After returning to the hot spring hotel, Liuyun came directly to the hot spring pool where he soaked before, and after entering it, Liuyun felt that the green tendons on his head were about to burst...

This group of unscrupulous pokemon was actually still soaking in the hot spring, even Daiochisis, who Liuyun had always felt very stable, was still soaking, and Liuyun, who twitched at the corner of his mouth, directly took out their respective Poké Balls and directly took them back.

Then, Liuyun returned to his room, at this time Bud Yi and Nazi had already dressed, and after knowing that Liuyun had found the owner of the Red Lotus Taoist Hall, Xia Bo, they expressed their surprise, after all, from the elf forum, Xia Bo this guy is difficult to find...

After learning what had just happened on the mountain, Nazi and Nha Yi were silent, Team Rocket again, and, after hearing about the living experiments of Pokemon from Liuyun's mouth, Nha Yi, who first came into contact with the darkness of the Pokemon world, was a little overwhelmed.

Liuyun directly touched Bud Yi's head, "Bud Yi, you don't have to think too much, such things exist everywhere, there will be light naturally there will be darkness, you don't have to think too much about these dark things..."

The topic changed, "By the way, Xia Bo is now going to have a dojo challenge with me, do you want to go with me?" With the topic shifting, Liuyun smoothly diverted the attention of this little nizi.

"Ah, go and challenge the Red Lotus Taoist Hall now, then we will also go, anyway, the time is still early, the hot spring has also been soaked, Sister Nazi, you have no opinion..."

Bud Yi, who turned from the unhappy mood just now, looked directly at Nazi with two eyes, Nazi felt very funny, anyway, she originally planned to go together, so Nazi nodded.

"Yes!! Sister Nazi is amazing, hmm!!" Nha Yi seemed to want to vent her unhappy emotions directly, directly put her arm around Nazi, and directly kissed Nazi on the face...

Liuyun, who saw such a stimulating picture on the side, almost didn't squeak out the nosebleeds, the kiss of two beautiful girls, it's really exciting-!!

"The head is cold, the body is warm - what is it?"

"Open-air hot spring..."

"What makes a tail come out of the night?"


"What gets fat fast and loses weight faster?"


"There's air in the balloon, what's in the lifebuoy?"


When Liuyun took Nazi and Bud Yi to be led by Xia Bo to the Taoist Hall, Xia Bo, who liked to guess, couldn't help but play guessing with Liuyun again~~~

Seeing the above questions and answers, people who don't know must think that Liuyun answers these things, but the above questions and answers are the puzzle questions and answers of Xia Bo and Nazi!!

That's right, you heard it right, it's Nazi...

For this kind of guessing thing, how could he understand these things, and after Liuyun was completely stumped by this difficult question, Nazi, who had a cold face, directly solved all the puzzles!!

"You little girl is really powerful!! Xia Bo sighed directly, quite a feeling of meeting a fellow practitioner, Liuyun saw Xia Bo's appearance, he couldn't wait to discuss the idea of guessing with Nazi immediately...

Liuyun felt very strange, I didn't know that Nazi had this hobby of guessing before, why was she so powerful all of a sudden, could it be that this was a real person without revealing his face?!!

However, the next words of Nazi directly broke the illusion of Xia Bo and Liuyun at the same time, Nazi, the straightforward little nizi, obviously would not hide anything, only to see that her expression remained like an iceberg, and her tone did not have a trace of ups and downs: "Xia Bo Hall master, those topics of yours, the detailed explanation of the Red Lotus Daoist Hall on the Elf Forum have detailed strategies..."

"Click... Click..."

Liuyun seemed to hear Xia Bo's heart cracking one by one, and I went. Nazi, it's nice that you are also more tactful, don't be so blunt!!

"Uh-huh... Ahem..." Xia Bo was directly choked, a shiny bald head seemed to hang down a black line, speechless looking at the sky, "The Internet thing, it's really powerful..."

Xia Bo wiped his beard, sorted out his messy inner journey a little, and then had a serious expression,

"In that case, little Niko, I have one last question!!"

Seeing this, the corners of Nazi's mouth turned up slightly, "Xia Bo, you say..."

·· Ask for flowers...

My gym will arrive soon, solve this last puzzle!!" Xiaber's words seemed extremely serious, after all, in addition to the research on Pokemon, guessing puzzles was indeed another lifelong hobby of his!!

It's just a pity that as long as there is such a thing as this network in this world, then the game strategy will exist, and Xia Bo's hope has been broken again...

"It's age..." At this time, Nazi seemed to have her own attachment to breaking Xia Bo's illusions?

"This, the guide on the elf forum also wrote the answer..."


Xia Bo, who was leading the way, directly rushed, and the serious expression no longer existed, and turned into an angry curse: "Which damn guy leaked all my puzzles!! don't let the old man know his name, otherwise he will spend the rest of his life in this red lotus volcano!!

At this time, Xia Bo, who was thunderous, showed the mania of the fire pokemon to the fullest, and after communicating with Nazi in private, Liuyun knew that the post was summarized by everyone who had come to the Red Lotus Taoist Hall, and Xia Bo's thoughts were probably too much...

Immediately afterwards, Xia Bo's two wide noodle-like tears flowed, turned around very sadly, waved his hand, and said: "Liuyun, and you two little nizi, follow me, we will go to the Red Lotus Taoist Hall, and when this competition is over, I will continue to conceive new puzzles..."

At this time, everyone came to a hot spring hotel, this hotel is also built at the foot of the Red Lotus Volcano, but directly across the mountain from the Royal Dragon family, looking at the signature name of "Boarding Master Mystery", Xia Bo's taste is indeed very peculiar...

xing prosperous disaster, cut to eternal rule ******

Today, all three changes have been sent, the author continues to sell cute rolling and asking for subscription!! continue to ask for subscription, ask for full order, ask for flowers and evaluation tickets..... Above._

Feilu reminds you: three things to read - favorites, recommendations

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