At this time, after a period of time, Liuyun's group gradually found that the people in front of them seemed to gradually increase at this time...

By the time Liuyun and his party reached the main road leading to the fossil excavation area of the Great Silly Valley, people were already everywhere.

"Oh my God, how are so many people..... Could it be that these were all going to the fossil excavation area of the Great Silly Valley to dig up fossils??? "Bud Yi looked at the crowd in front and the crowd in the rear with some disbelief, there are at least thousands of people here, the fossils of the Great Silly Valley will not be hollowed out by these people.....

"After all, ancient Pokemon are too rare, if they really live for so long, who knows if they will be very powerful Pokemon?" Liuyun looked at the somewhat dumbfounded Bud Yi and explained, even if there are no ancient pokemon here, if you dig up the fossils of the ancient "027" generation of pokemon, it is also a very valuable thing, after all, now due to the continuous research and development of the fossil restoration system, the price of ancient pokemon fossils is also rising.

At this time, even Xiao Zhi and his group next to him also looked at the advancing flow of people in front of them with a surprised face, shaking their heads and sighing at the charm of the ancient Pokemon...

"Yo, Liuyun, I haven't seen you for a long time, hey, why is Ash your dragging is also here~~~"

was sighing at the horror of the number of people here, at this time there was a voice from the rear that made Ash grit his teeth, and Liuyun and the others who heard someone greeting him turned their heads and looked...

At this time, a teenager wearing casual clothes, a hat, and a sharp-billed hoe on his shoulder with six girls in cheerleading uniforms were standing behind Ash, and after saying hello to Liuyun, he was looking at Ash with a smile at the moment.

This person is not seen for a long time, Xiao Mao's first opponent and basic friend, although at this time Xiao Mao and the girl behind him are completely incomparable with Bud Yi and Nazi, but at this time the six appear together, and wearing the same clothing, Xiao Mao does look like a winner in life at this time, Ash is completely incomparable...

"Xiao Mao, I didn't expect it to be you!!"

As soon as he saw this opponent who he had grown up since childhood, Ash suddenly had a feeling of being completely suppressed...

"Ash, I really didn't expect you to come here, could it be that you also came here to dig for fossils?" Xiao Mao looked at Xiao Zhi, "In other words, what are you dressing up for now?" Do you want to dig up fossils just like that? What a laughter!! Ha ha!!! "

"How abominable!! Xiao Mao, you guy....."

Once facing Ash, Xiao Mao's taunting skill is like reaching a full level in an instant, causing Ash to explode instantly...

"Don't be impulsive, Ash!!" At this time, I saw Xiao Gang and Xiao Xia immediately hugging Xiao Zhi, who was about to rush up and PK with Xiao Mao Zhenren, and constantly persuaded.

"I'm leaving, Ash, what are you doing there, Xiaomao, don't tease Ash....."

Liuyun really didn't expect that it would be the same here, Xiao Zhi and Xiao Mao, the two wrongdoers are still the same, and they directly get up as soon as they meet, it seems that Xiao Mao is still not mature.....

However, Xiao Mao's current pair does match his identity. After all, people are the grandchildren of the Oki family, and it is said that they are proud in the past, anyway, this is the case between Dao Xiaozhi and Xiaomao, although it is said to tease each other, in fact, the relationship is still good.....

"Yes, Liuyun, I'm coming!" After hearing Liuyun's words, Xiao Zhi nodded at Liuyun, and then waved his hand towards Xiao Mao, "Xiao Mao, now I won't talk nonsense with you, you just watch, wait a minute, I will definitely dig up the fossil before you!! "

"Ash, you want to be ahead of me? You don't even have tools, just compare with me with your hands? Stop dreaming! Xiao Mao disdained, and took his six cheerleading girlfriends who cheered for him to integrate into the army in front of him...

After seeing that Xiao Mao did not speak, Liuyun took Xiao Zhi and the others to follow the flow of people and approached the fossil excavation area of the Great Silly Valley.

Liuyun was very leisurely going to the hinterland at this time, he was not much interested in fossils, he was waiting for the arrival of Team Rocket, and expected them to directly blast a big hole in the Great Silly Valley like the plot wishes, a big hole that leads directly to the underground hollow...

However, in the current world, the flow cloud of the plot has changed a lot, and there is no guarantee that Team Rocket will just blow up that big hole...

At this time, the sound of jingling against rocks resounded throughout the valley...

At this time, Liuyun and the others finally came to the most prestigious area of the Great Silly Valley - the fossil excavation area of the Great Silly Valley...

Big Silly Valley is a warm chuang of fossilized ancient Pokemon.

In layman's terms, fossils are stones turned into stones from the remains or remains of creatures that lived in the distant past. In the long geological years, countless kinds of Pokemon have lived in this world, and the remains or lives of these Pokemon after death are traces left, many of which have been buried by the sediment of the time...

In the years that followed, the organic matter in the remains of these Pokemon decomposed completely, but the parts of JianYing such as shells, bones, teeth, etc. were petrified into stone along with the surrounding sediment, but their original form, structure, and even some subtle internal structures remained.

Similarly, the traces left by the life of those Pokemon can be preserved in this way. People call these petrified pokemon remnants, ruins, etc. fossils...

By studying these fossils, scholars and doctors in the Pokemon world can gradually understand the form, structure, and category of Pokemon in the distant past, speculate about the origin, evolution and development of Pokemon over the past hundreds of millions of years, and restore the ecological environment of the planet at various stages of the long geological history.

If there are complete genes left with fossils, now even 3.7 through the most advanced fossil restoration system currently under development, the extinct pokemon can be resurrected, and the fossil pterosaur of Liuyun's cousin Yulongdu was obtained in this way...

And it is precisely because of the most sophisticated fossil restoration system under development that the price of fossils of Pokemon is rising, which is why there are so many people here in the fossil excavation area...

Xing Sheng Disaster, Cut to Eternal Rule ******

Today, all three have been delivered, and the author continues to sell cute rolling for subscriptions!! Keep asking for subscriptions, asking for full orders, asking for flowers and evaluation tickets......_

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