"Ding, the host's task of "Invite Nazi into the team" has not been completed, in view of the fact that the host has not left Golden City, it is hereby not concluded that the host mission has failed, and the host is requested to continue to work hard..."

At this time, Liuyun's expression was (⊙⊙) like this, "Ahhhhh Liuyun directly grabbed his hair and complained madly in his heart.

Just when Liuyun was tangled, at this time, the residence of the Nazi family in Jinhuang City...

"Nazi..." At this time, in Nazi's room, after being rearranged by Nazi's mother, it seemed to be full of warmth, and Nazi was standing on the balcony at the moment, with her hands on the guardrail and looking up at the stars in the sky. A wisp of fresh breeze gently brushed Nazi's long dark purple hair, and Nazi seemed to be thinking about something at this time. At this moment, a voice suddenly came from behind Nazi, and I saw Nazi's mother push open the door and walk in. "Mom!!"

"What's wrong, Nazi? Are you thinking about that boy today~" I saw Nazi's mother say with a hint of ridicule, and Nazi's face suddenly turned crimson when she heard this. "Mom... You...... What are you talking about!! "

"Over the years, although I have been turned into a doll by you, I can probably guess how you have lived all these years, you have always been the child of me and your father, as your parents, your father and I can still see what is in your heart, Nazi, you like Shangliuyun, right..." After hearing her mother's words, Nazi's face blushed as if the top of her head was about to smoke, but she still nodded faintly.

The next day, outside the Golden City Elf Center....

Liuyun packed up his equipment and was about to leave the elf center, and as soon as he came to the door, he saw Uncle Hoshino and Nazi standing next to the door, and after seeing Liuyun, Nazi followed Uncle Hoshino to Liuyun.

"Haha, Liuyun, get ready to leave for the next city." Uncle Hoshino's behavior was a little strange at this time, "That... Liuyun, I have one more thing I want to ask you for help. "

At this time, Nazi also walked out from behind Uncle Hoshino, her pretty face slightly red.

Uncle Hoshino touched Nazi's head affectionately, and then said: "Nazi also recognized the previous problems after returning to normal, you are right, in this world, there are still many things that need to be explored by yourself, Nazi is still young and should not be trapped in this golden zodiac hall, so I want to entrust Nazi to you, with you to take her on a trip, take her to know the world well." As soon as he finished speaking, Uncle Hoshino still squeezed his eyes with Nazi quietly squeezing his eyes on the convective cloud~~

Uncle Hoshino's words directly shocked Liuyun, originally still thinking about how to discuss with Uncle Hoshino to let Nazi travel with him, after all, the family has not been together for so long, originally felt very difficult to speak, who expected that Uncle Hoshino directly came to the door to hand over Nazi to himself, and the sudden surprise directly made Liuyun not know what to say.

Seeing that Liuyun had not spoken for a long time, Nazi, who thought that Liuyun was going to refuse, suddenly burst into tears in her eyes, as if a downpour would fall at any time.

"Uh-huh, okay, uncle, Nazi, you can leave it to me at ease." Seeing this, Liuyun hurriedly replied, just after the words were finished, Liuyun seemed to feel that something was wrong, and then suddenly thought that what he said was the same as what his husband said to his father-in-law when he married his daughter, and then looked at Nazi, Nazi's whole pretty face was red and red, and there was almost no smoke above her head

Uncle Hoshino handed Nazi a red backpack that he had been carrying in his hand before, then touched Nazi's head, then turned around and left quickly, leaving Nazi standing alone in place, he was really afraid that he would not be able to bear Nazi.

"Ding, the host successfully enlightened Nazi and invited Nazi to join her traveling team, the task of the companion mission "Invite Nazi into the team" has been completed, the reward points are 10,000, a round land shark, the round land shark's poké ball has been stored in the system warehouse, and the host will withdraw it itself when needed." At this time, the long-lost system prompt tone came, and the completion of this companion's task represented that Liuyun's affairs in Jinhuang City had completely ended.

Liuyun turned his head to look at Nazi who was standing next to him, the corners of his mouth turned up slightly, now it seems that Nazi is really going to travel with him, this is really an incredible thing, thinking of this, Liuyun was slightly happy in his heart, after all, a beautiful girl traveling with him is what many people dream of.

"Nazi, do you need me to carry your backpack for you?" Liuyun asked with concern.

"No need, I'll just come by myself." Nazi quickly shook her head, then carried the red backpack behind her hand, and then took Liuyun's hand with a red face and officially embarked on a trip to leave her home in Jinhuang City and move towards the next city.

Sex flourishes and disasters, cut to eternal rule


Miss Nazi has finally joined the team of Brother Liuyun, the legendary harem plus one~~ Readers, your flowers, evaluation votes, where to collect, all smash to the author ~ ( ̄▽ ̄~)~

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