminded: "If she gets stuck in a dead end, you can also give her some advice."

Asun's voice was brisk: "Yiya!" It also practiced this set of magic formulas. Now it has reached the seventh level of Qi training, and it is more than enough to guide Li Wei.

Li Qing also asked Li Zhao and the other two about the progress of alchemy. Asao didn't know anything.

Li Qing didn't delve into it and asked the three of them to spit out the Cordyceps.

The green light of the lettuce Cordyceps flowed; the spiritual fire of the red algae Cordyceps rose.

The green rice cordyceps is the most peculiar. The leaves have turned green, and a bunch of green rice ears are hanging down, emitting a faint dark and green light.

Li Qing also ordered them to connect with the cordyceps to stimulate the fluctuations that promote the growth of similar plants. The three intertwined and merged into a strange aura.

"Crack..." The green lotus seeds only reacted slightly last time, but this time they directly cracked.

In the gray-brown lotus flesh, a light green lotus heart has dried up, with only a little vitality hidden.

Li Qing pointed his hand, and the green wood true essence watered the lotus seeds like a clear spring, and at the same time stimulated the newly acquired small magical power to try to awaken its vitality.

When he was still in the Qi training stage, he was reluctant to use those few drops of true essence, but now it is enough to fill him up.

"Gurgle gurgle..." The lotus seeds were nourished and absorbed Li Qing's true essence like drinking water.

Soon, the lotus seed coat burst open, and the lotus heart began to sprout, absorbing nutrients from the lotus flesh while trying to stretch the cotyledons.

Li Qing found a stove in the alchemy room, rinsed off the medicinal properties, poured half a foot of clean water, and put the sprouting lotus seeds in.

Ah Sunsan jumped to the edge of the stove and stuck his head out to watch the growth of the lotus seeds.

The small magical power consumes a lot of true energy, but the effect is immediate.

Soon, the tender buds extended pink and white roots downwards, and dark green stems grew upwards, holding three or four leaf buds and floating on the water, spreading layers of ripples.

Later, no matter how Li Qing watered the true energy and operated the small magical power, the green lotus seed stopped growing, but just looked more and more energetic.

Li Qing didn't indulge it either. Since it no longer grew, there was no need to feed it.

The small magical power dissipated, the true energy was withdrawn, and the aura stimulated by the spirit insect also stopped.

The leaf bud seemed to have sensed something, trembling slightly, but eventually it stopped moving.

Li Qing used his spiritual sense to observe, but he did not find anything special about the lotus leaf, so he put the stove in a corner and ignored it.

Then, it was the foxtail algae seed.

Li Qing poured it out of the jade bottle, observed it carefully, and found that there was no change, so he was relieved: "It is really just an ordinary seed."

Judging from its spiritual power, it is probably a useful second-level resource for the foundation-building period. As for which grade it is, it depends on its effectiveness.

Ah Zao was full of expectations for this seed, so Li Qing did not hesitate to spend his true energy.

Under the guidance of the little magical power, the foxtail algae seed quickly took root and sprouted, and then pulled out three fox-tail-like leaf spikes.

Li Qing found a wide-mouthed jade box to put it in, and handed it to Ah Zao: "You take good care of it. It can be regarded as repaying the cause and effect of it helping you transform."

"Hmm!" Ah Zao nodded seriously, condensed a blanket with his magic power, and placed the jade box next to the red algae and cordyceps.

Finally, the seeds of water and fire spirit rice were born from the catalysis of the tide sound and Cordyceps.

Li Qing took out a spirit seed and used his small magical power to try to germinate it, but he got feedback from somewhere that it should be planted on the day of the alternation of yin and yang in a year to meet the time of the year.

"The day of the alternation of yin and yang is the winter solstice or the summer solstice. The winter solstice has passed, so it is not suitable to plant rice. The summer solstice has not come yet, so let's wait."

He did not force it, and stored the spirit seeds properly, ending the first inventory after the foundation building.

"After the foundation building, it is another world. Apart from these high-end resources that are temporarily unusable, there is really a lack of things that are really beneficial to my practice!"

"Second-level spirit veins, mid-grade spirit stones, elixirs required for practice, and spirit tools for life and death, all of which are not affordable for the current Li family and Lettuce Island..."

He sighed, left the alchemy room, and refined those alienated Pingyang fungi into elixirs to sharpen the spirit consciousness.


Yanling Valley, medicine garden, a waterside pavilion

Two boys were lazing in the shade.

One of them suddenly rubbed his eyes and looked at the spirit pond in front of him: "Quick! Look!"

The other one was a little confused and glanced in the direction of his companion: "What are you looking at... lotus seeds! The lotus seeds have sprouted?"

The two stood up suddenly, regardless of the sun, and ran to a pavilion behind the water pavilion, shouting as they ran: "Grandpa, your lotus seeds have sprouted!"

A young man in a light green long gown, with a handsome face and phoenix eyes, walked out of the pavilion: "You little brat who doesn't learn your lesson! I told you not to call me grandpa!"

The younger boy With a face full of grievance: "You are the great-great-grandfather! My father taught me, it can't be wrong!"

The older one scratched his head: "Then, the real grandpa?"

The young man glared at him unhappily: "Stupid little devil! It's really a rotten wood that can't be carved."

The two boys put their hands on their hips and glared at him: "If you scold us again, we won't tell you the secret!"

The young man sighed: "Hey, silly boy, didn't you just yell it out."

After that, he snapped his fingers and gave them both a slap on the head: "When will you wake up?"

The two boys held their heads in grievance.

The man, however, held one in each hand and came to the spiritual pond: "What a strange thing! This lotus seed has not reacted after many catalysis, but it has really sprouted today?"

In the spiritual pond, the twenty or so green lotus seeds randomly scattered have grown roots and three tender leaves, swaying in the wind, looking quite lively.

He pointed casually, and the true essence was activated, and he took one of the tender seedlings into his hand: "It looks full of spiritual charm, I wonder what kind of spiritual seed it is?"

He still had a lot of lotus seeds, and he didn't need this one, so he used a method of overdrawing potential to stimulate it.

Then he saw that the tender leaves gradually stretched out, separated into three lotus leaves, and a flower bud emerged from the junction of the leaf stalks, blooming, with twelve petals.

The lotus pod in the petals has only seven holes, all of which are pregnant with lotus seeds.

And the roots below gradually expanded, slowly producing three tender white lotus roots.

The young man didn't hesitate, he took out the lotus seeds directly, washed the lotus roots with clean water, and put them into his mouth: "Crunch, crunch..."

"Well, the lotus seeds are quite sweet, the lotus roots are tender, and the taste is quite good!"

The two boys watched from the side, drooling: "Grandpa, let us have a taste too!"

The young man tasted it briefly and laughed: "You can't eat this! It's a third-level spiritual plant. If you eat it, it will be boom, boom, boom, fireworks!"

After teasing the two, the man took out the communication talisman: "The green lotus seeds have been stimulated many times without success. Today they sprouted. There must be a cause and effect."

"Let the spiritual plant garden build a spiritual pond and plant one-third first. At the same time, concentrate on research and figure out the key points as soon as possible."

Thanks to [muzi丶] for 500 points of reward, [Xukong Jingjin Fairy Seat Holding Seal Fairy Child], [Ye Weiyang of Yueyinglou] for 100 points each. Thank you for your subscription, monthly tickets and recommendation tickets.

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