In order to qualify for the Quartz Alliance Conference, you must collect more than eight dojo badges from the Kanto region, although there are some exceptions. For example: Pokemon Identification Exam.....

Pokemon Identification Test: Use the combined score of the written test and the actual competition to determine whether you have passed or not. Those who pass receive a qualifying badge to challenge the Pokemon League, eliminating the need to collect all eight badges.

This exam is ideal for people who are busy at work or don't allow them to travel because of their age or physical condition to qualify for the Pokemon League. The Pokemon League Testing Center is different from other gyms, and you cannot bring your own Pokemon inside.

The first two parts of the examination are divided into a written part, which candidates answer on a computer. The first part is a judgment question, and the content of the question is roughly the common sense question of the Pokemon book, and the information problem.

The second part is graphic analysis, similar in form to the "Who Am I" section of animation, but the content is very tricky.

The third part is to randomly select three Pokemon to compete against other candidates. This part of the test taker cannot know the Pokemon they use before the battle, and they need to be improvised and familiar with all the Pokemon moves.

That's right, Bud Yi is to obtain the qualification of the Quartz Alliance to participate in the conference through this method.After all, if you take down the qualification badge, it can also be used as an important insurance for not being able to collect the badge in time.....

When traveling with Liuyun, although Nha Yi also challenged the Dojo together, but Nha Yi did not have as many badges as Liuyun, but after Liuyun collected 8 Dojo badges, if there was still time, Nha Yi might also collect the remaining Dojo badges.

However, for now, pay the application fee of 5,000 yuan first, and try this Pokemon identification exam...

"Bud Yi, come on for the exam!! Liuyun cheered to Bud Yi.....

"Well, Nha Yi, come on" The cold Nazi also sent blessings to Nha Yi.

With the encouragement of Liuyun's Nazi, Nha Yi's face was full of confidence, and then ting.xiong looked up and walked into the examination room...

Liuyun and Nazi also stood outside the window of the examination room for the time being, and at this time, next to him and Nazi, it was Xiaogang and Xiaoxia.

Liuyun walked over to say hello to Xiao Gang and Xiaoxia, and then continued to look towards the examination room, at this time, Liuyun found that the candidates inside were really of any age, there were young trainers like Bud Yi, there were also young trainers, and even Liuyun saw an uncle sitting in the examination room...

At this time, Liuyun also found where Ash was sitting, and sure enough, Liuyun saw Musashi and Kojiro as always doing examinees in the examination room...

And the most conspicuous in this examination room is Miss Joy, who is sitting in the front row, still wearing a white nurse costume at this time, and there is actually Miss Joy coming to the exam, this is not clearly to hang the candidates present ~~~

Soon the anxious waiting of the candidates present appeared, and this one was estimated to be the examiner of this exam.

"Now, all the candidates are seated, they are allowed to turn their heads and ears, and those who cheat are issued, and they will all be disqualified from the exam!!" I saw this muscle examiner in a dark blue uniform announcing the rules of the exam...

The originally noisy candidates immediately pressed the number card in their hands, sat in their places, stared at the computer in front of their desks, and waited for the exam to begin.

After announcing the rules, the examiner continued: "Now take the Pokemon knowledge exam, as a trainer, you must have a sufficient understanding of all kinds of Pokemon to become a real trainer, so now we start the answer questions of the first exam, this first exam is still relatively simple!!"

The first exam is to test the common sense questions of Pokemon, information questions and some knowledge of ordinary Pokemon, which does not sound difficult, right...

At this time, a variety of questions began to appear on the candidates' computers, and the large LCD screen at the podium of the examination room also released the questions this time, and Liuyun also saw the topics this time.

[The tongue of the big tongue is twice the length of the body, is it correct or wrong.] 】

There are two buttons on the table, right and wrong.

The first topic is so jaw-dropping difficulty, Bud Yi immediately frowned his good-looking brows, pouted his small mouth and put on a cute crying expression to Liuyun and others outside the examination room window...

What a mess this is, this should be wrong. Bud Yi thought for a moment and gently pressed the button marked with the wrong button on the left.

In this way, even if she learns the universal bud clothes, she feels that she still has to wait to collect the dojo badge before she can participate in the Quartz Alliance Conference...

[Elf proverb: Nine-tailed life millennium kami turtle long life, please ask whether it is right or wrong. 】

~( ̄▽ ̄)~* This is simple!

Bud Yi's big dark blue eyes suddenly lit up, and then narrowed happily, which is correct!!

[Did Eevee evolve into a moon elf using the Moon Stone, is it right or wrong?] 】

The bud who possessed Eevee was told by Flowing Cloud about the evolution of all forms of Eevee, which is of course wrong!!

[Abiro's nickname is the Ghost of Kicking, is it right or wrong.] 】

Well, Abeli used his fists....this is a mistake!!

[The Tyrannosaurus has two attributes, water system and flight system, is it right or wrong.] Taxi】

The bud clothes of the tyrannosaurus that often see flowing clouds say that this is correct.....

[King Carp's trick at the beginning, only water splashing, please ask if it is right or wrong. ] 】

Correct! (of Zhao)!!

The big murder came out, and Bud Yi quickly pressed the correct button.

On the other side, when Kojiro was asked this question, he clenched his teeth tightly and clenched his fists, as if he remembered the tyrannosaurus that evolved after he abandoned it...

As for Musashi, she held her head and kept pressing on the correct option... In her thoughts, that is, the two options of right and wrong, anyway, there is a probability of fifty-fifty, well, this IQ, it is really touching!!

xing prosperous disaster, cut to eternal rule ******

Today's second more sent, the author fungus continues to sell cute rolling for subscription!! continue to ask for subscription, ask for full order, ask for flowers and evaluation tickets......_

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