Ling Mo lifts

He lifted his wrist, the wound had healed, only some blood remained, and he said, "This is the first gift I gave you. You will soon understand the meaning of this gift."

His blood is stronger than the blood of Alexander Kovennas, and it is too strong. This affects Serena. Maybe Serena will not realize how precious this gift is in a short time, but after all She would be amazed at the change in herself, a power she had never experienced before.

"do you know"

, Serena put down the red wine she hadn't had a sip from the beginning to the end, and let out a long sigh of relief, "After so many years of life, not only did I learn how to fight, but it also made me realize the truth that nothing is gained for nothing. There is a price to be paid for what you get, but sometimes you don't realize the price."

"The more you get, the more you give."

Those beautiful blue eyes looked directly at Ling Mo, "What am I going to pay?"

A mighty power, although not yet able to perceive it all, Serena has already felt the strengthening she has received.

The strength of strength, this is indeed what Serena needs, she will not hypocritically say what excuses for this.

Power is a tool to her, not a purpose, but in order to achieve her purpose, she must make the tool stronger and stronger.

Otherwise, why has Serena never stopped training herself for hundreds of years.

It's just hobbies and a sense of responsibility as a death walker. No kidding! Hatred, that's what drives Serena, she used to have a happy family until the werewolf took everything from her.

This is what Victor told her, she believed it, and her hatred of werewolves made her train tirelessly, vowing to wipe out the last werewolf in the world! "Why does it have to be a deal?"

Ling Mo leaned on the edge of the bar and said lightly, "I like you very much, in every way, so this is just a simple gift, just as your suitor sent you a bouquet of roses."

"I thought you would say hand over my body."

Serena made a joke, but then shook her head and said, "We all know this is not a rose."

"Well, I really want to make such a request, but I am confident that you can give me what you want without these chips."

Ling Mo smiled and said, "Just accept it with peace of mind. Even if I say I want to get your body, you can refuse."

"If I say, I won't refuse it"

Serena walked towards Ling Mo, "If I say, I don't want to refuse."

When she was almost in front of Ling Mo, Serena stopped and looked up at Ling Mo slightly.

Ling Mo responded to Serena's gaze, was silent for a moment, and said, "I will say, this is my honor."

Serena bowed her head slightly, but Ling Mo's reaction surprised her, her chin was lifted again, just like it had done many times before, but when she looked at Ling Mo again, what she saw was not desire, no desire at all.

"Why bother yourself?"

Ling Mo asked softly.

Serena smiled, but it had nothing to do with joy.

"Because this is the only price I can pay, I know you can do it, please help me."

Chapter [*] Women are fickle

"what would you like"


"I think my gift has given you the power of revenge."

"not enough"

For the first time, Serena showed her tiredness in front of others, that kind of...heart tiredness.

The object of her revenge is not the... werewolf who killed her family, she doesn't even know which werewolf did it.

It can only be transformed into, kill all werewolves, and make them completely a thing of the past! Serena said sadly: "I haven't stopped training myself to hunt down werewolves everywhere, look for every clue related to werewolves, and kill every werewolf. Enemy, day after day."

"Werewolves never seem to be killed, I kill one and soon find another.

I am a death walker, this is my everything, I used to think that when there are no enemies, no matter how good we are, we will be abandoned. I don't like this ending, but I look forward to this scene every day! "

"Today's discovery made me realise that my efforts were like a joke, werewolves weren't diminishing at all, they were just hiding in unimaginable numbers."

"They are like viruses. I can't imagine how to get rid of them. I only know to continue to hunt down werewolves and kill everyone I see, but does this make any sense!"

"And then, what did I gain!"

All the resentment that continued, all erupted on Serena's body at this moment. In front of Ling Mo, she no longer pretended to be strong, no longer the indifferent ignorance of all existence in the eyes of her family. She always understood that it was just that. Never said it.

"Deathwalker, this used to be a respectable title, we are the glory of the race and the best warriors!"

"Now we are outdated, we are just an antique in the eyes of our clan, our efforts are meaningless in their eyes, no, it is stupid."

"They're used to being comfortable and seeing me as an alien, and I'm equally alien to them because I find that I hardly know what to say to them, and they'll never like my subject because I'm only good at hunting werewolves."

"There are fewer and fewer death walkers, and my companions who fought side by side leave one by one, and the pursuit of werewolves has become: optional."

"Sadly, if my guesses are correct, I've received not just taunts, but betrayals."

"While I am trying to deal with the enemy, my kin, the kind I protect, are cooperating with the enemy!"

"I'm tired, really tired."

Serena smiled self-deprecatingly, took off her windbreaker and threw it on the ground, putting her hands behind her back to undo the leather armor outside the leather jacket.

The leather armor fell, losing this layer of cover, and the figure below was even more graceful.

"Before today, I thought I would succeed one day, but today, there is no hope of success in revenge."

Killing all the werewolves is very difficult, but what Sena saw was that the werewolves were getting fewer and fewer, she was getting closer and closer to the target, although it was still far away, at least she was getting closer. motivation to go down.

However, when she found that this goal became: out of reach, Serena began to feel confused, and all the exhaustion hit her at this moment, which had drowned her.

"Take this as a simple transaction, and I beg you to help me."

While speaking, Serena pulled down the zipper on the front of the leather jacket, a hint of determination flashed in her eyes.

"Your strength and the technology you have mastered are far beyond mine.

This is the only price I can pay, to help me complete my revenge, everything I have is yours, no matter body or soul, forever!"

Originally, Ling Mo planned to refuse, really.

Naturally, it wasn't that he suddenly changed jobs and prepared to become a saint, Liuxia Hui's kind of character was definitely not suitable for him.

It's just that Ling Mo realized that Serena's current mental state was a bit wrong.

Now, if you follow the trend, you can get Serena directly, but [*]% of you will regret it after you wake up, at least you will have regrets.

Sometimes it's not good to be strong. For a character like Serena, it's actually more effective to play hard-to-play.

However, Serena sunk Ling Mo with just one sentence.

"This is my first time"

, When it comes to such a topic, and it's really about to move on to the next step, even if she's already mentally prepared, Serena can't take it as an ordinary thing after all.

Her voice trembled slightly, and she paused, as if she was afraid that Ling Mo would reject her. It was also for this "deal" she insisted on.

Add the last chip, "Before this, no matter in the human period or after becoming a vampire, no opposite sex has ever gotten me. You are the first and will be the only one."

Before she finished speaking, Serena's hand was grabbed, and Serena looked up at Ling Mo suspiciously.

Then, I heard Ling Mo say: "Then I agree to this transaction, and let go, I prefer to do it myself."

Serena pouted to herself, sure enough, man.

Thinking like this, let go and hand over the initiative to Ling Mo

After an impressive night, the room finally quieted down. Ling Mo lay on the bar and pretended to be dead. Serena had already disappeared. The only thing left was the bloodstains and the two people before. The traces of a movement.

"Women are fickle. I don't know who said this first. It really makes sense."

Ling Mo's eyes swept across the bloodstains left by Serena, and he whispered to himself, "The same goes for female vampires."

When everything was over, after handing over the first time to Ling Mo, Serena left, or ran away.

So ah, Serena's mental state was really a bit wrong before, it was just the after-effects of her negative emotions, but when it was over, her mind became clear, and even Ling Mo could see the embarrassment that Serena was trying to hide.

It was clearly that she took the initiative to offer a deal, but she doesn't mention it now. Obviously, for Serena, who is sober, she prefers to rely on her own efforts to achieve the goal of revenge rather than relying on others.

Maybe in her opinion, what happened before is to repay Ling Mo for the strength she gave her.

However, Ling Mo was not disappointed because of this. This is the one he knew... Isn't it Serena? It's just this time, it's different after all. Serena doesn't know how to face the relationship between them. relationship, so that he chose to escape.

Serena will come back after all, Ling Mo is very confident about this.

And, ah, Serena has always wronged the target of revenge. Her enemy has never been a werewolf, but Victor, who she is going to ask for help immediately, who she regards as a father! dog.

: As usual, for the sake of life, this is an abridged chapter


Chapter [*]

Downstairs, Serena did not immediately.

Leaving and returning to the car, but not immediately.

Start the car and follow the wipers sloppily.

Her heart was in a mess, and it took Serena a long time to calm down her beating heart.

Back in the familiar car, Serena almost grabbed her hair and asked herself what she had done! Thinking about what she said before, and taking the initiative to give her body to the other party is her first Once, Serena cried out in pain, not knowing how to deal with Ling Mo next time.

The clothes on my body are already ready, but I was in a hurry when I left, and I didn't have time to clean it up. I could obviously feel something strange under the leather coat, especially in a certain position.

Seriously, the pain at the first time was insignificant to Serena, she was already used to being injured after countless battles, and even if she was hit by a shotgun at close range, she didn't bother to frown.

It's just that the meaning of this incident is too special for her.

For a while, he didn't know how to face Ling Mo, so he pretended to be indifferent to these expressions, and tried to escape as indifferently as possible.

Maybe it's a good way to turn your attention to the other side. Serena raised her head and started the car. The Corvinus blood family is facing internal and external troubles in their eyes. Most people don't realize it. They have to do order something.

The car started, Serena crossed with a van, Serena saw several figures jumping off the train through the rearview mirror, mechanical and indifferent, just like the short-lived impression she left on those liquid robots .

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