Liuyun's spiritual power is huge, although he really doesn't have any special feelings about this, but if you think about it, the soul of the earth and the soul of the Pokemon world are indeed fused into one, and the spiritual power of the two souls fused together is not huge...

If it is said that in a deeper place, Liuyun's soul passing through the world dimensional crystal wall and other mysterious things further prove the specialness of his soul?

Alas, who knows these ... For so many years, there has been no world rejection of these mysterious things.

In fact, when it comes to the special ability of superpowers, among the many abilities known in this world, it is still very powerful, and it can even be said to be the top.

In terms of attack ability, the spiritual attack of the superpower, and the mental power of moving things, what virtue is absolutely barbaric.

In terms of defensive ability, the mental barrier of the superpower, and what is absolutely appropriate to block an attack.

In terms of escape ability, what ability can be more buggy than the teleportation of a superpower?

Can attack, defend and run, super powers, is definitely a very powerful kind of special ability, not to mention a few talented people like Nazi who can also use superpowers to add superpowers to Pokemon...

The most important thing is that most of the special abilities in this world are passed down in the unique bloodline, and only superpowers, as long as the spiritual power is reached, can more or less have some superpowers, and the special abilities can be suitable for most people.

However, although superpowers are relatively easy to develop special abilities, such people are still relatively rare after all, Nazi's Hoshino family is powerful, a more mature with unique superpower cultivation secrets, Nazi's father Uncle Hoshino and Nazi's grandfather are also superpowers, but far less powerful than Nazi-......

The girl's soul gazes at the face in front of her.

Her lover's face has been forever fixed in the girl's thoughts, and the breath of her soul will never change.

This person in front of her is actually not wrong to say that he is, Liuyun is indeed the reincarnation of her lover, and the theory of reincarnation really exists...

The girl wanted to gently touch Liuyun's face, but the slender snow-white hand passed straight through his body, making the girl's expression darkened.

After all, I was already just a soul at this point, alas, how I wanted to really touch your skin before leaving...

The girl just sighed softly, and then smiled gently.

"It's no longer important, in fact, I can really see you before leaving, as long as you can see me and have a good chat with you, I am already very satisfied, and the rest is actually not important..."

The girl gently pressed her forehead against her forehead, and at this time, the girl's soul slightly emitted a faint white light.

At this moment, the crystallized ball on Liuyun's chest suddenly opened, and Chisis appeared in front of Ghost Stone's eyes like this, and the girl did not pay attention to the elf that appeared in the field, but Ghost Stone was a little unbearable.

"What's going on with this little ghost, how did he pop up such a Pokemon that he has never seen before, this fierce appearance, and this terrifying superpower, this should be a superpower divine beast, my God, this little ghost is really terrible, even the divine beast was subdued by him...

Deochisis also seemed to know what was happening in the crystal ball, and it knew that the soul body in front of it was helping its master, so it did not make any radical moves, but Deochisis also opened all its own perception, and also began to pay attention to the state of the flowing cloud at this time.

And at this time, Liuyun had sunk his own mind into his own mind, and did not find that Daiochisis had run out.

At this time, a warm and long inexplicable energy continued to come from his forehead, I can't say what this feeling is, but I always feel that this energy is very warm and safe, in short, it makes people want to sleep peacefully in this energy.

As for the spirit world or the spirit world or something, Liuyun said that it did not understand it at all. Even though he has strong mental power, he has not played it well all this time, has he?

The wonderful feeling of two souls touching made both Liuyun and the girl tremble almost at the same time.

The attachment in the heart of the girl's soul, the pleasure of the other party after meeting herself, the other party's love for her lover... All these fighting spirits were displayed in Liuyun's mind one by one.

·· Ask for flowers...

Gradually, the spiritual power in the souls of the two people slowly fused together.

An indescribable feeling of comfort blossomed in the two mutually encompassing souls, and then it spread throughout the central nervous system of the entire brain of the flowing cloud.

At this time, Liuyun didn't know how the other party felt, anyway, at this time, he felt that he had been deeply addicted to this feeling...

"Snap !!" A sound........

It was as if there was a suitable key that opened the closed door in Liuyun's mind...

Suddenly, the spiritual power of the girl's soul suddenly slowly faded like a tide, and gradually disappeared into Liuyun's mind.

But what also echoed this, as if wanting to retain this feeling, a steady stream of spiritual power continued to burst out from the depths of Liuyun's mind, catching up with the spiritual power that had receded at this moment!!


At this time, the huge spiritual power brought by the souls of the two lifetimes was originally silent like a pool of stagnant water, and at this moment, the sleeping spiritual power had been completely activated...

"Buzz !!"

A powerful spiritual power fluctuation spread out from Liuyun's mind to the outside world, and Liuyun's spiritual power had been pulled out by the girl's soul, at this time, the huge spiritual power made the ghost stone's mind at the scene drowsy for a while!!

This violent spiritual power from the inside out made Ghost Stone almost unable to stabilize his body, and couldn't help but fall backwards, at this time Ghost Stone couldn't help but be horrified, it couldn't imagine that the hidden spiritual power of this little ghost was really so huge, to be honest, this is already comparable to the spiritual power possessed by some powerful superpower Pokemon...

At this time, Daiochisis stared at his trainer with a slight worry, and it effortlessly resisted the pressure, but continued to move forward a little, continuing to closely observe the situation of the flowing clouds...

Xing Sheng Disaster, Cut to Eternal Rule ******

Today's second more sent, the author fungus continues to sell cute rolling for subscriptions, asking for full subscriptions, asking for flowers and evaluation tickets..... Above._

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