The two pillars of fire directly froze after meeting in the air, but the stalemate did not last long, the dark red jet flame of the fire dinosaur was obviously more condensed, and then the crimson fire pillar directly pressed the orange-red fire pillar towards the little fire dragon, and finally directly scattered the jet flame of the little fire dragon, directly hit the red heart, and the scorching flame impact caused the little fire dragon to knock to the ground.

A puff of white smoke rose, and the eyes of the little fire dragon swirled and lost its ability to fight.

"Fire dinosaur battle cannot, the first battle, Liuyun wins!" Xiao Gang on the side had an expression of "long expected", and directly announced the result of the first battle.

After the onlookers saw the results, they exchanged one after another, "It seems that this kid is completely a rookie trainer, it seems that this time is another victory against the mad demon." "The people who can train here in Hualan Beach are basically trainers above the elite level, and even trainers of the quasi-king level appear from time to time.

With their eyesight, it is easy to see the strength of Ash's little fire dragon, a large part of them have fought against Liuyun in the previous half a month, and the strength of Liuyun is very clear, so they don't have much hope for Ash's next two battles.

"Come back, little fire dragon, you've worked hard in this battle. Holding the little fire dragon who had lost his ability to fight, Ash directly took out the poké ball and took the little fire dragon back.

"Haha, I didn't expect you to be so strong in Liuyun. At this time, Xiao Zhi laughed, and Xiao Mao and the referee position on the side sighed helplessly.

"Ash, your little fire dragon is very good and has great potential, you have to cultivate it well. Liuyun reminded Ash a little with the mentality of cultivating Ash, hoping that he would not delay Little Fire Dragon.

After seeing the victory of the fire dinosaur, Larulas suddenly floated down from Nazi's shoulders, "Lalu ~ Lalu ~" The happy Larulas floated directly to the head of the fire dinosaur and stayed, I don't know what's going on, in the past half a month, the relationship between the fire dinosaur and Larulas has become very good, often staying together during the rest time after training.

"Fire Dinosaur, you go to the side with Larulas first. Seeing Larulas happy, Liuyun smiled helplessly, anyway, Liuyun did not plan to use the fire dinosaur, an elite peak, to approach the quasi-heavenly king level combat power in the next game, so he used this excuse to let the fire dinosaur off the field.

"Gagne!" "Laru~Laru~" After getting permission from his trainer, the fire dinosaur was so happy that he ran back to Nazi with Larulas.

"Well, Ash, I'll come first in this second battle. Liuyun gently touched his nose and said slightly embarrassed.

"Go on, just decide it's you, Round Land Shark! took the Round Land Shark's Spirit Ball from his belt, threw it directly towards the field, white light flashed, "Click!" The Round Land Shark opened its mouth out, when the Round Land Shark looked back and saw Liuyun, his eyes lit up, and a jump jumped directly into Liuyun's arms.

"Well... Good...... Round Land Shark, it's time to fight, let's go on. Gently stroking the Lower Round Land Shark, Liuyun put the Round Land Shark on the field again and said to the Round Land Shark.

After hearing the orders of his own trainer, the original round land shark directly became serious, "Click... Click..." Roundland Shark patted himself and signaled that he was fine.

Ash on the opposite side saw the Pokemon he had never seen before, and immediately tested it again, but this time it was going to disappoint Ash, "There is no information about this Pokemon in the Elf Guide..."

"It's actually a Pokemon with no information, is it a newly discovered Pokemon?" said Ash excitedly after hearing the explanation of the Pokemon Guide.

"Hmm~ Ash, although I don't want to interrupt you, your pokemon book should only be entered into the Pokemon of the Kanto region, I am a Pokemon in the Sinnoh region, and there is no record in the Kanto Pokemon Guide. Directly interrupted Ash's dream of discovering a new elf, "In addition, let me tell you directly, my Round Land Shark is a Pokemon of the ground plus dragon system, which is special information." "

"Is it really worthy of the Royal Dragon Family, and sure enough, the Dragon Pokemon appeared. Xiao Gang on the side sighed.

"Pokemon of the dragon system, do the pokemon still have dragon ones???" who knew that Ash on the side answered directly let Xiao Gang fall to the ground, "Although I haven't heard of the dragon system, but the Pokemon of the ground system have still seen it, go on, and decide it's you, Jeni Turtle!" But knowing that the water system restrained the ground system, Ash directly sent the Jeni turtle.

·· Ask for flowers...

"Jeni!!Jenny!! "At this time, a Jeni turtle with sunglasses appeared in front of everyone's eyes, after taking out a small fire dragon, Ash once again released the Jeni turtle, one of the three families of the Kanto Imperial Family, at this time, everyone who was watching the battle around suddenly had a different look, this rookie is a little powerful, first the little fire dragon, then the Jeni turtle, should there be a magic frog seed at the end.

In fact, Xiao Gang and Xiao Xia on the side want to answer the people around them, this rookie really has a wonderful frog seed, and Ash's journey all the way down has allowed Xiao Gang and Xiao Xia to see Ash's luck against the sky, the Kanto Royal Three Family said that they would meet when they met, and they basically voluntarily followed Ash, this incomparable luck can really infuriate people, you know, Xiao Xia, who aspires to become a water system pokemon master, really wants a Jeni turtle.


"Well, this Jeni turtle's strength is not bad?!" After seeing Ash's Jeni turtle, after probing Liuyun, he found that the Jeni turtle at this time actually had the strength of the elite level, which was higher than the strength of the little fire dragon "It should be said that it is worthy of being the Jeni turtle boss, but it is estimated that it is a highly qualified Pokemon, Ash, this guy, is really enviable, but this strength is not much worse than the round land shark, not bad. Liuyun sighed slightly.

Xing prosperous disaster, cut to eternal rule ********

The third on Saturday will be sent, today's winter solstice, the author is here to wish everyone a reunion as a family, lively and lively eating dumplings, and a safe and secure life. Author bacteria continue to sell cute and roll for subscription!! your subscription is support for the author, readers, the author bacteria is waiting for your support, tonight to fight for one more chapter, please subscribe, please customize... The author is now going to accompany the family to dinner..... Above._

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