At this time, the heart of the Royal Dragon Wind flooded with joy, after all, even the Royal Dragon Family, not everyone can awaken the power of the Royal Dragon.

And in the Royal Dragon Wind, he learned that his son had awakened the power of the waveguide, and it would be more difficult to awaken the power of the Royal Dragon.

In this Pokemon world, there are not many kinds of special abilities, although there are few awakened people, but it is not nothing, but in general, after awakening one special ability, it is almost impossible to awaken another special ability.

However, there was such a person before the Imperial Dragon Family, that is, the current Kanto Dragon Heavenly King, the champion of Chengdu, Imperial Dragon Wataru, because the Imperial Dragon Ferry family has been living in the Tokiwa Forest area in the Kanto region when they were children, Wataru seems to be loved by the Tokiwa Forest and was born with the power of Tokiwa.

And also after the Royal Dragon Du began to travel, during the trip, he awakened the power of the Royal Dragon family and became the only member of the Royal Dragon Family with dual special abilities.

And now, the Royal Dragon Family once again has a member of dual special abilities, Liuyun.

"Liuyun, now you go out to the teleportation device of the elf center first, I will pass the baby dragon to you, you will teleport the giant fast dragon, and then we will take it to the dragon's den." In this way, the Royal Dragon Wind thus decided to settle the dragon's den of the giant fast dragon Please 027 please.

As soon as she hung up the phone, Nazi directly rushed up and hugged Liuyun, "Liuyun, why don't you choose the mega evolution stone of the violent salamander..." A muffled voice came out from Liuyun's arms.

"Haha, Nazi, we've been traveling together for so long, I haven't sent you anything yet, this Shanado's mega evolution stone should be regarded as a gift from me, but it takes your Larulas to evolve into Shanado in the end." Liuyun said boldly.

At this time, Liuyun took Nazi's small hand out of the room and came to the front desk.

Liuyun and Nazi first went to the front desk to retrieve their Pokemon, and at the front desk of the Pokemon Center, Liuyun also met Ash Xiaomao and his group who came to retrieve the Pokemon.

When they learned that Liuyun had new pokemon to teleport over, everyone was very interested and said that they wanted to go over and take a look, after all, in everyone's opinion, Liuyun's pokemon are very rare, and there are many precious pokemon from other regions, no, even Dr. Zhenghui, who is resting, directly followed.

At this time, Dr. Zhenghui came to Liuyun and re-discussed with Liuyun about the evolution of MEGA: "Liuyun, the previous changes in your Lucario and Charizard are not a new way of evolution. "

"Yes, Dr. Zhenghui, this new way of evolution I call it mega evolution."

"Mega, does it mean super, super evolution, it's a very figurative statement." Dr. Masaki muttered.

"In this way, Dr. Zhenghui, I remember that you once said that Dr. Bratano in the Carlos region is also studying this aspect, and I handed over my information about mega evolution to my family, and this new Pokemon is also the family's reward, the specific information about mega evolution can't be revealed more to you, so let's do it later, Dr. Zhenghui If you are interested, wait for my father to talk."

Liuyun directly interrupted Dr. Zhenghui's idea of wanting to hear specific information, and directly asked him to talk directly with his father later, as for whether to cooperate or something. Just leave it to them.

Seeing that Liuyun no longer seemed to want to talk about things, Dr. Zhenghui had to suppress the need to continue talking, and could only talk to Liuyun's father later.

Soon, everyone came to the portal of the elf center, and Liuyunci contacted the home phone. The three of Imperial Dragon Wind were stunned when they saw the group of people behind Liuyun.

"Eh, father, the two elders, these are the friends I met during my travels, this Xiao Mao is also the grandson of Dr. Ohki, and this one is Dr. Zhenghui." Liuyun roughly introduced everyone to the three of Imperial Dragon Wind.

When he heard Dr. Zhenghui's name, Liuyun seemed to see a flash of essence in the eyes of his father and the Second Elder (BCDH) Yulong Qing.

Ignoring these things, Liuyun directly took out the super heavy ball containing the huge fast dragon from his belt and put it on the teleportation device, only to see that the second elder on the opposite side of the screen also placed the precious dragon's luxurious ball on the teleportation device.

After pressing the teleportation button, with a "bang", the overweight ball directly turned into a white light and entered the transmission pipe, and a few seconds later, a white light in the transmission pipeline turned into a luxurious ball and appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

Under everyone's expectant gaze, Liuyun picked up the luxury ball and released the elf inside.

At this time, a baby dragon with a basically blue body, two teeth exposed outside the mouth, and a thick armor on its head appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

Just after coming out, the baby dragon stretched lazily, at this time, its nose sniffed everywhere, as if it had found something, and immediately cried out happily, directly a head mallet, directly rushed into Liuyun's arms.

Seeing that the baby dragon was so affectionate to himself, Liuyun felt a little puzzled, and then Yulong Qing directly answered Liuyun's doubts, "Our great elder also has the power of the imperial dragon, and the baby dragon has been familiar with the power of the imperial dragon since he was a child, it seems that it senses that you also have the same power." "

"Bang!!" With a sound, a white light flashed, "Click..." Round Land Shark somehow suddenly ran out of the Pokemon Ball by himself, and saw Liuyun holding a Pokemon in his arms, and seemed to be a little angry.

The round land shark also squeezed into Liuyun's arms, directly and the baby dragon face to face encounter, saw an unknown object squeezed in, the baby dragon jumped out directly from Liuyun's arms, and the round land shark also jumped in front of the baby dragon.

The two elves suddenly huddled together head-to-head, and the two little guys' little short hands were shaking, constantly making noises, and seemed to be talking fiercely...

Looking at the two cute little guys in front of them, everyone present couldn't help but laugh, this is simply a living scene of pet competition.

Xing Sheng Disaster, Cut to Eternal Rule ******

Pokemon Guide:

Serial number: 371

Baby Dragon Attribute: Dragon

Features: Hard Head: Pokemon with hard head characteristics will not be damaged by the reaction force of their own moves.

Hidden Feature: Forced: Pokemon with the Forcible trait increase their power using attack moves with additional effects, but the additional effects of these moves are no longer activated.

Introduction to the book: Pokemon who dream of soaring in the sky, as if to sweep away the chagrin of not being able to fly, keep smashing huge rocks with their hard heads, and jump off the cliff every day in order to practice flying, and their heads are exercised as hard as steel in the process. _

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