"Fanged land shark, use jet flame, burn the vine whip, and then use the double slash !!" Seeing this sudden attack, Liuyun immediately issued a new order...

With the rapid advance of the fangs land shark, it approached, and the distance between the fangs land shark and the big food flower at this time was only a few meters apart! This short distance can be said to be reached with only one jump!

Under the command of Liuyun, the hot flames roared out from the mouth of the fangs land shark, and at this time, I saw that the vine whip that had been twisted into one suddenly spread out again and changed back into four.

In this way, this blow was just a jet of flame that directly hit one of the vine whips and scorched it, but the other three vine whips were still unharmed, and they had already made a breaking sound, and directly pumped towards the scarred body of the fangs land shark!

At this time, suddenly, the attacks of these three vine whips suddenly became messy before hitting the fangs land shark.

It turned out to be the jet flame just now, after this jet flame destroyed one of the vine whips, this move skill did not disappear, the fangs land shark has been maintaining this jet flame, it turns out that the real target of this jet flame is the big food flower, so that the flame directly hit the source of the vine whip - the big food flower!!

Such a fierce offensive and defensive battle is just a blink of an eye with a time difference!

If the vine whip of the Great Flower eater was the first to attack the fangs land shark, the jet flame would definitely not be able to sustain it. However, it was such a thrill in battle, and this time, Lady Luck was on the side of the fangs land shark!


At this time, the pair of powerful double fins of the fangs flashing with sharp cold light lit up with dark green light, and then pure dragon energy instantly covered the fins, and then, the fangs land shark kicked both legs and kicked a piece of sand behind him, and the fangs land shark jumped towards the big food flower that was directly hit by the jet flame and closed his eyes...

"Bang !!"

The right fin swings directly towards the large food flower!!

"Bang !!"

Next, the attack of the left fin followed!!

At this time, the big food flower let out a piercing scream, and suddenly flew out upside down under the attack of the fangs land shark!

"Big food flower!?" Alicia frowned at this time and shouted worriedly, "Are you okay??" "

Alicia knows that for her vine lord is to train defenses, as well as continuous attacks after accumulation. The big food flower is the main training attack, mainly to specialize the attack power of the leaf skills, which leads to a problem, the big food flower is not very full of physical strength.

This time, the jet flame was coupled with the double slashing attack, which indeed made the big food flower a little weak.

With a slight scorched black and two marks, the big food flower stood up again in Alicia's relieved expression.

"Big Food Flower, it's really hard for you this time, but you are?"

At this time, Alicia asked a question that made Liuyun a little puzzled by the scarred food flower with the fangs land shark.

"Big Food !!" The big food flower whispered, indicating that it was okay.

Liuyun frowned slightly, could it be said that the Great Food Flower still had the densest weapon...

At this time, Liuyun looked at the state of the fangs land shark at this time, and saw that the fangs land shark was already panting slightly. There were cut scars all over his body, and although it looked very miserable, the fangs land shark actually had the ability to continue fighting. "Kasha!!" The fangs land shark roared, as if to wake himself up...

"Fangs Land Shark, you need to come on!!" In the viewing table behind Liuyun, Bud Yi continued to cheer for the fangs land shark, and Nazi next to him also seemed to stand up a little nervously.

"Liuyun, this is the strongest skill of the Great Food Flower! Be careful! Let's fight the winner!! After Alicia unexpectedly reminded Liuyun, she immediately gave an order to the big food flower.

"Big food flower, use the flying leaf storm !!"

Liuyun was suddenly startled!!

Liuyun really didn't expect that this big food flower of Alicia turned out to have also learned the big trick of the flying leaf storm, Liuyun smiled bitterly, yes, how can a pavilion owner like Alicia let go of the flying leaf storm and not learn, even the bud-clothed green vine snake can learn, let alone the final evolution type of the big food flower...

You know, the power of the flying leaf storm is more powerful than the sunshine sun, and it doesn't even have the time to charge like the sunshine sun. The strike surface is also very vast, but after hitting you, it can quickly shrink the range and carry out a full-range leaf siege on the enemy, coupled with Alicie's large flower-eating leaf attack ability, which also makes this flying leaf storm's attack ability more powerful

Just as Liuyun was thinking, he only found that a large number of leaves quickly flew up in the entire field!!

It turns out that this is the Flying Leaf Quick Knife that Daishuka has been using just now! Liuyun suddenly realized, no wonder Alicia just asked the big food flower "is it ready", no wonder the big food flower only used the flying leaf storm at this time.

The big trick of the flying leaf storm is that the elf itself needs to release countless leaves in an instant, so as to send out a siege on the enemy like a tornado. After unleashing this powerful trick, the power of the elf's own special attack will be greatly reduced.

However, Alicia was laying out the layout very early, in order to maximize the attack power of the flying leaf storm, so she used the leaves left on the ground by the flying leaf fast knife, which allowed the big food flower to use to release greater power... Scholar...

"Since that's the case, then we're welcome, fangs land shark, we use earthquake attack !!" Seeing the slightly trembling leaves under the echo of the big food flower, Liuyun turned his heart and also ordered the fangs land shark to use an earthquake attack!!

At this time, the green leaves gradually swirled with a little cold, and the atmosphere in the field became more solemn.

I saw that the leaves on both sides of the big food flower lit up white, and under the control of the big food flower, the scattered leaves on the entire field suddenly flew up, and then quickly rotated! Then (of Zhao), countless leaves were also released from the leaves of the big food flower to join it...

In the blink of an eye, a violent flying leaf storm was formed!!

Using scattered leaves to use the flying leaf storm, creating more powerful damage, the fangs land shark reacted extremely quickly, under the command of Liuyun, the powerful thigh stomped heavily on the ground, shaking out to form a huge wave-type attack, it was the ground system trick earthquake strong blast.

The trembling earth swept towards the Great Food Flower, and at this time the Great Food Flower was also unavoidable, and at the same time that the flying leaf storm hit the fangs land shark, the earthquake also involved the Great Food Flower in it...

Xing Sheng Disaster, Cut to Eternal Rule ******

Today's first more sent, the author fungus continues to sell cute rolling for subscriptions, asking for full subscriptions, asking for flowers and evaluation tickets......_

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