The immortals of the two worlds started from farming and refining pills

Chapter 71: Fungus in the Snow, Inheritance of Hundred Arts (900 additional chapters)

One and a half months later, Li Qing and his three children took back the cordyceps in the spiritual field and touched the phantom of the "Tianwei Gate".

Coming to the elven world again, hexagonal snowflakes fell and were shaken away by Li Qing's body-protecting essence.

Looking around, heavy snow falls like goose feathers and catkins from high in the sky. The white-stained island looms in the gray sea, giving it the charm of an ink painting.

"What a heavy snow!" Li Qing thought and called out the three little guys.

Asun and Chaoyin landed on his shoulders, their eyes widened, and they exclaimed: "Eaaah!" "Guka!"

Ah Zao was a little afraid of the cold, so he hid in Li Qing's clothes, folded his four wings, and only revealed his little head to peek at, and also exclaimed: "Huh?"

Li Qing smiled: "This is snow, another form of rain."

Ah Sun and Chaoyin are both less than one year old, and Ah Zao lives on the bottom of the sea. Last winter, the weather in the Great Zhou Kingdom was warm and it never snowed. This was the first time Sanxiao had seen the image of snow.

Li Qing watched them quietly for a while, then activated his true energy and flew to Lettuce Island with the wind.


On Lettuce Island, Ren looked at the mushroom field covered with white snow, with a worried look on his face: "This snow comes at a really bad time. The second crop of Pingyang mushrooms is about to be harvested."

He initially used fire runes to melt snow, but the snow water hit the fungus and stained its appearance.

Let the islanders remove the snow manually, and it is easy to remove the Pingyang bacteria together.

When Li Qing left, he also told him that the fungus field must be able to receive the earth's air and see the light of the sky, otherwise the Pingyang fungus will lose its efficacy.

Being so afraid of wolves and tigers, Ren was still hesitant. The snow increased sharply, and the fungus field was soon covered by heavy snow, making it difficult to deal with it.

When Li Qing came, he saw this scene and couldn't help laughing: "What a good luck!"

When Ren saw him falling from the sky, he quickly bowed and saluted: "Sir, you are finally here!" Then he talked about the heavy snow that closed the fields.

Li Qing smiled and waved his hand: "No problem. This is a good thing. As the saying goes, when the weather is cold, the pines and cypresses will wither."

"This Pingyang fungus can also fight with frost and snow. Let the snow fall. When the snow stops, fungi will break through the ice and come out."

"By then, the cold snow will be yin, and the yin pole will generate yang. The quality of the flat yang bacteria that will grow will be even better."

Renn finally breathed a sigh of relief: "I did it by mistake..."

Li Qing laughed loudly: "I didn't think carefully and didn't remind you. Even if something goes wrong, I don't blame you."

He really didn't expect it to snow. After all, it’s not the March Nine season yet. Even if I look up at the sky using the art of looking at the sky, the snow does come a little early and even a little strange.

Li Qing did not hesitate about the sudden snow, and looked at Ren En: "I see that your aura is solid. Have you consolidated the realm of the golden warrior?"

A look of gratitude appeared on Ren's face: "Thank you for your training, sir. I have been practicing secret techniques diligently during this period and can now fully control the runes on my body."

As he spoke, a talisman flashed across Ren's eyes. He raised his left hand, and a talisman was surrounded by orange flames and burned quietly.

Li Qing could tell at a glance that the energy contained in this rune alone far exceeded the previous runes around Ren's body, and the level of control was not the same.

"That's very good. Where are Narrell and Reik now?"

Ren's expression was stagnant, a little embarrassed: "Rael is still attacking the Silver Warriors. As for Lake, he seems like he can't even use the runes..."

Li Qing ignored Rael and just smiled: "Can't use the runes? This is a good thing! It's time for Lake to break through."

Ren was overjoyed: "That's it! It seems it's time to organize a wedding for him and Kailin."

The runes of bronze warriors are not yet stable, and accidents are prone to occur during sex. Therefore, nobles will only get married and have children after they advance to silver warriors.

That's why Lake and Kaylin are still an unmarried couple.

Of course, there are potions that can suppress this situation, but at the expense of potential, rune warriors with some ambition will not lose a lot for a small amount.

Li Qing congratulated him and asked, "What's going on over there at Qinglingzhu?"

Renn led him to the bamboo garden: "Qingling bamboo is growing very well. Even in winter, there are still leaves that are growing, and we have harvested a lot more."

Li Qing looked at the strange bamboo standing in front of him in the wind and snow, swaying with snowflakes shaking off his body, and thought to himself: "Qingling grass doesn't seem to be so frost-resistant. It seems that this is indeed a new spiritual plant."

He picked a piece of thatch leaf, washed it with clean water, put it in his mouth and chewed it. Suddenly, a cool breath rushed to his forehead, but it was instantly resolved by the real energy.

"Hey! The medicinal properties of this Qingling Bamboo seem to have been enhanced a lot?" Li Qing was slightly shocked.

When refining medicine for the first time, the Qingling Bamboo Thatched Leaves were only of the first-order low-grade and could only be used to refine Qingling Powder and other introductory elixirs. Now they are ranked among the first-order mid-grade.

Li Qing's expression became solemn, and with the blessing of the Taihao Palace Map, he plowed through the Qingling Bamboo Garden inch by inch again, but still found nothing.

"That's all. Maybe it's fate that hasn't come yet. I just don't know what grade this Qingling Bamboo will eventually be?"

He turned his true energy into the breeze, lifted up Ren, and flew towards Hongya Castle.

After receiving the message from the islanders, Anna, along with Lake and Rey, as well as the housekeeper and servants, waited outside the castle early.

Seeing Li Qing coming, everyone hurriedly bowed and saluted: "I have met you, sir!"

As soon as Li Qing flicked his sleeves, a gentle breeze lifted them up: "No need to be polite, just go in."

In the castle banquet hall, the chef and maid hurriedly brought the prepared food to the table and poured wine.

Li Qing's spiritual sense swept through and saw that these foods were all emitting a faint spiritual aura. The staple food was spiritual rice, and the dishes also used animals impregnated with magic power, which was very rich.

"My lord, according to the secret recipe you gave us, we kept some spiritual rice and brewed it into fine wine. Please taste it."

Li Qing drank a glass of wine very respectfully: "Not bad!" Then his eyes lit up, "The Qingling bamboo leaves are added just right."

Wine brewed from first-level spiritual plants is no longer beneficial to him. But the wine in front of him is spicy with a little bit of coolness, just like a hint of coolness in summer, which makes people feel comfortable.

Ryan was a little complacent: "Because the magic power, oh, the concentration of spiritual energy, can't meet the conditions you mentioned. I tried many methods and finally came up with this ratio."

Li Qing couldn't help but smile: "It seems that Ryan, you still have a talent for brewing. Then I will take the time to write you a spiritual wine brewing notebook..."

Spirit wine brewing requires observing the changes in spiritual power, which ordinary winemakers cannot do. The two sons were busy practicing, so Ryan had to do it himself.

Now that his achievements were affirmed by Li Qing, he became more motivated: "Thank you for your trust. I will study hard and brew better spiritual wine for you!"

Li Qing smiled, picked up the knife and fork to enjoy the food on the table, but thought in his heart: "Now I am building my foundation, I am busy practicing, and I have to improve my spiritual plants and alchemy. I really have no time to take care of other things."

"Other skills of cooking spiritual food, brewing spiritual wine, and making spiritual tea can be spread here, there may be surprises."

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