"Eh, Liuyun, it seems that I have really evolved successfully~~" At this time, Geng Ghost floated directly from the ground into the air, "And old ghost, I feel as if my strength has improved again." "

Looking at Geng Ghost's grimace, Liuyun shook his head a little funny, and then opened Geng Ghost's attribute panel to check it.

Geng Ghost:

Attributes: Ghost, Poison

Potential evaluation: champion

Strength evaluation: Heavenly King (beginner)

Feature 1: Floating: Pokemon with floating properties will be immune to ground attribute moves, and the Pokemon will also not be affected by the state changes of the field-type state such as Poison Ling and Sarong.

Feature 2: Cursed Body: When a Pokemon with the Cursed Body trait is attacked, there is a chance that the last move used by the attacking party will not be available for a certain period of time.

Skills: Hypnosis "027", tongue licking, curse, night magic shadow, shadow ball, evil fluctuation, strange light, dream eating, same fate, spiritual strong thought, 100,000 volts, hold, energy ball, magic flash, shadow fist, sludge bomb, poison, nightmare, true gas bomb, ghost fire, stand-in...

System comment: A super old geng ghost who has lived for more than two thousand years, it is originally a capital to live for so many years, although the potential is very high, but in the long life of this old ghost, the number of battles is not very much, but after completely absorbing and evolving a large amount of ghost energy in the maiden rock, the strength officially reaches the level of heavenly king, it is recommended that the host cultivate well...

"Oh, Liuyun, your ghost stone really evolved into a geng ghost through the teleportation device." After seeing the evolution of Geng Ghost, Dr. Ohki didn't seem to be too surprised...

"Dr. Ohki, do you know what the reason for this is??" Liuyun just wanted to know about it.......

"In fact, Liuyun your ghost stone is in a situation where it is about to evolve, in fact, research on the role of teleportation devices for some Pokemon to promote evolution has been carried out, Ghost Stone is one of the types of pokemon that can evolve with the help of teleportation devices, I remember that Yongjira seems to be too, so you don't have to be too surprised by Liuyun..."

Just as Dr. Ohki was answering the problem for Flowing Cloud, Charizard's Pokeball shook slightly, and with a white light, Flowing Cloud's black Charizard appeared in front of Dr. Ohki...

After seeing this black fire-breathing dragon, Dr. Ohki's eyes suddenly burst into an astonishing light, "Ah!! Black Charizard!! With Dr. Ohki's shout, he threw himself straight at Charizard...

"Mile?!!" As soon as Charizard came out, he saw a white-haired old man rushing towards him, and he roared in fright, and then a mouthful of flames sprayed towards Damu.

"Ahem... Ahem..."Dr. Ohki put his hand down. Coughed lightly twice, but with Dr. Ohki's two coughs, two clouds of black smoke came out...

"Uh... Liuyun, is this fire-breathing dragon of yours evolved from the little fire dragon I gave you? How did it evolve into a black fire-breathing dragon now? Dr. Ohki gently patted his hair, patted the blackened area directly, and then asked.

"Well, Dr. Ohki, it's like this..." I planned to hide Dr. Ohki, but after hiding a little of the content, I told Dr. Ohki what happened in the Giant Dragon incident

"Well, is that so, I have also heard the legend of the secret treasure of the Phoenix King of the Holy Ash, but I didn't expect that the Phoenix King would use this secret treasure to save your Charizard and make your Charizard become like this." Dr. Ohki looked clear.

"Dr. Ohki, I'm not afraid to hide from you, you should also really want to study the evolution of mega, I don't know how you talked with my father..."

"Well, actually, I also want to do research, but now Dr. Masaki and Dr. Polatano have studied together, and I also have research projects here, so I can only give up..." said Dr. Ohki with great regret.

"Charizard, Mega evolve..." ordered Liuyun directly from the phone to Charizard.

"Mile chirp !!" With a loud roar, Charizard's body was wrapped in a strong seven-colored evolutionary light into a seven-colored energy light cocoon.

"Boom !!" With a sound, in the next second, the seven-colored energy light cocoon instantly exploded, and a black super fire-breathing dragon X that appeared to be extremely strong and very powerful appeared in front of Dr. Ohki.

"This... This...... How is this possible, Charizard can also mega evolve?! Also, I also learned from Dr. Buratano about the conditions for mega evolution, do you need mega bracelets and mega evolution stones to carry out mega evolution, and how can your fire-breathing dragon perform mega evolution autonomously? "

At this time, Dr. Ohki was already stunned by this scene happening in front of him, "Dr. Ohki, this is the ability of Charizard that evolved with the help of the Phoenix King, it must be very helpful for Dr. Ohki's research, so, Dr. Ohki, I let Charizard help you with your research as your Charizard teaching me Charizard tuition..."

Hearing this, Dr. Ohki's eyes burst with amazing essence, "Hehehe~~~ Liuyun, your choice is the best, I will let my Charizard teach you Charizard, Liuyun you wait, I'll bring my Charizard over first..."

Saying that, Dr. Ohki turned around and walked out of the institute directly...

"Well, Dr. Ohki?!! Don't be in such a hurry... Forget it, Charizard, you quit mega evolution first...." Liuyun wanted Dr. Ohki not to be so anxious, who knew that Dr. Ohki was so anxious, Liuyun shook his head helplessly, he could only let Super Charizard withdraw from mega evolution first...

After receiving the order of Liuyun, a colorful light flashed on the super fire-breathing dragon, and then this colorful light turned into a large number of light debris.

Immediately, the super fire-breathing dragon simply withdrew from its mega form, standing in place and replacing it with the original black fire-breathing dragon of Liuyun.

"Charizard, now that Geng Ghost is coming, I want 3.7 to stay with me for a while, you will be at Dr. Ohki's place during this time, I have asked Dr. Ohki to let his Charizard teach you, you have to study hard!!"

At this time, Liuyun said to the fire-breathing dragon on the other end of the phone, "Mile?!! Charizard seemed to be very dissatisfied, and at this time, Geng Ghost next to Liuyun translated, "Liuyun, this Charizard of yours said that it doesn't really believe that an old man's Charizard can teach it something..."

Xing Sheng Disaster, Cut to Eternal Rule ******

Today's second more sent, the author fungus continues to sell cute rolling for subscriptions!! Keep asking for subscriptions, asking for full orders, asking for flowers and evaluation tickets......_

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