The Battle of the Five Armies puzzled Ling Mo for a long time at the beginning, because he only saw four armies in the movie.

From the dwarven army led by Dann in the Iron Hills, the Sindar elves led by Thranduil, and the human army of Long Lake Town, if the last one really counts as an army.

Their enemies, the Orc army.

No matter how you look at it, there are four armies, so that Ling Mo thought at first that Bilbo, the hobbit, should be taken out as an army, a one-man army.

As a result, I found out later that the villain actually has two groups, one is the orcs, that is, those who appeared in the final battle in the movie, and the other is not shown, it is the wolf army, and they will be mistaken for them if they are not careful. The half-orcs are just scouts.

But in fact, this is also a single army.

"I don't know why the Warg troop didn't participate in the war originally, it may be because of the funds, but this time I can be sure because they were intercepted."

Sitting on the top of the mountain, Ling Mo wiped the long sword in his hand and said.

Tariel stood beside him, her long chestnut hair fluttering gently in the wind, she frowned as she stared at the approaching black front in the distance, her bow was her most powerful weapon, but the enemy in front of her frowned. How many, the minimum estimate is about [*], and all of them are Warg detectives.

It was a disaster to face these Orc cavalry in the wild.

Tariel didn't understand what Ling Mo's so-called funding was about, but he knew that Ling Mo wanted to intercept all the wolves by himself! Because it's too difficult.

Infantry encounters established cavalry in the wilderness. The wars in history have proven time and again how terrible the result will be. What’s more, these are Warg scouts, not only have the lethality of heavy cavalry, but also have light cavalry. Flexible! On the battlefield in Gushan, the half-orcs who came prepared to fight against the armies of elves and dwarves, the latter did not have the advantage. The camp on the mountain side will collapse in an instant.

At the same time, at the foot of the Lonely Mountain, the Orcs have not yet entered the battlefield, but the dwarves have already fought against the Sindar elves from the dark forest.

Thranduil led his army to the Lonely Mountain, surrounded the entrance of the Lonely Mountain, and demanded that Thorin return his white gem.

Although Thorin was stingy at this time, he was still righteous, and he fought with Thranduil there, never mentioning that the white gem had been given to Ling Mo.

Next to the elf army, is the debt collection army brought by the mayor of Changhu Town, or that sentence, if this is really an army.

This time, because Ling Mo killed Smaug directly in the Lonely Mountain, Changhu Town was not destroyed, so there was no situation where everyone fled to the ancient town of Hegu at the foot of the Lonely Mountain.

When the mayor of Changhu Town learned that Sorin had taken it back, he brought dozens of soldiers who could not even put together their armors to collect the debt. This potbellied mayor had a simple idea. Anyway, Sorin, his dozen or so dwarves, Are you afraid of not giving money?

However, Sorin really had a gold coin not only to seal the main entrance, but also to pry off the head of the sculpture of his grandfather and smash the road leading to the main entrance.

Soon the elf troops came and surrounded them. Thranduil thought that the victory was in their hands. With just a single order, his troops would break through the ridiculous fortress in front of him, taking not only their own white gems, but also the endless wealth in the lonely mountain. Pick.

Until a raven landed on Sorin's side, Sorin stared at the raven, this is the messenger he sent to the Iron Hills for help, the messenger, came back, and the reinforcements Sorin looked at

In the direction of the rising sun on the horizon, the spears were like a forest, and the dwarf army slowly approached with the sound of neat footsteps.

The dwarf army, all in heavy armor, and the war machines they brought, have now become Thorin's confidence to start a war with Thranduil! At the forefront, iron-footed Dann riding a wild boar as a mount is alone Leaving the group, he shouted at Thorin, "Hey, Thorin, the Ironfoot has arrived!"

Using a wild boar as a mount should have been a very funny picture, but looking at Dan, who was staggering and approaching, and the army behind him, I'm afraid no one across from him would think so.

"Good morning, how are you all?"

Dann stopped alone at a distance where any elf army could attack him with a bow and arrow, and said imposingly: "I have a small proposal, if you don't mind if I spend a little of your precious time, can you consider it yourself? get out"

At the end of the words, the voice turned sharp in vain, "Everyone! Get out now!"

The elves turned into a defensive formation under the order of Thranduil, and the so-called army of Long Lake Town, the mayor of Long Lake Town looked around with his small eyes, and after Dann finished speaking, he ran with people. .

Money, of course he wanted it, but before that he wanted to save his own life! Without the achievement of killing Smaug, Budd shined and won the support of the residents of Long Lake, and without Smaug destroying Long Lake The residents had no way out. Under the leadership of this mayor who was greedy for life and fear of death, the Battle of the Five Armies, which was destined to be recorded in the history of the entire Middle-earth world, took the initiative to retreat from the Long Lake Town from the very beginning.

There was nothing Gandalf could do to stop the soldiers of Longlake from leaving, let alone the battle between the elf and dwarven armies, even though he made it clear to both sides that the orc armies were coming.

Dwarves also have cavalry, although a little weird, sheep cavalry.

A passage was opened between the dwarf heavy infantry, hundreds of sheep cavalry rushed down from the hillside, and the archers of the elf army came to the front of the team, and at the moment when the sheep cavalry rushed down, the arrow rained into the sky and launched a covering attack on the dwarves.

Against the rain of arrows in the sky, the dwarves didn't even have any intention of evading. Behind the sheep cavalry, the war machines of the dwarves launched, and the arrows larger than the spears flew up. The giant umbrella with its bones opened, forming a defense without gaps with its own rotation, sweeping away all the arrows coming from the front, and then crashing into the elf army with unabated speed! The long-range attack of elves in the war of dwarves In front of the machine, it lost its meaning. Not only did the two rounds of arrow rain not cause any damage to the dwarves, but the dwarves lost most of their own archers due to the counterattack of the dwarves.

However, in a few breaths, the sheep cavalry slammed into the elf army, cutting open the elf defense line, and the heavy infantry immediately followed to make up the expanded front.

In the tragic battle, countless soldiers died every second. If there is no one to stop it, I am afraid it can only end in the annihilation of one side! The war started with dwarves and elves and battles, but with the army of orcs When the arrival changed, the horn of the orcs sounded at the top of the mountain, the earth snake dug up the rock to open the passage for the half-orc army, the dwarves and the elves stopped fighting at the same time, put aside their disputes, and fought against the orcs with all their might.

In front of the valley a few kilometers away from the Lonely Mountain, Ling Mo still doesn't know the battle that Changhu Town actually quit, but it doesn't matter, he will make up the last link in this war, representing the human side, filling the Changhu Lake The vacancy left by the town's exit.

He alone, if one considers the battle that is about to take place here, is an army.

Chapter [*] Destruction

"The Horn of the Orcs!"

The sound of the horn was very weak, but when the sound was caught in the wind, Tariel's face became: solemn, "The war has begun!"

"Dwarves and elves fight, and the strength of the orcs is just to persuade them"

, Ling Mo stood up, pointed in front of them and said, "This is the fastest way to the Lonely Mountain Battlefield, but it is also the best place to ambush the Warg troopers."

In front of them is a valley that spans a thousand meters. The Warg troopers are about to pass through here. What Ling Mo wants is not to defeat them, but to destroy them! The army of half-orcs is the strength of the half-orc leader Sasog. He doesn't even bother to fight dwarves and elves. He wants to swallow them all in one bite! "What can I do?"

Tariel asked.

"A stage without an audience is a pity"

,Ling Mo walked towards the exit of the valley: ,Leave Tariel there, "Witness this moment for me."

The Orc's horn sounded, and the Warg troops also heard it. When the sound came, they spontaneously drove the Warg to speed up and crashed into the valley, like a black torrent whizzing through the valley.

It's not that they can't choose a safer path, it's just that the distance will be longer, and it's meaningless. In their opinion, it is meaningless to ambush in front of strength. In such a short valley, their warg will only run a few times. All passed.

Even if there is an ambush, they have the confidence to swallow all the enemies who dare to ambush.

The Warg troopers who rushed in front had already seen Ling Mo's lonely figure. The appearance of the blocker surprised them, and what followed was ridiculous. What is this, is one person blocking their entire army? Front, at the end of the valley , Ling Mo walked slowly towards the oncoming Warg troop, no matter what.

What was the significance of the system letting him participate in the battle of the five armies, but what he saw now, finally gave him the opportunity to fight happily, and the battle in the valley was just the beginning.

One person versus one army, it's interesting to think about it, Ling Mo smiled and quickened his pace.

The leader of the Warg troopers thought it was a premeditated ambush for the first time. The one in front of him was just a bait, but the news from the soldiers around him made him feel even more absurd. There was really only one person here to launch an attack on them. charge.

The half-orc's already ugly face became even more ferocious, and the leader of the Warg troop raised his weapon and shouted, "Crush him!"

One person against one army, the distance between the two sides narrowed, and they collided with each other in a few breaths. Many of the Warg scouts didn't even raise their weapons. In their opinion, they didn't just need to rush past, this torrent was enough to crush them. Broken everything in front of them! At the moment when the two sides collided, the former wolf detectives shattered, yes, shattered, as if they had hit a wall at the fastest speed, no matter whether the wolves or the upper half orcs were all shattered , bloody, the thrown corpse smashed into the torrent behind him, causing a bloody spray.

The obstacles in the front did not affect the rear front. In fact, more orcs did not see what happened in front of them. Perhaps the orcs who witnessed the disaster wanted to escape, but more companions in the back were pushing. They had to keep on charging.

Ling Mo single-handedly opened up the Warg army

The team, surrounded by a layer of invisible repulsion, tried to ram him with himself orcs either deflected the direction and collided with his companions for no reason, or smashed himself into pieces! Long-range attack, from the one who shot The trajectories changed, and after throwing their weapons, many orcs realized that they were not aiming at the real target at all! Feng, suddenly became the enemy of the Warg army, and Ling Mo carved a blood-colored channel in the torrent of the Warg. , Everywhere he passed were mutilated corpses, but the Warg detectives on both sides did not almost whizz past him, and the air was compressed. When this compression broke through a certain limit, the wind formed by become countless invisible knives.

The blade made of air condensation hangs on the body of the Warg scout. It is impossible to see where the attack came from. The armor is cut open, and there are blood marks on the skin. cut neatly.

As if there were still Warg detectives who had the opportunity to overview the entire battlefield at this time, they would only feel that Ling Mo had become synonymous with death, and the charging Warg detectives fell in groups the moment they came into contact with him, as if the scythe of the god of death was indifferent. Harvest life.

Blood energy filled the air, and some orcs roared in despair. They gave up their last reason and rushed to Ling Mo. They desperately wanted to send the weapon to Ling Mo, even if it could make him hurt a little bit, but this one. It's just wishful thinking, from the beginning to the end, desperate to die just makes them die faster.

The Orcs in front had to charge, but the Orcs in the back began to spread out, instead of trying to surround them from the side, they tried their best to escape from here. For them, this valley is the hell that will bury them! One minute, maybe more Shorter, Ling Mo stood at the entrance of the valley, not even a trace of blood on his body.

When he turned around and looked over, the land of the valley was already covered with the corpses of Orcs and Worgs, and the blood that still retained the temperature was like soil, dyeing it black little by little.

Sporadic voices appeared in the valley. Among the corpses, several orcs whose bodies were stained with blood from themselves and their companions or their mounts stood up, the pain on their bodies was numb, and they stared blankly at the miserable situation around them, and their eyes were a little dull.

The worst nightmares are just that, these survivors, until now, can't believe that it all happened.

Ling Mo wiped off the blood on the long sword, and walked leisurely through the valley. He raised his right hand, clenched it a little bit, and his knuckles made a clicking sound, as if giving him a response. Exploding with an almost identical sound, crushed by an invisible force, the fragments pierce through their bodies, slowly and continuously depriving them of their lives.

When Ling Mo returned to the position where his charge started, there was only one orc left alive in the entire valley, the one who... shouted to crush him, the leader of the wolf army.

"Look now, who's the one that got crushed..."

Ling Mo lowered his head and looked down at the dying half-orc, the blade resting on his neck, "Aren't you going to meet up with Asog, I'll give you a ride."

The long sword was chopped off, and a head was held on the flat sword. Ling Mo said to the... frozen expression: "It's limited to your head."

Chapter [*] Dilemma

When Ling Mo annihilated the Warg Army, the Lonely Mountain War had already started in the most thorough way.

The dwarves and the elves let go of their contradictions, even without the command of the commanders of both sides, the soldiers on both sides stopped fighting, Ironfoot Dann didn't care what the elves would do, they were the ones who had a deep hatred with the orcs.

Thranduil glanced at Thorin, who was still trapped in the lonely mountain, and waved his hand indifferently. Behind the temporary defense line constructed by the dwarves at the fastest speed, the elf troops also began to gather.

Dwarves and elves were once steadfast allies, the combination of dwarves on defense and elves on offense was always a problem for their enemies.

Now, the most elite dwarves from the Iron Hills are building a line of defense right in front of the orcs, with their shields standing horizontally. If the orcs rushing out of the channel opened by the earth snake is a black torrent, then this dwarf line of defense is blocking The steel dam before the torrent! The moment before the torrent collided with the dam, the silent elf warriors jumped over the dwarf defense line as if they had practiced thousands of times, and rushed into the orcs with the war skills they had cultivated for thousands of years. In the middle of the night, the elves fought like an art and stopped the charge of the entire orc army, and then the dwarves withdrew their defenses, roaring and stabbing their lances at the orcs who turned their backs on them to fight the elves.

Farther in the rear, the archers left over from the previous battles launched long-range attacks. The half-orcs did not have the disgusting war machines of the dwarves. Facing the arrow rain from the elves, they were cleared in an instant! What's more scary is that , In the covering blow of the elves, none of the dwarves and elves within their attack range were accidentally injured.

Only when fighting side by side with elves do you realize how reliable their bows and arrows are.

The troops of dwarves and elves devoted themselves to the battle with the orcs unreservedly, and the hatred of the dwarves and the orcs made them pay the last drop of blood in this battle.

Elves, they are never afraid of death, elves with eternal life, death is just a return to the temple for them, and it is not the kind of symbolic meaning.

While the elf's arrow rain swept away a field of enemies, the dwarf's chariot was dispatched, and the chariot pulled by five argali rammed through the orcs. The ordinary orcs were in danger even if they approached, not to mention the chariots on the chariot. The crossbow continued to unleash short arrows capable of piercing through the Orcs.

The pale half-orc Asog immediately noticed the chariot ramming across the battlefield, and the dagger replaced by a blade pointed at the battlefield, "Destroy their war machine!"

The horn sounded, the semaphore behind Asog changed, and the giant beast among the orcs immediately.

Changing the target to attack the chariot, these giant beasts are like giant weapons belonging to the orcs. They have been domesticated by the orcs without fear of death, overturning the chariot, smashing the chariot, and even blocking the chariot by themselves.

On such a battlefield, he lost his speed and Yu lost his most powerful weapon.

Both dwarves and elves are more powerful than half-orcs in terms of individual combat power, but this time the number of half-orcs is too large, and they are almost ten of them.

Not to mention, before the Orcs arrived, they experienced a civil war in the eyes of attrition.

Most of the elf archers were killed by the dwarves at the beginning, and then the dwarves' sheep cavalry cut through the elves' defense line strongly, but in the face of the orderly defense of the elves, the sheep cavalry rushed into the interior of the elf army. Under siege, ten do not survive


Not to mention the dwarf infantry that was lost next, the war machine of the dwarves, the kind of crossbow equipment that made the elves disgusting enough, because of the difficulty of moving, they were left behind when the dwarves charged the elves, and the orcs came too fast and it was too late Relock the enemy.

Asog will not give them a chance to regain control of the war machine, only a small number of orcs will be required to behead the few dwarves guarding there, completely destroying their war machine.

Fortunately, the half-orcs did not understand and never thought of using those war machines, otherwise it would be another tragic blow to the combined army of dwarves and elves.

But even so, the dwarves and elves were in a very bad situation, very bad, and at first the fierce battle lasted only a short time, as the chariots were destroyed, and as more orcs entered the battle, they immediately.

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