One day, it was raining heavily.

My room, in the lord’s mansion.

“Aching~…… boiling~…… dull~……”

“It’s definitely hot and humid …”

I say, plopping down on my desk.

Laurie was also stretched out on the desk.

“I’ve got a lot of paperwork to fill out and the rain is killing me……Ahhh!!! This sucks! Damn it!”

“But, despite everything… It’s great that you do your paperwork properly, isn’t it, Noah-sama?”

“Huh? What’s going on all of a sudden?”

“If it’s such a bother, why don’t you just throw it all and run away? Use transfer or whatever. If you don’t do that, it means you’re taking some responsibility for this job.”


“Laurie, you say some good stuff.”

“Huh? 』

“Yeah, I don’t have to carry everything! I can run away if I don’t like it!”

“Noah-sama!? 』

I took out a piece of parchment and wrote a quick letter.

【I’m going out. Don’t look for me okay.  Don’t ever look for me.]

“There we go!”

“What are you going to do? 』

“Isn’t it obvious? Throw everything and run away!”

“What? You’re running away? 』

“You’re right! I don’t have to do the work of a lord entrusted to me by my father! There’s no shame in running away!”

“Hey, what about the people? 』

“I don’t care!”

“You’re the worst! 』

“Farewell, you madmen! I’m going to drop everything and run away! I’m going to call it the [Throw everything you don’t like into the trash!] This way, I can kill two birds with one stone and ruin my reputation!”

“You’ve just set a new record for the lowest! Give me back the praise I gave you earlier! 』

I peeked out of the room and looked around.

All right, no sign of anyone in the vicinity.

“I’m going to get out of here while I still can. Come on, Laurie.”

“I really like it here….”

“By the way, if you stay here, you’ll be partly responsible for the lord’s departure, so you’ll be questioned by the people and then tortured…….”

“I’ll follow you! 』

Thus, I threw everything away and left the territory.

Fly in an instant with transference magic.

I decided to stay the night in a nearby town.

“It’s great not to have to work~”

“Noah-sama~ Is a bit irresponsible after all.”

“It’s okay. I was actually going to live a carefree life in a small town, but now they know I’m competent……”

“Oh dear, what are you going to do now……? 』

I’m lounging on the bed with the white cat Laurie.

“From now on…I wonder. I think I’ll go to my sister who married into the empire. I lost my job and want her to feed me.”

“It’s refreshing to see how useless you are…….”

“Shut up. I’ll write a letter right away.”

I lie down and write on a piece of parchment.

Laurie sighs at the contents of the letter.

“Your older sister who married into the empire, you mean [Meishen]? 』

“Yes. The third princess [Meishen], my sister. The fiancée of the next emperor. She should be able to provide for me.”

I finished writing and rolled up the parchment.

With a snap of my fingers, the parchment changes shape.

Eventually, what used to be paper turned into a pure white bird.

“Breathing life into inanimate objects….. Noah-sama’s magic is amazing. It’s impossible even for a demon goddess.”

“Right. Ah……but it’s raining outside. I don’t want my letter to get smeared by the rain.”

“We’ll wait until the rain stops? 』

“We don’t have time to wait that long. I’ll do something.”

I open the window.

Ah……! The wind was blowing hard and the raindrops were pouring down incessantly.

“There’s a big storm outside, what are we going to do about it……? 』

“I’m going to do this.”

I light a small fire on my fingertips.

It’s only about the size of the tip of a fingernail.

I threw the fire toward the rain cloud with a whiff.

It becomes a small bullet and heads for the sky….

Eventually, it disappeared into the rain clouds.

And the rain clouds disappeared in an instant.

“Fah!!? The storm stopped…… in an instant! What did you do!? 』

“Well, it’s only vaporized?”

“Such a thick rain cloud, with such a small fire? That’s impossible! The rain should’ve destroyed it! 』

“Laurie-kun. Fire burns when there is oxygen. There is oxygen in the water of raindrops. If you use that, you can spread the fire even with a flame of that size.”

“Well, I don’t know what you’re talking about…..but I do know that you’re an amazing person.”

“Good, the rain has stopped. Bird, make sure you send a letter to my sister in the empire.”

I throw the letter that I brought to life out the window.

The bird fluttered away into the clear sky.

Now all I have to do is wait for a response.

“Laurie, I’m going to bed.”

“Are you sure? If you stay here too long, the people might come after you, looking for Noah-sama.”

“No, no. I told them not to look for me.”

“I wonder if they will stay obediently…? 』

“And they don’t know where I am. It’s absolutely 100% impossible to find me, no matter what.”

“Well…that’s right… but umm…”

I don’t know what Laurie is worried about.

But the people can’t find me anyway.

“I’ll relax for a while until I get a reply from my sister Meishen. Good night.”

“Good morning, Noah-sama!”

“Huh!? Lista…!?”

When I jumped up, there was a village girl with a simple face…

Lista, a citizen of Carter territory, stood there with a smile on her face.

“Heee! Why? Lista, why!?”

Looking around, I realize.

This is….Carter territory, this is my room!

Why am I in Carter territory when I’m supposed to have left….?

Huh! No way……!

“Laurie! You sold me out!”

“No, it’s not that. While Noah-sama was sleeping, Lista-chan suddenly came to the inn ~”

The white cat sitting beside the bed shook its head, purring.

This white cat!

No one knew my whereabouts other than her!

“You’re right, Laurie-chan. I, Lista, am the one who found Noah-sama!”

“How did you ……?”

” Noah-sama. As a matter of fact, did you know that your becoming a lord has bestowed a boon gift on your people?”

“What? A boon gift?”

“Well,  I’ve heard that when a small monster joins the ranks of a strong monster, it’s given new skills and magic.”

I know that too.

The Demon King is like that.

But……is it possible to happen to humans?

“You see, Noah-sama is like a demon king, so the same phenomenon may have happened, right? In fact, from Lista-chan, I feel the same magical power as Noah-sama.”

Apparently, I was unknowingly powering up the people and Lista……

“My boon gift is [Lord Sensing]. It is an ability that allows me to sense Lord Noah’s location no matter where he is!”


Rattling….me and Laurie hugged each other and shouted.

I’ve always thought this woman was outrageous, but she’s getting stalker-ish!

“Now I can feel Noah-sama even when I’m on the other side of this planet! It’s great!”

“It’s nothing but the worst for me!”

“I see, Lista-chan was able to determine Noah’s position with her [lord sensing] ability and carried Noah-sama to this point…what a fanatic…”

Then, the people of the territory came in.

They were from Ain’s village.

“Noah-sama! Thank you!”

“Thanks to you!”

What’s it now!?

One thing after another!

“Noah-sama was going to stop this heavy rain!”

“Huh…? What do you mean?”

Lista smiles and pulls out the note I left behind from her pocket.

“It says, [I’m going to do something to prevent this heavy rain from flooding our territory. But don’t follow me because it’s dangerous. That’s because you’re more important than anything else]!”

“That’s a hell of a translation…I just had a bad day and I had to go to a ton of places….”

“That’s Noah-sama!” “He’s so kind!” “Our lord is a very good man indeed!”

It seems that Lista and the people of the territory misunderstood my actions in running away as heroic behavior to protect the territory……!

What the hell!

“How did this happen?!”

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