Where did Liuyun know that in the last battle with Alicie, Nha Yi had the idea of becoming stronger, and when he saw that this time Ah Tang fought against Liuyun's king-level Pokemon, Nha Yi was even more strongly stimulated.

It turned out that the top battle of the trainer turned out to be so terrifying, and at this time, Bud Yi had already made up his mind to make himself stronger, in order to always stand by Liuyun's side...

Along the way, accompanied by the laughter of Bud Yi, Liuyun's group soon arrived at the entrance of the wild wilderness area.

A large toll booth is set up at the entrance of the wild wilderness area, and more than a dozen windows are basically lined up with receptionists and trainers...

As long as the trainer has paid the entrance fee and received the 30 hunting balls, the trainer will be able to enter the wild field - area through the gate behind the receptionist.

"Dear gentlemen and ladies, welcome to the wild wilderness area of Qianhong City." The reception lady with a sweet professional standard smile greeted Liuyun and the group with impeccable smile and etiquette.

Of course, if there were no various firearms hanging on the walls of the toll booth hall, the smile of this reception lady might make Bud Yi feel warm.

"Hello, we want to enter the wild wilderness area, how many elf coins do three people need in total?" Liuyun said to the ticket seller in the window.

"Everyone needs to pay an entry fee of 30,000 yuan here, you can get the fishing rod in our wilderness area, as well as 30 hunting balls, after entering the wild wilderness area, you can freely collect the wild pokemon in the wild wilderness area, but the use of pokemon in the wilderness area is not allowed for battle and subdue, and we will be expelled immediately if found."

"If the trainer is attacked by a Pokemon, the trainer can fight back freely, but he must not accept it, and if discovered, the subdued Pokemon will be released and fined one million Pokémon."

The lady in the reception said, smiled and took out three maps and three suitcases, and after opening them, 30 shrunken hunting balls and a telescopic fishing rod were neatly placed in each handbox.

"This is a map of the wilderness area, there are precautions on the map, as well as hunting balls and telescopic fishing rods, please put it away, in addition, this is the wilderness pass of the three gentlemen and ladies, please be sure to put it away, there is a positioning system on the pass, if the three do not come back for a long time, we will send someone to the rescue..."

Liuyun took out his elf book and directly crossed 90,000 yuan from the banking system in the elf book, and then the three of them each picked up a hand-held box and took a small badge handed over by the ticket seller.

"So, first of all, I wish you all a pleasant journey and a good journey."

The reception lady smiled and opened the back door.

The wild wilderness area is very large, which Liuyun has long known, but Liuyun did not expect that the wild wilderness area would become like this.

As soon as you enter the wild wilderness area, looking at the endless prairie, it is clear that the weather has gradually entered autumn, but this prairie has no sign of yellowing at all, looking around, it is a dense rainforest sea, which is also lush and green at a glance.

At this time, many wild elves can be seen on the steppe, what Nidoran, Nidoran, Little Lada, Lada, Dudu, all over the steppe, at this moment, a group of majestic Kentairo steppe running wildly.

"Wow, Liuyun, the wild wilderness area is really big" Soon, the three of Liuyun came to a plain, and there was a wooden house standing in it...

It seems that this wild wilderness area really seems to be a pure land, after coming here, Nha Yi looks very excited, it seems that for Nha Yi, it is indeed a very happy thing to be able to accept new Pokemon.

"Are you trainers in the wild wilderness?" At this moment, a man walked out of the wooden house, an old man, dressed as a western cowboy, and at the same time his waist was bulging, the outline of a pistol was faintly exposed, and he was carrying a basket containing energy cubes and some Pokemon food...

"Hello old man, you are right, we are here to see what Pokemon can be subdued," Liuyun saw this and said to the old man.

At this time, Liuyun remembered that this old man should be the Caesar in the animation, with a very hot temper, but he has guarded the mini dragon for nearly thirty years, this name is very domineering, but for his habit of holding a gun at every turn, Liuyun still thinks that he is not afraid of fire, for such a character.

·· Ask for flowers...

"That's right, my name is Caesar, I am one of the rangers here, recently in the wild wilderness area to pay attention, recently it is the mating season of King Nido and Nido, pay attention to safety when you see them..." Caesar nodded when he heard this, and then instructed...

Nha Yi and Nazi walked into the wooden house very familiarly, and looked at the photos of the Pokemon hanging on the wall, and I have to say that there are indeed many precious Pokemon photos in the photos here.

"Huh??? That one...... Is that a mini dragon? It's the first time I've seen it, wow, it's really cute~~~" At this time, the sharp-eyed bud Yi noticed that there was a very old photo in the picture frame in the corner of the table, and when I saw the content of the photo, I couldn't help but exclaim, even Nazi was attracted to it...


There is a cute mini dragon on it, and a man is squatting next to the mini dragon, and the man's silhouette is very familiar, look closely, isn't that what Caesar in front of him looked like when he was young?

But looking at the dim photo, and the young appearance of Caesar in the photo, this photo was taken a long time ago, otherwise the current Caesar's appearance of an old man, is it possible to be old or decay?

"Hey, you two, how can you enter my wooden house casually, there are no mini dragons here, hurry up and give me out" At this moment, after hearing the sound of Bud Yi, Caesar rushed directly into the wooden house and said to the two women, but at this time, they seemed very tough and seemed to be a little emotional...

Bud Yi didn't know why Caesar was so excited at this time, and he seemed a little at a loss, but Liuyun knew the story inside, and looking at Nazi's brows began to wrinkle slightly at this time, Liuyun suddenly directly took the hands of Nazi and Nha Yi.

Xing Sheng Disaster, Cut to Eternal Rule ******

Today's second more sent, the author fungus continues to sell cute rolling for subscriptions!! Keep begging for subscriptions, asking for full subscriptions, asking for flowers and evaluation tickets..... Above._

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