In the Golden Zodiac Hall....

"If you lose, stay here as my friend to play with me!" At this time, the doll in Nazi's arms suddenly spoke, sounding innocent, but in this dark field, it looked a little creepy.

Liuyun frowned slightly at this time, he knew that if he really lost the battle, the consequences would not be so simple, and he would definitely turn Nazi into a doll.

"But now let me see if you are qualified to challenge me." As soon as the words fell, the doll in Nazi's arms suddenly floated up from Nazi's hand, and a light blue light filled her body, and suddenly, a superpower like a tide surged directly towards Liuyun, "If you can't withstand my superpower, then directly become my friend to play with me!" "

At this time, the light blue waveguide power also appeared on Liuyun's body to resist Nazi's superpower with difficulty, and at this moment, a bright purple light lit up in the crystal ball on Liuyun's chest, and a superpower that surpassed Nazi an unknown amount rushed out directly from it, directly scattering the light blue superpower, and then hit the little girl floating in the air, knocking her directly back into Nazi's arms.

"Thank you, Deochis!" Liuyun gently squeezed the crystal ball on his chest and said softly.

The crystal ball swayed slightly, and a spiritual power of the Calm Cloud Heart God came out from it.

"You are very good, really good, the challenge of the Golden Zodiac Hall is one-on-one, you have no opinion." The voice of the doll in Nazi's arms was not as immature as it was at the beginning, and it seemed a little sharper.

Liuyun shook his head to indicate that he had no opinion, and then looked at the sidelines, there was no referee in the Golden Yellow Road Hall, it seems that the victory or defeat can only rely on strength!

"Come out! Kathy!!! "。 Seeing Liuyun's reaction, I saw that Nazi herself did not speak, but the doll in her hand, which looked a little gloomy at this time, spoke in a tender voice, and the next moment, the high-grade ball in her hand suddenly opened, and a burst of golden light rushed out.

"Sure enough, it was Kathy, and it was decided that it was you." At this time, a Pokemon who looked like a fox and sat on the ground with his eyes closed all the time appeared on the field.

Casey is a Pokemon who sleeps eighteen hours a day, sleeping basically longer than the Kabi beast, but this is to store energy for evolution, sleep can reduce energy consumption very well, before evolution, Casey does not have the ability to attack, only has a move to move instantly, it is precisely because Casey stores all the energy before evolution, so once it evolves, it will immediately become a Yugira with powerful superpowers, which is quite a difficult opponent, And even while sleeping, Casey can still use superpowers to use teleportation, which is very difficult.

Liuyun frowned slightly, the superpowers that emanated slightly from this casey's body, and the momentum that emerged reminded him of Uncle Wuneng's Boss Dora.

"Hell, Quasi-Heavenly King-level Casey, it's troublesome, in memory, Nazi can use her superpowers to make Casey evolve into Yongjira."

Liuyun pinned the Fire Dinosaur's Pokeball back to his belt, and then took out Lucario's Pokeball.

At present, the flowing fire dinosaur is still in the elite peak state, and its speed is not too fast before it evolves into a fire-breathing dragon, and it may become a target for quasi-king elves like Casey, so they can only use Lucario.

In the case of the duel against Casey, Lucario Gang plus fighting attributes do not have an advantage, this point Liuyun is also very clear, at the same time Liuyun is also serious, Liuyun also knows that Nazi will use super powers and Kathy to cooperate, but Liuyun and Lucario can use the power of waveguides to cooperate.

"Preemptively, Lucario, use the shadow ball!"

Liuyun knew that it was impossible for Casey to take the initiative to attack, so Liuyun chose to strike first, only to see a dark black light shining between Lucario's two palms after hearing the order, and then condensed into a black ball of energy.


The shadow ball shot directly towards Casey, and then I saw a purple-red light appear in Nazi's eyes, using superpowers to convey her orders directly to Casey's brain, and in an instant, Casey, who received Nazi's order, even in a state of sleep, the light blue light that originally emitted on her body suddenly turned into a purple-red light, and then disappeared with the instantaneous light, and Casey also disappeared, and it was Casey's masterpiece that moved instantly.

At this time, the shadow ball directly hit the place where Casey disappeared before, forming a small hole in the ground.

"Hmph, teleportation? Sure enough, it was a difficult elf. Seeing this, Liuyun showed a slight smile, "Waveguide is in my heart!" Then he put his right fist on his chest, and spit out such a sentence as if he was chanting a magic spell. At the same time, Liuyun's eyes also slowly closed.

And like Liuyun, Lucario, who stood in front of Liuyun, his right fist was also placed on his chest, and while his eyes slowly closed, a waveguide force that echoed the waveguide on Liuyun's body also emanated from his body. The two pale blue waveguide forces merged with each other and finally merged into Lucario's body.

I am the dividing line


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