The immortals of the two worlds started from farming and refining pills

Chapter 89: The fruit tree becomes a spirit when it should be cut off (full order required)

Hearing this, Li Qing couldn't help but smile and said, "You two are a wonderful couple."

The man was a little embarrassed, but still said with courage, "This spiritual insect tastes special when eaten. When the ancestor is free, I will ask my wife to send some to you."

"Okay." Li Qing nodded slightly, turned around and looked at the dragon blood rice field. With a flick of his finger, the green wood essence turned into a wind and blew over the rice leaves.

"Hua La La..." The earthy yellow tick was swept by the wind and fell into a small wooden barrel at the edge of the field, and was immediately sealed by the ban.

He felt it with his spiritual consciousness and smiled, "I see that there is a trace of pure earth element in this object. If it is cultivated, it may be possible to get a spiritual Gu. Take it back to your wife."

The man hurriedly took it, and a hint of joy appeared on his face: "Thank you for the reward and advice, ancestor."

Li Qing also thanked Li Lang and the other two who were using the method to treat the insects for their hard work, and then carefully observed the growth of the dragon blood rice.

This kind of spiritual rice was born from the dragon's blood. Its leaves were deep red from the beginning, and gradually turned into dark red as it grew.

Two months later, its leaves had completed tillering, and each seedling had many branches, which looked quite lush.

"You two have contributed a lot to the growth of this seedling." Li Qing smiled and praised Li Wei and Li Lang.

He pondered for a moment, and casually pushed aside a bunch of leaves: "My Qinghe Valley's spiritual veins are still insufficient, so these ineffective tillers should be picked off."

Most of the tillers pointed out by Li Qing could not produce ears, or the ear-bearing rate was low, so keeping them would waste the land and bring little profit.

If it was planted on a large scale, it would be inconvenient to clean up. Now it is only the first season of planting, and the number of plants is not large, but it can be taken care of more carefully.

Li Lang responded quickly: "I have had this idea for a long time. But the dragon blood rice is precious, and I thought it would be good to have more grains, so I didn't do it."

Li Qing pinched a tiller to dispel everyone's concerns: "If you don't make a decision, you will suffer from the chaos. If you can harvest more seeds, it won't matter if you have fewer grains."

Li Lang said quickly: "Thank you for your teachings. I will take good care of these dragon blood rice."

Li Qing nodded, and explained a few more words, then he used the Qingmu Fa Guang to lift Li Wei and flew directly to the Lingfeng where the Jiuxuan fruit trees were planted.

Using the cardinal talisman to open the restriction of Lingfeng, Li Qing looked at the mountain of lettuces and the spiritual chives interplanted among them, and couldn't help but smile: "Thank you for remembering. Ah Sun himself might have forgotten..."

In the dantian, Ah Sun protested twice: "Yiya!" (No!)

Li Qing called it out from the dantian and put it on a lettuce: "Then you work harder. Sell more lettuces and earn more spiritual stones, and strive to achieve spiritual stone freedom as soon as possible."

Ah Sun was full of energy and greeted Li Wei with the tip of his tail. Then he rolled up the clouds and flew to the core node of Lingfeng to plant the cordyceps: "Yiya!"

Li Wei looked at the high-spirited little guy and felt her heart melted: "Uncle, I haven't seen Ah Sun for two months. Has Ah Sun lost weight?"

Li Qing was stunned, looked at him carefully, and suddenly said: "How can he lose weight? This guy has grown taller..."

In that world, he had never heard that the spirit insects could grow taller. This is what makes Ah Sun different from others.

Li Wei felt relieved, and then she remembered the Jiuxuan fruit tree that seemed to have a problem: "Uncle, let's take a look at the fruit tree first?"

Li Qing found the nearest one, whose leaves were slightly yellow and the buds were a little wilted.

Li Wei's face was bitter: "I used my spiritual sense to see that the roots of this tree were slightly rotten, but I used many spells and it still didn't work."

Li Qing closed his eyes and meditated for a while, dug up the spiritual soil, and cut off the rotten roots with his fingers like swords: "It's the same sentence just now, if you don't cut it, you will suffer from the chaos. Since it's rotten, it's better to clean it up."

As soon as the voice fell, the tender buds on the top of the fruit tree wilted directly and fell off.

"Uncle!" Li Wei couldn't help but exclaimed.

Li Qing was very calm, his true essence turned into green light and sank into the tree, and he cast the foundation-building spell "Dead Tree Comes to Life".

The cut on the root of the tree healed quickly, and a small tender bud sprouted from the top bud that had just fallen off.

Li Qing covered it with spiritual soil and replaced a few spiritual stones to help it adjust properly. Then he turned around and warned Li Wei: "I know you are cautious and afraid of treating the tree badly and getting into trouble, so I handled it conservatively."

"This business is shameful to begin with. Now that I have been promoted to the foundation building stage, I have the bargaining power. I don't expect to be troubled by the teacher of the Liu Yuan family over these small details."

"In this case, you can be bolder and more decisive. Don't worry, I will take care of everything."

Li Wei was stunned for a moment, and her clear eyes became much firmer: "Wei'er has learned a lesson."

Li Qing simply found two fruit trees with the same symptoms and gave them to her to deal with.

Li Wei did not hesitate to refuse. She dug up the spiritual soil and found the rotten roots. She turned her magic power into a wind blade and cut it accurately: "Uncle, please give me some advice."

Li Qing swept his spiritual sense and pointed at one of the trees and said: "There are still some hidden lesions here. If it is not cured, it will relapse."

Li Wei looked at the flawless white roots and couldn't find the lesions. She simply made up her mind and started the operation from the place closer to the main root.

Li Qing's breath stagnated, but he didn't say much. He only cast two more "Dead Tree Revived" spells on this fruit tree and catalyzed it with the Qingmu Minor Divine Ability.

The Jiuxuan fruit tree is delicate, and the other trees also have their own problems. Some of them are quite tricky, so he had to use the minor divine ability to avoid losing face in front of the younger generation.

Li Qing breathed a sigh of relief and looked at the last tree: "Did you plant this one? It is well taken care of and looks quite energetic."

Li Wei frowned instead: "Uncle, I think there is something wrong with this tree."

Li Qing raised his eyebrows: "What's wrong? I see that it is full of vitality, with new branches and tender leaves. There is nothing that makes me dissatisfied."

Li Wei squatted down and put her ear to the trunk: "I can always hear this tree talking these two days. But I used my spiritual sense to check, and I didn't find anything wrong..."

Li Qing laughed: "What nonsense are you talking about. Can a tree talk? It can't be that it has just been planted and it has become a spirit, right?"

This cultivation world is the most demanding for plant creatures. Whether it is ordinary plants or spiritual plants, it is impossible to communicate with spirits without hundreds or thousands of years.

Ordinary plants have shallow roots and are not deeply restricted. There is still hope to become plant spirits such as ginseng babies and horse and horse mushrooms.

Spiritual plants are even more constrained. In the past thousand years of the Great Zhou Kingdom, there are very few spiritual plants that communicate with spirits, and there is no record of those that have transformed.

However, Li Wei was very sure: "Uncle, I also thought it was an illusion at first. But recently, the voice has become clearer and clearer. I think, maybe it is real?"

Li Qing thought of a possibility, and his mind moved. He used the Taihao Palace map to bless his mind and scanned the fruit tree from the roots to the top buds.

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