The Infinite Evolution Of The Parasitic Beast

Chapter 47 I Am Running At Night

Kimijima Kana, At the moment perfectly explained what it means to be like a sister, like a mother!


Faced with Kimijima Kana's questioning, Xiu Yi felt dizzy. Should I tell her that I went out to kill people?

"I, Kana Kimijima! Your sister! Since childhood, I have been instilling the correct outlook on your brother! But what I didn't expect is that not only do you sneak out in the middle of the night, but you also learn to lie. I!"


Kimijima Kana's snow-white little hand slapped Shui's door.

She took a breath, as if she felt pain, and the next action of slapping the door turned into talking to Xiu Yi's heart.

"Be honest! When you went out in the middle of the night, did you participate in the activities of any bad group!?"

"What are "activities of bad groups"..."

With a pair of beautiful big eyes, staring at Xiu Yi, Kimijima Kana said slowly: "Smoking and drinking, going out to nightclubs, gathering people to take drugs..."


Xiu Yi was shocked by Kimijima Kana's words, "Is this the kind of person I am in your heart?"

"Definitely~ no! But you went out in the middle of the night for no reason, shouldn't you give me an explanation?"

After a few seconds of silence, Xiu Yi said, "I couldn't sleep, so I went out for a night run."

"Ha~ It's really a night run worthy of the name. It lasted more than three hours... This lie is really at the kindergarten level. I must have just thought of it."

Kimijima Kana was really angry. Let’s not talk about the weird reason for running at night. How could Shui alone have the perseverance and physical fitness to run for three hours? Well, although he looks quite tall now, from Kimijima Kana's point of view, he is still essentially the weak and stubborn otaku!

"As the price for deceiving me, I really have to teach you a profound lesson this time!" Kana Kimishima squeezed his fists together, making a crisp sound.

Ever since she was little, if Xiu Yi made her unhappy and couldn't reason with her, then he would use his real tricks~

"I'm really running at night, believe me!"

Xiu Yi stared at Kana Kimijima. To be honest, he didn't want to deceive Kana Kimijima, but killing a parasitic beast was too challenging for his outlook...

Kimijima Kana stared into his eyes and found that there was no embarrassment after the lie was exposed, nor the usual embarrassment of being threatened by her fists, but a sincerity.

Coupled with the smell of sweat emitted from Shui's battle with the parasitic beast, in Kimijima Kana's opinion, Shui might not have lied to her.

The two looked at each other for a long time.

Kimijima Kana slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

"you sure?"

"I am sure!"

Xiu Yi quickly answered.

Although he still had doubts in his heart, Kimijima Kana still chose to believe Shui.

"Go to bed early, I have to go to school tomorrow."

"Ah, you too."

After closing the door, Xiu Yi let out a breath, and some words with Kana Kimijima strangely suppressed the anxiety of killing.

He sat on the bed until Kimijima Kana's bedroom was closed and the lights turned off, then he took the blood-stained coat and quietly took it to the bathroom to wash it by hand.

As for the mask, just throw it away sometime.

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"Have you heard? There was a murder in Osaka last night, more than twenty people died."

"It seems like a murder occurred in gang territory. The newspaper said that the death method was very cruel. Everyone's body had their intestines separated from the top and bottom and fell to the ground."

"It's hard to imagine that the fight between gangs can be so cruel, and they don't take the government seriously by doing this, right?"

"According to the three survivors who survived, it was all done by a monster."

"Monster? In what age can we still withdraw from such outrageous remarks?"

"But the police actually believed it! They also issued a tracking order, but the target of tracking was not a monster, but a masked man based on the oral descriptions of the three survivors..."

"It's ridiculous! A monster that can kill more than twenty people can still be killed by others... Does the monster have a machine gun in its hand? Or are the dead bastards pigs? The media even kills monsters in order to attract attention. You can make up all kinds of things."

Walking on the road, there were voices everywhere talking about the murder.

As Xiu Yi expected, what happened last night really alarmed the government.

Deaths occur every day in Japan. One murder case will not attract public attention. If more than twenty people die at once, and they are all killed by cruel dismemberment, the nature of the case changes!

The incident took place near an underground boxing ring under the jurisdiction of gangsters, or it would be more appropriate to say that it was an underground casino. The Japanese government can tolerate the existence of gangs to the limit. If such a bad murder occurs in the territory of gangs, whether it is the work of gangs or not, there is no need for the underground boxing ring to exist.

"It seems that the government has noticed the parasitic beast." Xiu Yixin said.

There were corpses of parasitic beasts left at the scene, but there was no mention of them in the news. The only description was a brushstroke, the "monster" in the words of the three survivors.

Xiu Yi could understand that the government did not release information about the parasitic beast, but he was puzzled by the tracking order issued by the government.

A tracking order is not a wanted order.

What does the government want from him? Do you know what happened? Still want to know how he killed the parasitic beast?



"Shui-kun, Mr. Kashiwagi has resigned. I heard that there is a new teacher to replace him."

Hughie seemed to be absent-minded while chatting with Murano Satomi with his thoughts on his mind. He replied wordlessly, "Oh, is the new teacher a menopausal woman like Mr. Kashiwagi?"

"No, it is said that the new teacher is very beautiful, his name is Tamiya Ryoko."

"Tamiya Ryoko...wait, are you talking about Tamiya Ryoko!?"

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